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Viqsi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by xxxxts View Post
I found it strange because nearly everyone who sees me using my phone either out of boredom, browsing the web, playing games, or using my applications asks, "Where can I get that?" and I always respond, "Well, this phone requires a certain level of computer knowledge." Truthfully it does, if you have ever taken your computer to the GeekSquad to get it fixed the N900 is not for you. It is not a phone for everybody - however if you know how to use it properly (adding repos, symlinks, linux file system experence, etc.) then it is outstanding in most aspects and has plenty of applications that are MUCH better than the Fart app for the iPhone or Android.

I get a lot of people who enjoy showing off their phones to me, since I'm kind of the local geek. Nine times out of ten I can trump 'em with my N900, and then they ask where to get one, and I have to tell them "sorry, I don't recommend these all that often; it's very much a geek device; that's what makes it so awesome for me."

For most folks, I just point 'em in the direction of the iPhone. What they want is quick and easy but still useful tools, and that's what the iPhone provides. Sure, it's not as customizable or flexible... but that's not what many of these folks need or want.

(And yes, I've had particularly anal I-can't-enjoy-my-phone-unless-you-enjoy-it-too recruiter types turn around and suggest I get an iPhone and jailbreak it. They have no good answer for my two biggest issues: 1) I will go back to AT&T shortly after hell freezes over, and 2) no physical keyboard. )

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futtawuh's Avatar
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Originally Posted by zifis View Post
True story:

I was hanging out with friends at a cafe when someone asked what the song playing in the cafe was. My friend started shazam on his iphone 3Gs giving me a grin. A few seconds later he was trying to find a 3G signal as his wifi did not show the cafe's spot (don't know why) to get an ID on the song.

At the same time I connected to the cafe's free wifi, run instinctiv, found that it was monster magnet's "powertrip", downloaded the whole album with transmission at 750kb/s and tagged it with muss0rgsky.

I turned to my friend and asked "any luck yet"? He said "no there is no damn 3G signal in here nor a wifi spot".

And I said "well here's the song, the album cover etc. too bad I can't send it to you" and to his desperate disappointment I pointed my N900 screen at him and deleted the files...
Bwahaha, guess that shut him up.

Im the only one , of all the people I know to have an N900.
Every singel time I pull my N900 up from my pocket, someone asks me "what's that?`" , Nokia N900 I say. Then they shrug theyr shoulders and say " Meh, never hear of , must suck.".
Really makes me wanna punch theyr face in, but then they pull up the Iphone 3/4. then I feel sorry for them.

Anyhow, yes some apps are not the best(there are alot of great once too <3 )
I myself dont really care for "shotgun app" or "blow the candle app" I really dont see the point..
The N900 is for people thats not afraid to try something new, where Iphone users reach for the sky, we are already at the center of the universe. When I first got my n900, a year ago. I really didnt want to show my friends it. Since it was REALLY slow as stock. and theyr iphone didnt lag that much. But then I started reading up on the phone, and bumped into this site. And as I snapped my fingers, I had a 900mh/1gz ,some really nice tweaks to make it faster and smoother, and now I can run almost every phone of my friends to the ground.And now that ive learned how to really customize the N900, I have to show it to everyone. Thanks to this AWESOME community <3
I love my N900, and im sure as hell getting one more before its to late. (and yes i really cant stand Iphone )

Kind regards,
Nokia N900 @900MHz / ULV profile
Mugen Power 2400mAh battery
Maemo 5 v47 - Bleeding Edge

Alienware M15X
Razer Naga/Lycosa/Charcarias
Win7 - Ubuntu 10.10

Did I help you ? Then thank me ! --->

Last edited by futtawuh; 2011-02-02 at 15:10.

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Originally Posted by twigleaf1976 View Post
I feel as one that hates this turgid lump of black plastic and metal....
You are a typical Iphone user i would say. I don't want to be disrespectful or anything but it sure seams like you don't know how to use the n900. Sure some programs have bugs and does not work well but the majority do. If you know what you are doing the n900 would pretty much double as a computer. What the stock n900 has been missing the community pretty much have solved.

The problem you explained about Wagic is not a fault of the n900. The same problem exist on all platforms.. also Windows. It's mainly a problem of closed source. How do you do when you want to pirate anything on a windows machine?

The thing with open source is that it often needs time cause it lacks the money. Many of the apps are developed for free. It takes time before it is ready for extras.

So i would say that your hate is based on lack of understanding and ability to learn how to do it right. Which means an Iphone would probably better suite you needs.
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iPhone users have much money.
Their phone is not open for the future.
If there are new possibilities they buy a new iPhone 5/6/7/..99.

I've got still my n900.

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It's partially to do with the mindset, and the distinction between what people expect from a phone and what people expect from a computer/netbook.

I mean, if you bought a netbook, and then found that to look at facebook you had to open an app, and then to look at youtube videos you had to open another app, and the search results were different, so you couldn't find that funny monkey video you were watching at a friend's house, and then instead of messing about with fun little flash games that people had made by going to their website, you had to open up a shop app and pay £1 for each one, or even download for free and clutter up your ccomputer with loads of little pointless toys would you recommend it to anyone else?

Sometimes I feel like the world is losing its mind..

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Joseph.skb's Avatar
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Originally Posted by gerdich View Post
I don't use video calling.
But did you try this?
Yes, we have this preloaded with the N900. Only thing is that I don't have any other friends on Skype all the time and 3G video call would be a cheaper alternative than wifi (data service).
mthmob's Avatar
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lol.. i have around.. 6000 games on my n900. :P i would like to see that on iphone.. 6000 playable games... sure iphone has some "fun games"... but.. they are no more interresting then the facebook games... in other words.. time wasters. if i want to waste my time on a game.. the only game on iphone thats good enough to end up as a classic some day is angry birds..

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Either you have nfi or you have some obsession with increasing your post count.

i am tilting towards the former, as you seem to be somewhat polite

First up, please find ppl here on TMO who actually HATE maemo (OS) or the N900 (hardware) at the time of release.

Answer - not many, if any. Most here was euphoric.

Everyone here loved the concept of maemo and the n900, thats why they bought the damn thing.

What everyone here HATES is what NOKIA did AFTER the n900 was released - or rather didnt do. The n900 had such potential, but Nokia just didnt give a ****. When you piss off an ardent fan ... well they evangelise for the other team... duh.

So there are no N900 or Maemo Haters here - what we have are people who have been severely disappointed by Nokia, which is a different thing entirely.

Flame on !

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People who love the N900: Geeks/Hackers/People who are interested in their phones/People who understand hardware. (Oh, and me )
People who hate the N900: Non technological people/Iphone People (Please note that the past two go together )/ Non geeky people.
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Finland
I've couple of colleagues on IT-area with their Androids and iphones. There are so many things which cannot be done with those, but we haven't seen anything which couldn't be done with N900. N900 is so user friendly, with its great UI and You don't need to be a geek since applications and repositories are maintained pretty automatically. I was never before falling in love with any technical gadget, but I just love my N900 now.

When iphoners keeps promoting their closed system, I just smile happily inside wondering what if they would understand what is out here.. They just act like childs but let's give that freedom for them since they couldn't have freedom with their closed things.. =)

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blah blah blah, blah the end, criticismhearit, flamebait, popcorn time, quit happens, still blah blah, stop it, trollfest

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