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Posts: 74 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ France
If it is of any use, here is my log. In my case, the n900 is getting a connection to the elm327 device.

libobd[INFO](obdcon_opendev:174): Connected to serial "/dev/rfcomm0"
libobd[INFO](obdchan_setup_channel:95): Trying ELM ...
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'AT|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> '?||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATZ|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> '||ELM327 v1.4||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATE0|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'ATE0|OK||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchanelm_setup:463): ELM echo disabled
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATL0|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchanelm_setup:473): ELM linefeed off
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATST 19|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATAT2|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> '0101|'
DEBUG [14:20:28.295275] trip.c:0155 - Saving trip data: (obd: 0 0) (gps: lat:0.000000 lon:0.000000
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> '41 01 00 00 00 00 ||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchan_setup_channel:97): ELM setup operation succeed!
INFO [14:20:30.580706] obd-thread.c:0469 - OBD device is ready
DEBUG [14:20:30.581042] obd-thread.c:0352 - STATE CHANGED: from 6 to 7
DEBUG [14:20:30.581225] obd-thread.c:0233 - unblock() called, reason: C
DEBUG [14:20:30.581438] obd-sched.c:0091 - Time scheduled pid: 13 is on the rlist. Ignoring
DEBUG [14:20:30.581591] obd-sched.c:0099 - Time scheduled pid 1 is not on the rlist, proceeding...


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Posts: 20 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by jlu View Post
libobd is packaged separate from carman. In scratchbox, you can download the source using "apt-get source libobd". This downloads and unpacks the source to libobd-0.7. The file that has to be modified is obd-chan-elm.c in libobd-0.7/src. You probably should also make a note to libobd-0.7/src/debian/changelog to distinguish your modified version.
Thanks Jlu.

Did you see the post by systemcrash. There is no extra command in his log and its successful.

Since I get CAN error, shall I assume that my ELM327 is faulty?

Posts: 20 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by systemcrash View Post
If it is of any use, here is my log. In my case, the n900 is getting a connection to the elm327 device.

libobd[INFO](obdcon_opendev:174): Connected to serial "/dev/rfcomm0"
libobd[INFO](obdchan_setup_channel:95): Trying ELM ...
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'AT|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> '?||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATZ|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> '||ELM327 v1.4||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATE0|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'ATE0|OK||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchanelm_setup:463): ELM echo disabled
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATL0|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchanelm_setup:473): ELM linefeed off
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATST 19|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATAT2|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> '0101|'
DEBUG [14:20:28.295275] trip.c:0155 - Saving trip data: (obd: 0 0) (gps: lat:0.000000 lon:0.000000
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> '41 01 00 00 00 00 ||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchan_setup_channel:97): ELM setup operation succeed!
INFO [14:20:30.580706] obd-thread.c:0469 - OBD device is ready
DEBUG [14:20:30.581042] obd-thread.c:0352 - STATE CHANGED: from 6 to 7
DEBUG [14:20:30.581225] obd-thread.c:0233 - unblock() called, reason: C
DEBUG [14:20:30.581438] obd-sched.c:0091 - Time scheduled pid: 13 is on the rlist. Ignoring
DEBUG [14:20:30.581591] obd-sched.c:0099 - Time scheduled pid 1 is not on the rlist, proceeding...

Thanks mate.

Now I am confused....I guess its my ELM327.

What you reckon?
Posts: 166 | Thanked: 106 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Finland
Originally Posted by makkan00 View Post
Thanks Jlu.

Did you see the post by systemcrash. There is no extra command in his log and its successful.

Since I get CAN error, shall I assume that my ELM327 is faulty?
No, most probably not (didn't you say it works with some other devices (laptop etc.)). Maybe systemcrash's car's obd works with the default protocol and yours doesn't. But according to the ELM327 documentation, you should set the protocol and that is missing in libobd's initialization sequence.

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Originally Posted by makkan00 View Post
and what error you get, did you check the log files?
I have different errors to you:
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> '0101|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'SEARCHING...|UNABLE TO CONNECT||>'
but I can usually connect every other time I try to do so except sometimes when I disconnect I see this in the logs:

  DEBUG [10:17:02.305572]bt-serial.c:0174 - disconnect_service(): address /dev/rfcomm0
  ERROR [10:17:02.306213] obd-thread.c:0309 - Problems removing bluetooth connection
and subsequently when I try to reconnect I see the disconnected message in Carman almost immediately and this in the log file:
  ERROR [10:17:06:607788]  bt-serial.c:0149 - DBus error: Port already in use
and when this happens so far I have only been able to fix things by restarting my N900.

I suspect the 1st problem (UNABLE TO CONNECT) and your problem (CAN ERROR) are related to ELM327 control messages, but the bluetooth connection itself is OK. The second problem (DBus error) is something to do with the bluetooth connection itself.

I've succesfully recompiled libobd with a few changes to the initialisation part; specifically:

Changed 'ATST 19' to 'ATST 00' (use default OBD/ELM timeout)
Changed 'ATAT2' to 'ATAT1' (default auto timeout algorithm)
Added 'ATSS' (use recommended OBD search sequence)
Added 'ATSP0' (search for OBD interface type)

Although this hasn't made any difference for me it may resolve your CAN_ERROR problem because I tell the ELM327 to use the recommended search sequence (ATSS) and to always search for OBD (ATSP0) I've sent you a pm if you want to try it out. If it stil doesn't help then I can add code to libobd to specify each OBD method individually... I already plan to make it try to connect a few times before giving up to see if that helps.

Hopefully someone (probably called 'jlu' ) will be able to give me a hint about the bluetooth DBus error message I get

Sophie x

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Just4pLeisure For This Useful Post:
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Thanks Sophie, am desperate to go home, edit the files and try it.
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Just4pLeisure View Post

I've succesfully recompiled libobd with a few changes to the initialisation part; specifically:

Changed 'ATST 19' to 'ATST 00' (use default OBD/ELM timeout)
Changed 'ATAT2' to 'ATAT1' (default auto timeout algorithm)
Added 'ATSS' (use recommended OBD search sequence)
Added 'ATSP0' (search for OBD interface type)

Although this hasn't made any difference for me it may resolve your CAN_ERROR problem because I tell the ELM327 to use the recommended search sequence (ATSS) and to always search for OBD (ATSP0) I've sent you a pm if you want to try it out. If it stil doesn't help then I can add code to libobd to specify each OBD method individually... I already plan to make it try to connect a few times before giving up to see if that helps.

Sophie x
Guess What

I really appreciate your help and devotion to work and I also admire the work of Jlu to point us in right direction....



your files worked like a magic. I could not believe on my eye....I was like this

On very first attempt it work.
Here is the log file readings.

DEBUG [19:32:54.477447] trip.c:0155 - Saving trip data: (obd: 0 0) (gps: lat:0.000000 lon:0.000000 alt:0.000000 d:0.035963)
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> '||ELM327 v1.4||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATE0|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'ATE0|OK||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchanelm_setup:464): ELM echo disabled
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATL0|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchanelm_setup:474): ELM linefeed off
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATST 00|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATAT1|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATSS|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> 'ATSP0|'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'OK||>'
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Sending to ELM -> '0101|'
DEBUG [19:32:57.481231] trip.c:0155 - Saving trip data: (obd: 0 0) (gps: lat:0.000000 lon:0.000000 alt:0.000000 d:0.035963)
libobd[RAW_DATA]: Recieved from ELM -> 'SEARCHING...|41 01 00 00 80 00 ||>'
libobd[INFO](obdchan_setup_channel:97): ELM setup operation succeed!
INFO [19:32:58.412750] obd-thread.c:0469 - OBD device is ready

I cant tell you how thankful I am to both of you for your help.
Sophie e-mail this to developers and ask them to add it to original application.

Again thanks to all of you and especially my heros Jlu and Sophie.
you made my day

The Following User Says Thank You to makkan00 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by makkan00 View Post
Guess What

I really appreciate your help and devotion to work and I also admire the work of Jlu to point us in right direction....


your files worked like a magic. I could not believe on my eye....I was like this

On very first attempt it work.

I cant tell you how thankful I am to both of you for your help.
Sophie e-mail this to developers and ask them to add it to original application.

Again thanks to all of you and especially my heros Jlu and Sophie.
you made my day
Many thanks for trying my changes to libobd and I'm pleased they worked for you . I've made a few more changes and I've almost fixed my problem where my Bluetooth OBD only connects every other time - I'd be most grateful to you if you could try this version out too in order to check that I haven't undone what I ddi to make it work for you (since I've also tried to do one or two things to hopefully make the Bluetooth OBD connection happen a little more quickly).

I've also emailed some of the developers mentioned in the libobd changelog file and the Maemo Garage to find out about uploading my changes - I've been invited to be a maintainer I've also been asked to submit my SSH and/or GPG/PGP keys which I didn't know I had and have no idea what they are or where to find them I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later and then everyone can look forward to me breaking their N900s when they get my updates

In the mean time if anyone else would like to try my version of libobd just send me a PM with your email address and I'll send it to you.

Originally Posted by alynsparkes View Post
Originally Posted by cevenn View Post
Is it possible to install other themes?

Yes, but it's a PITA.

My method:
1) On a PC, go to here.
2) Go into the two carman-theme-?? folders and download the .deb files to your PC.
3) Rename both .deb files to .tar.gz files.
4) Use 7-zip to open the files and keep going through the folder tree until you get to the ones in the themes folder - drag these onto your desktop (or wherever).
5) You should now have two folders, one called eclipse and one called offroad.

6) At this point methods vary, but you need to get the folders into \usr\share\carman\themes on your n900.

7) I copied the folders via usb onto MyDocs, then "sudo gainroot"ed, created the requisite folders in the \usr\share\carman\themes folder, and copied the contents of the two folders into there.
I will try to work out how to translate these for the N900 and also there is a way of saving some space using something called optify which I'll try too. Then when I understand how to maintain the maemo garage repository files I will upload them.

Sophie x

Last edited by Just4pLeisure; 2011-01-12 at 11:20.

The Following User Says Thank You to Just4pLeisure For This Useful Post:
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Just4pLeisure View Post
I've been invited to be a maintainer I've also been asked to submit my SSH and/or GPG/PGP

Sophie x
Welldone. you deserve it. Well please feel free to send me new files and will try it.

Anybody with diesel engine, can you please check your engine load?

Mine is constantly 100% even on idle.

Can somebody please explain what does it mean? Is my car faulty and what should I do in order to rectify it?


The Following User Says Thank You to makkan00 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 166 | Thanked: 106 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Finland
To Sophie: I'm sorry that I haven't replied about the dbus problems. I have been busy with work and also with the next version of fuelpad ( That said, I have to admit that dbus is not my thing.

I am very interested in your efforts, being a Saabist myself.

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