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Lots of pictures.

Quick run to the conclusion:
GPSDrive would be fun for camping, off-roading, or long road trips but it's not meant for city navigation.
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I've been working with the iBlue receiver and the gpsdrive software myself. My conclusion is similar to thoughtfix's. The hardware works fine (though not as sensitive as prior reviews had indicated - I have an external antenna on order). The software, however, is in need of major work. With a boatload of modification, I got the script to download my area's google maps images (street maps, not satellite), but there is still not sense of turn-by-turn directions, and according to some newsgroup posts, there is no plan for turn-by-turn directions, since there is no open-source data.

Still, it's a lot of fun to watch yourself drive along the road on the map. If nothing else, you'll at least know what roads are around you.

And yeah, what's up with that wasted white space? I'm gonna hack at the code and see if I can remove not only that extra space but the map/menu/status tabs, which waste 15 pixels of the top part of the screen - I'll try relocating them to the menu.

And the +/- buttons on the Nokia 770 should be involved in some zooming (maybe map scale switching, I'll take a look...).
thoughtfix's Avatar
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It would be nice for someone like my boss who does a lot of offroading though. His handheld GPS does route tracking but it doesn't show topographical maps.

I didn't try topo maps yet - no need in this city!
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2006
I suppose the maps need to be downloaded onto the 770 before the start of your trip. Where will the maps be stored? on the MMC? cuz I think the maps will take quite a lot of memory.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Dec 2005
If you change the rfcomm channel number in the startuo scrip you can download maps as you need them.

The location of the maps is editable in gpsdrive. I have mine stored in a subdirectory on the MMC card.

__________________ - Google maps sized for the 770 @ 150% - scroll below the map for features - Google UK maps - Pan and Zoom only. - Random Nokia 770 notes.
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Originally Posted by mccake
I suppose the maps need to be downloaded onto the 770 before the start of your trip. Where will the maps be stored? on the MMC? cuz I think the maps will take quite a lot of memory.
The maps are stored in whatever format the nokia supports (.gif, .png, .jpeg, etc.). In my case (google street maps in PNG-8 format), each 1280x1024 map is between 273 bytes (all one color, like water or empty fields) and 200k (dense inner city). So, average map size depends on the street density of the area you want to cover.

As a real example, I currently have 195 maps on my device right now (on the included MMC), and they take up 28 megabytes. The 195 maps are sufficient to cover a rectangle on the order of magnitude of 10000 square kilometers of dense suburbia in google's 3rd-most-detailed scale (very readable, includes most street names, see google maps for an example). I'm currently waiting for my 1GB expansion card to arrive so that I can install the entire Washington/Baltimore area (including suburbs) in the same scale, which I downloaded yesterday, 2850 maps, about 250 MB. Then I'm going to be retrieving the rest of the U.S. in a higher (less detailed) scale. I don't plan on using the card for anything big (like music or movies), so I'll be dedicating it mostly to maps.

Topographical maps will probably use more space, since they compress less. The cvs version of gpsdrive includes a program to fetch all of the google satellite images in a specified area. I personally prefer the street maps, for both space and readability reasons (I like knowing which road I'm on). If I could get the hybrid maps on gpsdrive, that would be awesome, but I think it would require some overlaying of the street maps on top of the sat maps, perhaps with some alpha blending (like Google Maps/Earth does).
thoughtfix's Avatar
Posts: 832 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by Chainsaw76
If you change the rfcomm channel number in the startuo scrip you can download maps as you need them.

The location of the maps is editable in gpsdrive. I have mine stored in a subdirectory on the MMC card.

I got the channel changing to work on your advice, Chainsaw76, but didn't include that in this HOWTO. I figured it was running long enough
thoughtfix's Avatar
Posts: 832 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Phoenix, AZ
Even without street-level navigation, I still can't wait for the next, more polished version of GPSDrive on maemo.
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by thoughtfix
Even without street-level navigation, I still can't wait for the next, more polished version of GPSDrive on maemo.
In the meantime, you can use waypoints to simulate street-level navigation. I wrote a script to convert Google Maps Driving Directions to a gpsdrive-compatible waypoints file. Just give the script your source and destination, and it returns a text/plain that you can save as way.txt for gps-drive. The script is even named way.txt to avoid having to tap a name on your Nokia 770.

Use case is relatively simple: go to on your Nokia 770, tap in your source and destination (or select prior locations, if you have cookies enabled), then submit. A bunch of text numbers will appear. If they look sensical (e.g. lats and lons of magnitude less than 360), use "Save as..." and save to your desired location. To make this part easier, I save in the Documents directory and create a link from $HOME/.gpsdrive/way.txt to $HOME/MyDocs/.documents/way.txt, or you can just tell gpsdrive to look in your Documents directory. In any case, the next step is to start up gpsdrive and use the "Find..." button to create a Route from all the waypoints in way.txt.

Voila, instant super-accurate driving directions. Just follow the blue dotted line, it's even easier than printed Google Maps directions. Yes, there are a lot of generated waypoints, at the way, but at least the dotted line is smooth and accurate.
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2006
I'm really interested to get a gps device as I travel a lot around europe. However, before I get the iBlue device, is it possible for me to gpsdrive as a map reader? Seems that it's possible. However, I did try it out but I'm kinda lost by the setup as the application is not so smooth for now.

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