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I dont follow .. again, something I haven't tried .. :P

Where do I type in the command you mentioned ?

Also, the second link you gave simply downloads a TAR.GZ file which doesn't contain any GIT file .. so where is the GIT file coming for the first command ?

The Following User Says Thank You to ahmadka For This Useful Post:
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From here: :P

You have to install git before you can use it from command line, but I guess you are using Windows?

You should be able to pull the same source code from tar.gz. Just extract it somewhere and open file in Qt Creator and build the project.

The Following User Says Thank You to Diph For This Useful Post:
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Where can I get this 'git' tool for Windows ? It is even available for Windows ?

I did try download the TAR.GZ file, but there are files missing in it .. When I try to compile it, I get missing files errors .. These errors are reported whether I'm using MADDE to compile or Qt Creator .. This is why I asked you several posts back if you received any such errors ..

So is 'git' available for Windows .. ? Can you maybe send me the code you compiled from (maybe it contains the extra files) ?

The Following User Says Thank You to ahmadka For This Useful Post:
Posts: 180 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on May 2010
I guess the problem is with pkg-config as Wikiwide said earlier. The pro file looks like this:

CONFIG +=  link_pkgconfig qt mobility

PKGCONFIG += dbus-1 calendar-backend profile
Found a reported bug about the issue:

E: This should be fixed in Qt Creator 2.1. Maybe you should try it:

The Following User Says Thank You to Diph For This Useful Post:
Posts: 341 | Thanked: 57 times | Joined on Nov 2009
@Diph, dude thanks for all your help ..

But I'm not sure what you're asking me to do .. Should I change something in the PRO file ? Or are you suggesting I use a more recent Qt Creator ?

What about that 'git' tool you suggested earlier on ? Is that available for Windows ?

The Following User Says Thank You to ahmadka For This Useful Post:
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@Diph, is it possible if I can tell you to make a minor change in the code and then send me the DEB file for the changed code ?

I expect you would only need to edit 1 line of code at max ... There's actually a feature in this program that sets the profile (General, Sient, etc ..) based on the contact calling .. So for Person A the phone can be silent, while for Person B it can be General ..

When using the above feature you have to provide the phone number based on which you're setting the profile .. The bug is in the accepted phone number length .. it should be 10 digits long, but right not only 9 digits are accepted for this .. So I assume the code change required would be just changing a number or something ..

If you can send me the compiled N900 DEB for the changed code I'd be very grateful .. If you agree, I can look through the code and tell you where the change needs to be made ..

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Quick reply....
git is available for N900

The Following User Says Thank You to Wikiwide For This Useful Post:
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I can try it later today, but there might be some problems because I'm not at home and I'll have to use Windows PC. :P

In previous post I meant that you try the newer version of Qt Creator, because the bug should be fixed in that version.

The Following User Says Thank You to Diph For This Useful Post:
Posts: 180 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on May 2010
Ok, I tried the app with the latest Qt SDK (Qt and Nokia SDK's included) on Windows. Unfortunately I was unable to build the package, because there were still some dpkg errors.

Maybe you should ask someone else, because I don't know when I'm back home and with Linux.

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