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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
*reading thru past comments*

I'd say let 3G video die its slow and painful death.

No new smartphone platform supports it. It's already a thing of the past.
Ysss, you have not been reading enough 'past comments' to realize that 3G video call is still very much needed in some countries. It's a rather basic phone function and I hope to get it soon. Thank you for your support and understanding

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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
Pymazon works, at least to some degree.
I am the last person to add to that thread, so am aware of Pymazon. We/I need programs that work, not kind of work. If they don't even install easily, for me they don't exist.

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colm.smyth's Avatar
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Proper Twitter Client with all features
Proper FourSquare Client

Would like another email client option, a proper one.
Would like New Ovi Maps
Would like Google Maps App

With these id be happy
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Originally Posted by stopgap View Post
A simple decent GUI compression utility to handle the common windows/unix (and maybe Mac) formats - at the very least just be able to open a ZIP file without having to go into a console window and type the command in! That'd do me!!
Not sure if anyone's already posted this, but i found 'unzip add-on for file manager' which works very well..

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Originally Posted by Joseph.skb View Post
Ysss, you have not been reading enough 'past comments' to realize that 3G video call is still very much needed in some countries. It's a rather basic phone function and I hope to get it soon. Thank you for your support and understanding
CMIIW, but beside Nokia, all other phone manufacturer's current (and announced future) line up of phones do not include the ability to do 3G video phones.

Android is getting to mid/high line up of the big manufacturers (Samsung, LG, Moto, etc) and Android doesn't have 3G video yet (nor in their roadmap), do they?
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I would like to see a decent finance manager like unto abp on the Psion 5 (or Nokia 9500) - see or for a feel of what it does. I've tried the Java version (jabp) on a desktop machine, but it never felt as good to use as the original...
Want to know how to add public holidays to your device calendar? See the instructions wiki page.

Want to improve the location bar's search capabilities? there's a wiki page for that too...

Last edited by TomJ; 2011-01-14 at 17:18.

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Originally Posted by lancewex View Post
We/I need programs that work, not kind of work. If they don't even install easily, for me they don't exist.
This thread is collecting application ideas for programmers. An application that works well on desktop Linux and somewhat works on Maemo is a better starting point for Maemo development than a blank editor window. It probably moves the production of a finished Maemo application within reach of someone who hasn't used Python before but wants to learn. Therefore, I feel pointing to Pymazon as an existing, somewhat functional solution is beneficial within this thread.
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1. Gravity for N900 (twitter client).
2. Layars (like they have on Android phones - that application is incredible).
3. SWYPE (because sometimes I don't want to use my keyboard).
4. Slingbox app for N900. I had it on my N94 and it was amazing.
5. Look-up-a-taxi / bus / train / tram etc - very useful application.
Take a look at what Bowen is up to on his Nokia N900.
So far I have 9 Desktops, OC=850MHz, Dual Boot=Nitdroid Gingerbread 2.3.1/PR1.3

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I need my phone for business purposes, so I'd prefer some real productivity applications:

1) A good encrypting password manager that would sync with Windows PC (yeah, I know).
2) A better calendar. The current calendar is really basic and doesn't have the feature set necessary for business use. For example I could really use some different views. I would actually pay for this.
3) A time tracker widget.
4) Remember the Milk widget. There is a simple python script to view the tasks, but I was never able to widgetize it. Add a simple field to create a todo-item and there you'd have it.

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image- , video- and audioeditors would be nice. something basic and lightweight editing options?

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applications, coding, competition, ideas, nokia n900

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