I wrote this yesterday intending to update it with pictures and schematics today but real life has reared its ugly head and I have got to make an unplanned trip to LA to fix some hardware at a customer site.
Enjoy. I'll answer questions as I have time. It's pretty straightforward. You take a 4 port powered hub and steal power from one of the outputs to power the USB chipset on the N770. A friend who is handy with a soldering iron built it in less than 30 minutes from spare cables I had laying around.
Using a full size keyboard is nice but I need to figure out how to get it to recognize the keystrokes as input and to not timeout the screen while I am typing.
So in the mean time:
Enjoy. I'll answer questions as I have time. It's pretty straightforward. You take a 4 port powered hub and steal power from one of the outputs to power the USB chipset on the N770. A friend who is handy with a soldering iron built it in less than 30 minutes from spare cables I had laying around.
Using a full size keyboard is nice but I need to figure out how to get it to recognize the keystrokes as input and to not timeout the screen while I am typing.