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bonapart's Avatar
Posts: 565 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Nevinnomyssk
Snak3: type in x-term
mkdir -P /home/user/.config/Team16/psx4m/
and then try to run gui one's more ;-)
also you should tap title and select default config, looks like that no emu core was selected (between games/ and /home should be psx4m\psx4-gles or pcsx)

compatible list for pcsx-rearmed core :

Last edited by bonapart; 2011-01-25 at 13:24.
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ stockton
does pcsx-r use the same memory card files as psx4m and if so what directory does it look for them in cheers
also pcsx-r wont start when bios is selected just wonderin if thats just me an if i should try different bios renamed to sch1001
keep up the great work
bonapart's Avatar
Posts: 565 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Nevinnomyssk
stooobs; he use another memcards (in .pcsx directory)
i have no troubles with my copy of bios, so start psx4m-gui from x-term, activate pcsx-r+bios and run game, all errors from x-term publish here;-)
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ stockton
here the results
QString::arg: Argument missing: Disabled, 0
/opt/maemo/usr/games/pcsx -sputhreaded -bios -cdfile /home/user/MyDocs/psx/FinalFantasy7CD1.iso
Running PCSX Version 1.9 (Jan 24 2011).
Init new dynarec
Loading memory card ./.pcsx/memcards/
Loading memory card ./.pcsx/memcards/
plugin: /opt/maemo/usr/games/plugins/builtin_gpu
plugin: /opt/maemo/usr/games/plugins/builtin_spu
plugin: /opt/maemo/usr/games/plugins/builtin_pad
plugin: /opt/maemo/usr/games/plugins/builtin_pad
Plugins loaded.
Loaded CD Image: /home/user/MyDocs/psx/FinalFantasy7CD1.iso.

this 1 was a little different
Loaded CD Image: /home/user/MyDocs/psx/GRANTURISMO2_SIMULATION.bincould not open: /home/user/MyDocs/psx/D:\RIPPED MUSIC\GRANTURISMO2_SIMULATION.BIN
Track 01 (DATA) - Start 00:02:00, Length 00:00:00
Posts: 371 | Thanked: 252 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Awesome job, bonapart! PCSX Rearmed runs symphony of the night at great speeds @850 mhz. It's amazing to be able to play it on the go. It's just a shame that I couldn't get the sound working. Thanks for this. Runs amazingly well even without using the gpu.
Posts: 50 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Acidspunk View Post
Awesome job, bonapart! PCSX Rearmed runs symphony of the night at great speeds @850 mhz. It's amazing to be able to play it on the go. It's just a shame that I couldn't get the sound working. Thanks for this. Runs amazingly well even without using the gpu.
the sound works fine one have to unselect the sound option...just a bug but it works...bonapart is a legend ha
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ stockton
is any 1 else having trouble with the memorycards not being found with pcsx-r harvest moon crashes when i try to save
granturismo 2 cant find them
suikoden lets me save but but wont find the memory cards from the start screen to load the game
think i may reinstall tomorrow and see if bios and memory cards are still not working for me
Posts: 344 | Thanked: 73 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Can we use music/video stripped images with this? I like to use PocketISO 2.0 to remove all videos and audio tracks, it makes for much smaller image files. PocketISO uses a naming format of .ZNX files, and creates a paired .TABLE file that must be used with the reduced size image.

Sorry I don't know any more about it than that, but these smaller files do work on PC-based PSX emu's, and they also worked on PSX4ALL.

The problem is, I can't get PSX4m to see these ZNX files. Renaming themto their original BIN or IMG extension doesn't help. Anybody else have any experience with this? I like using these stripped images, though - they work well and make storage/transfer more efficient.
N900.... thick like computer
mthmob's Avatar
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Originally Posted by oldpmaguy View Post
Can we use music/video stripped images with this? I like to use PocketISO 2.0 to remove all videos and audio tracks, it makes for much smaller image files. PocketISO uses a naming format of .ZNX files, and creates a paired .TABLE file that must be used with the reduced size image.

Sorry I don't know any more about it than that, but these smaller files do work on PC-based PSX emu's, and they also worked on PSX4ALL.

The problem is, I can't get PSX4m to see these ZNX files. Renaming themto their original BIN or IMG extension doesn't help. Anybody else have any experience with this? I like using these stripped images, though - they work well and make storage/transfer more efficient.
Hmm i remember seeing stripped image files named iso/bin that worked with previous version of psx4all. havent tested such images on the new cores.
bonapart's Avatar
Posts: 565 | Thanked: 816 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Nevinnomyssk
updated all emus+gui (psx4m-gui 0.4-6.8 , psx4m-gles 0.4.5-5 , psx4m 0.4.5-5 ,pcsxrearmed_0.4.0.2)
more options, selectable bios and bios folder

new options:
xa Disables XA sound, which can sometimes improve performance
cdda Disable CD Audio for a performance boost(proper .cue/.bin dump is needed otherwise)
sio This should be enabled for certain memcards/gamepads
spuirq Compatibility tweak; should probably be left off
rcnt1 Parasite Eve 2, Vandal Hearts 1/2 Fix
rcnt2 InuYasha Sengoku Battle Fix
FSAA possible graphics improvement with hwa gpu

sound options also fixed by renaming to disabled =)

Last edited by bonapart; 2011-01-26 at 10:50.

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