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nobody knows the sales numbers of Windows Phone 7 either, Microsoft never released them.
All we know is they sold 2 million licenses to device makers, we have no idea how many devices ended up on shelves or even moved off them into the consumers hands. so Knowing Maemo5 figures would help nothing to use in comparison any way.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post

My point is that people are comparing sales of WP7 or other platforms without really having anything to compare to in regards to Maemo 5.
So, why do you not simply state your point instead of asking questions that can't be answered?
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Discussion and reality are entirely different when it comes to Nokia and if you look at the growing trend they are setting it is obvious the N900 did not meet their expectations and that is the reason they chop and change with idea's.
Nokia are only interested in one thing only and that is making money, the customer comes last in there eyes sadly to say, otherwise we would have Meego already on the N900.

Dont need to know how many sold as all we need to know in reality is what OS will be available outside of Maemo.

Meego WP7/Android are all eventually going to be available for the N900 at some stage in time so i guess the hardest bit is the waiting, as for Nokia as a company they suck BIG time and now i listen to NOTHING QGIL has to say because he talks with empty promises and hopes, may not be his fault but Nokia are on a hell bent trail to domineer the market... sadly to our expense !.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
My point is that people are comparing sales of WP7 or other platforms without really having anything to compare to in regards to Maemo 5.
err shouldn't you compare similar specced pieces of software? that would automatically drop maemo 5 and you'd need to compare wp7 to symbian or speculatively to meego....

iPhone4 outsold aava!!!
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Originally Posted by NvyUs View Post
Towards the End Samsung and SE was putting out S60 devices with miles better specs but still lost to Nokias average spec'd devices like N96 & N97.
Probably too little too late. Whilst Samsung and SE had been flaunting their promiscuity by flirting with MS, Nokia had been making a lot of extras apps that they bundle with their S60vX phones. For me at least these bundled apps (and other free apps that you can download nokialabs) makes the difference between choosing a Nokia Symbian and some other Symbian phone. And whilst they may have had nice hardware both the SE Satio and the Samsung i8910 HD had "issues" which prevented them from working to their full potential. By the time some of these issues were resolved the market had moved on.
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I think some people are putting way too much into this. Nokia cannot abandon Symbian and MeeGo just like that. They cannot make a WP7 phone overnight.

Nokia most certainly have a dual core A9 ready, but at the moment the only OS ready for shipping on it is WP7 (in addition to Android, maybe). Symbian needs some work on that device and MeeGo needs lots of work. Question is - what is MS willing to pay and do for Nokia to sell it with WP7.
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i have some news MeeGo announcement incoming stay tuned
from the same source who gave me the info about the Maemo/Moblin merger i leaked in link below before, the Media had no leads on that and i broke it hours before press conference.

Last edited by NvyUs; 2011-02-11 at 06:09.

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Originally Posted by qole View Post
I agree with Ahonen: The memo is a hoax.
Ahonen *may* be right as well as wrong, but many of his points were extremely selectively nitpicky.

The problem with the "burning platform memo" is that it *sounds* legit. Remember that in the media perception equals reality, and the world's mainstream media ran with this memo.

Broadcasters like the BBC are believed to try and verify "news" before it comes out of the megaphone every half hour... and in that case the Nokia HQ would have easily said "it's a hoax".

We, the good Maem^^eeGo people *know* that the platform has been burning for some time. Now the masses and businesses worldwide "know" the same thing.

Whatever Nokia announces at the "Capital Market Day" (or wtf ever obscure happening they chose for this presumably upcoming announcement) won't do much to repair the damage caused - some would say deservedly - to Nokia's image as a mobile communications leader.

I haven't spent much time here recently trying to keep up with every knife-twisting turn (or lack thereof) but having followed Maemo since the pioneering 770 tablet came out and then lurked and eventually joined this forum when I finally managed to buy the N800 and having seen Nokia ignore so many blindingly obvious suggestions and observations by our trend-setting group of willing guinea-pigs... how the **** did they manage to squander all that headstart away!?

PS. Over the years I've had direct communications with a number of managers (as a small fry with grassroots perspective), some in companies bigger than Nokia in their heyday, and I've never been so totally ignored than by the Nokia/Maemo people, despite having spent record time building a solid case.

Finland's famous flat hierarchies apparently don't apply at Nokia!...

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Originally Posted by cBeam View Post
I'm not sure where you want to go with your question. But I assume that you know that Nokia never released sales numbers for the N900 to the public. The only people able to answer your question would be Nokia insiders.

28 May, 2010 LONDON: Nokia sold less than 100,000 top-of-the-range N900 smartphones in its first five months on the market, researcher Gartner said, indicating it has yet to mount a serious challenge to the iPhone and Blackberry.

The chunky computer-like handset -- with slide-out keyboard and a touch screen -- has found support among hard-core technology specialists but failed to attract a wider audience.
So maybe 250,000 units to date... (probably less)

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Originally Posted by Hintry View Post

So maybe 250,000 units to date... (probably less)
Worldwide? That's kinda sad.. it deserved far more than what Nokia and the community did for it

bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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