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Is there an wall charger for the N900 (or othnerwise compatible) that doesn't got the power brick part?

Before anyone nags, i know the brick does perform a needed function; what i was thing was having all the elements usually inside the powerbrick be inside a gradually tapering rubber that follows the cable, it would start about as thick as the plug and taper off as it goes, as much as possible of the components would be made of the more flexible equivalents, things that can't bend much would be placed in the thicker parts that wouldn't be as flexible as the thinner parts.
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I don't know if that specific solution exists, but over at DealExtreme they have some really tiny (and inexpensive, as always) USB chargers like this one :

I bought a couple in my last batch, they charge the N900 just fine, and together with a retractable USB cable they make for a very portable solution.
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I´m not sure what are you talking about but good old (some of them) N95 had this kind of power adapter:
and with that you can of course use:
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that one has the brick, slender...
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Posts: 820 | Thanked: 436 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Portsmouth, UK.
How about an iPhone USB wall charger with the n900 USB cable.
As for reducing the transformer, are you aware of the internals of said 'wall brick', or indeed what is actually happening?
You are transforming 240vAC to 5vDC. There has to be room for the coils!
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Originally Posted by James_Littler View Post
How about an iPhone USB wall charger with the n900 USB cable.
As for reducing the transformer, are you aware of the internals of said 'wall brick', or indeed what is actually happening?
You are transforming 240vAC to 5vDC. There has to be room for the coils!
Switching power supplies don't use transformers. There may be some small inductors, but they are not part of a transformer.
The Mini-USB plug is an improvement over both the Type B plug and the Micro-B plug.
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i may sound stupid here but i've re-read this a few times, and are you just asking if a charger exists that goes straight from the wall to the n900? without plugging in to the powerbrick then the phone? because i got one of them in the box with my phone. i must have misunderstood.
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What i mean is somthing redistributing the needed components, using flexible versions where possible, so isntead of having a brick with a cable comming out it looks like it's just a cable comming from the plug, the thickness would taper from the wall plug towards the charger plug making the transition from the brick/cable hybrid to pure cable seamless.
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Originally Posted by TiagoTiago View Post
What i mean is somthing redistributing the needed components, using flexible versions where possible, so isntead of having a brick with a cable comming out it looks like it's just a cable comming from the plug, the thickness would taper from the wall plug towards the charger plug making the transition from the brick/cable hybrid to pure cable seamless.
or have the transformer built into the plug like mine? i've just realised it may be because i'm in the uk with a 3plug setup for mains electricity. if this is the case why not buy a £1 (wherever you are) -> uk 3pin wall adaptor, and a uk charger?
sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its the only wit i have.

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He doesn't want it built into the plug, he wants it built into the cable. It seems like a bad idea from a design point of view (more expensive and less reliable), but if there is such a thing I'd be interested to see it.

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