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Originally Posted by Larza View Post
This is so sad. N900 is also my last Nokia phone (most likely). Anyway my next phone will have MeeGo and it doesn't matter so much who's the manufacturer. I just hope that I don't have to make sacrifices hardwarewise because of this. Nokia has always made phones that suits my needs almost perfectly.
LMAO! so what manufactor will go the Meego train now? Intel I dont think soo... They only release prototypes...
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Originally Posted by jsa View Post
They essentially gave up all their chances to build something unique. Good luck differentiating on "imaging" then. Merging Ovi Store with MS Marketplace? I think they pissed in their pants for warmth.
Yes, the latest press release says that collaboration also includes Xbox live, Bing and so on.

Nokia really is the next Dell. Such a shame. Century and half of tradition in excellence wasted. Only a logo from now on.

Rest in peace.

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i actually don't think killing Maemo is the dumbest mistake.

Maemo's problem is the lack of an eco-system. there is Ovi store and then there are the handful of popoular repositories. but where is the flurry of commercial software that makes $$$ for developers? without $$ in the eco-system, it will never get big enough to justify additional investment to grow the platform. therefore, killing it is the best thing to do to limit your losses.

as emotional as i'd like to be, you have to look at this from the other perspective. with hindsight, we can be 100% correct. for now, everything is a risk and a gamble.

good luck Nokia.
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One thing Microsoft won't allow is the use of SD cards on mobile devices.. well at least not with any manufacturers so far. It will be interesting so see where Nokia stand on this in hardware terms.
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Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
Are you ******ed? Do you remember vista?

**** this

**** THIS.




Right, and do you remember Maemo? Now with THAT I was pissed. So calm down bro...
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Wellllll.. Nokia was in crisis and now he even make it more in crisis.. Nokia.. I just lost all my hope on you.. you are suppose to go ahead with Meego and now you are saying, you would work along with Windows.... Come on...... It just a big fail
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Originally Posted by zimon View Post
I guess my next phone will be Android then. Does HTC have anything new coming?
are you SERIOUS?????? htc is like the arrogant bastard of the smartphone / hw manufacturer world.

they make the WORST hardware i have ever used (and i've used quite a few). most of the devices i've had have had a mean time failure of about 2 years. i hate HTC.

i will stay on the N900 for as long as possible (spare parts availability) and then decide where to move next. but no iOS for me, that's for sure.

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geez, need to confirm if it is f***ing doable...

regarding the late subjects and threads debated on TMO, a friend of mine, working at Nokia Romania, someone i trust 50%, said to me few minutes ago, that in fact through this partnership (Nokia - Windows/Microsoft) Nokia passes the Maemo/Meego to the engineers of Microsoft, thus Microsoft is to shift WP7 to Maemo/Meego for the mobile platforms.

well, if so, sh*t is about to break lose. iOs and Android will be history...

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This is popcorn thread if i ever seeen one hahaha.

bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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