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The interanal AC Adapter broke on my N810 and I was able to replace it myself within an hour. Do a search on ebay for the following part:

"Charger Jack Port Connector Repair Part for Nokia N95"

It is the same internal AC adapter that Nokia uses for most of their devices. It costs under 5.00, the one I got was shipped from Australia, arrived in about 10 days and still the total cost was under 10.00.

You can find the Nokia N800 & N810 "Service & Repair" Manual (believe it is called "N810_RX-44_SM_L1&2" and the N800 Manual is called an RX-34) online for free as a PDF Document that has step by step instructions with pictures and an exploded view. It walks you through the disassemby and reassembly of the device.

The piece itself is very small and it just slides into place, that is it, but to get to it you will need to remove 4 small "torx bit" screws. I purchased a "torx bit" screwdriver set (I think it was the T5 bit) for 6.00 at Home Depo.

I had tried to get some advice from Nokia on having it repaired and got a reply stating that I should contact a professional shop and that the cost may be more than the device was worth.

Trust me, it is not that hard to do.

So far e-bay has been a good source for parts, I also found a replacement stand for the N810 there very cheap. There are also USB chargers, car chargers, wall chargers, several different cases, batteries and universal cut to fit screen protectors.

I also found an external battery charger there specifically for the Nokia BP-4L Battery that is used in the N810, it was very cheap and charges the battery really fast, I now have three batteries and always carry a spare charged battery with me in my case.

I did not find an exact match for a stylus but there are some "universal" stylus options, some have little flash lights, some have laser pointers and there was one that is actually a small plastic "dongle" that you could tie to the stand or attach it another way (It is similar to the one that comes with the Sony Mylo 2 as its standard stylus).

I have seen some accessories here in the forums that look great, like the extended back plate and kit to fit an extra flash card, there is also the larger longer lasting battery and both of those look very promising.

One thing I would "LOVE" to see, is for someone to take the larger extended back plate, take an old cheap Nokia prepaid phone and set up a "SIM Card". Nothing fancy, just a basic GSM Sim Card that would take a T-Mobile Pre-Paid Sim card.

I have seen someone with a small generic net tablet with Android running on it that had something similar to this set up. I saw him in a Starbucks down around UC Irvine, looked like he may have been a computer major from the books he had with him.

He did not have anything like the custom back plate found here for the Flash Card. He simply had a small plasic cover over it that was smaller than a Motorolla Razor, he used an on screen dialer that looked like a skype dialpad or a google voice dial pad.

The way he described it I think he took the guts from a small cell phone, attached it to the back and made his own cover. He may have been using a blue tooth connection and tethered it to the device, or he may have had it hard wired under the plastic cover. I only talked to him for a minute and I haven't seen him since, now I wish I would have had him explain it to me so I could try it.

If someone here could put together a small kit like that and get the word out in the forums I am sure it would sell, I would certainly buy one. Actually I have two N810 and an N800 so I would buy a couple of those kits if someone would make them.

Last edited by morr22066; 2010-06-06 at 00:41.

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Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ Toronto
@morr22066: thanks for the hints!

I just bought a used n810 and have found the charger jack is unreliable.

I downloaded the service manual (thanks for the pointer). The process of replacing the jack looks intricate.

Removing the jack is step 21 in the disassembly process. Can some of the earlier steps be skipped?

Besides the Torx screwdriver, what other tools did you use? Did you have an SS-93 as used in disassembly steps 4, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 25, 29, and 31?

Each screw that you remove is supposed to be discarded and replaced with new ones. Any idea why? Did you do that? Where would you get those screws?
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by Hugh View Post
@morr22066: thanks for the hints!

I just bought a used n810 and have found the charger jack is unreliable.

I downloaded the service manual (thanks for the pointer). The process of replacing the jack looks intricate.

Removing the jack is step 21 in the disassembly process. Can some of the earlier steps be skipped?

Besides the Torx screwdriver, what other tools did you use? Did you have an SS-93 as used in disassembly steps 4, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 25, 29, and 31?

Each screw that you remove is supposed to be discarded and replaced with new ones. Any idea why? Did you do that? Where would you get those screws?

I just tried downloading the service manual and it asked for a password for the zipped file. Could you send me a copy of the one you downloaded please.

Thanks in advance
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ Toronto
Originally Posted by brianctr23 View Post
I just tried downloading the service manual and it asked for a password for the zipped file. Could you send me a copy of the one you downloaded please.

Thanks in advance
The site I found with google offered a locked RAR file (not a zip file). But the download page also said what the password was, so I used that.

BTW, unrar is hard to find for Fedora Linux (my desktop's OS) since the unrar license isn't appropriate. rpmfusion has it.
Posts: 842 | Thanked: 1,197 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by Hugh View Post
Each screw that you remove is supposed to be discarded and replaced with new ones. Any idea why? Did you do that? Where would you get those screws?
A lot of laptops say this also.
Its because they put some sort of threadlock, typically blue, on the screws to prevent them coming out.
You can just use the old screws, no issues. If you find a screw starts getting loose on you, get some threadlock and put some of that on the screw to keep it in.
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 566 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Romania
I have n810 with broken dc connector and i find one in my N900 CA146 adapter .This adapter is useless for n900 because melting probability and i don't want to burn my house.
So disassemble this adapter and you will find n810 dc connector inside CA146
Posts: 100 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Hillsboro, Nh.
Anyone got a link to download this:
"Service & Repair" Manual (believe it is called "N810_RX-44_SM_L1&2
Done extensive google searches, also of the USA and Europe Nokia sites, and can't find it.
Would also be interested in the same manual for the n800, as I have both devices.
Many thanks
n810 and n800, flashed with Diablo.
Also own a Sharp Zaurus sl-c3100 and sl-c1000, flashed with Cacko "heavy"[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Also a sl-5500, with the TKrom.
An iPod Touch 4th gen rides in my pocket too.
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Bit of an old thread but maybe posting links to copyrighted material is not allowed.

A google search of "N800_RX-34_SM_L1&2.rar" definitely gave me direct links to the manuals. N810 are there as well.

770, charging jack, charging port, dc jack, dc port, jack, n800, n810, n810 wimax edition, nokia 770, nokia n800, nokia n810, nokia n810 wimax edition, part, port, power jack, power port, repair, replacement part

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