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I had a reflash yesterday, and didn't installed Python yet. I now installed Python 2.5 but still nothing happens
Tiboric's Avatar
Posts: 433 | Thanked: 312 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ U.K
so what happens exactly when you click the icon?

It should:

1. launch xterm,
2. then it should say 'Desktop sms shortcut creator'
3. 'name:' than waits for your input
4. then say 'Enter phone number' then waits for your input
5. it will then close and you'll have a new shortcut in your app menu that you can also place on your desktop.

what happens too with your device?
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Feb 2011
It opens X-term
In X-term only displayed is: Password:
When tab enter X-term closed, when type letters X-term closed, when type numbers i got the message Sorry try again.

Is it possible i miss another application which is needed, as told i reflashed my N900, and i don't have a lot of applications installed
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Posts: 433 | Thanked: 312 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ U.K
can you do me a favour and type
'sudo python /opt/shortcutmkr/' into a new xterm window,

and then try 'sudo gainroot' enter
then 'python /opt/shortcutmkr/'
if that doesn't work

Edit: so is anyone else having trouble getting this running or is it just Kershaw?

Last edited by Tiboric; 2011-02-08 at 00:43.
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If you have rootsh installed, your system may to ask you for a password when you run sudo [command]. Some N900s don't do this, some do - it depends on some system settings of other... I never bothered tracking it down, though it's a known issue. This is what explains the previous page's "text doesn't appear when I type password" issue - when you get password prompts in X-Term, it just doesn't show you typed anything. It DOES, however, register all your key presses, so just carefully type your password as normal. If you don't know your password, from X-Term, type:

sudo gainroot
passwd user [password you want to use when you use "sudo"]
Because of this, I recommend that you instead add your applications to the sudoers file (don't ask me how I don't know, I just know what doing so would do), and let it run commands that way. OR just have it "sudo gainroot" (only once have I read of that asking for a password on the N900) - and run all your other commands without "sudo".

I can't help on the Qt side of things though. I know a broad range of topics on this forum, only Python marginally well enough to code in it... sorta.
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I thought this was all sorted in the latest version of rootsh.. dam
guessed it was privileges but thought maybe rootsh just wasn't installed

Theres only a few commands to the whole script and it only needs rights so it can write the .desktop file, does anyone know how to gainroot half way through a script? as Mentalist Traceur has suggested? or should i play around with peoples suders file?
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Originally Posted by Swimm12984 View Post
is there a similar variation on this code for phonecalls, emails, etc? And how do you embed an icon for such a shortcut?
I'm also interested in a phone call version. Tried several variations, but since I'm totally unfamiliar with Python, I could not get it to word.
Nicolai, any hints?
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well try
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/CallUI string:"999999999"
where 999999999 is put your number
Thanks go to nicolai

Hope that works as I haven't had time to test I'm learning QT + python and doing work at the moment

Last edited by Tiboric; 2011-02-09 at 15:53.

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not well tested, but worth a try:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=phone short cut
Exec=python -c 'import dbus; print dbus.Bus().call_blocking("org.freedesktop.Telepathy.AccountManager","/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Account/ring/tel/ring", "","Create","a{sv}ts", ({"org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.TargetHandleType":dbus.UInt32(1),"org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.TargetID":"000000000","org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.ChannelType":"org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamedMedia"},0,""))'
Replace 000000000 with the receivers phone number

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Thanks nicolai,

That'll be useful when I eventually finish all these tutorials and I can write a UI for Shortcutmaker.

P.S the Sms one you posted is really useful I'm using all the time for writing my txt's.

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