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Originally Posted by m.r.a.haak View Post
Nokia partners with MS.

1) Piss off the whole TMO
2) Kill 50% of the future for meego
3) Nokia Shares plummet by over 13% as we speak
4) Ehrm.. Why did Elop become CEO again? Owh wait he was former
MS employee. Hrmm.. I wonder.
5) Results from polls on TMO : More than 80 % would never buy a
phone with wp7.

Conclusion? My goldfish has a higher IQ than the board of Nokia alltogether.
Your goldfish resents the implication

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Now down 14,09% in Helsinki.

Way to go Flop.
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Originally Posted by Maharadja View Post
If Mac osX was used as much as windows was it will also need antivir 'n stuff(and that will also eat some cpu)
This is the most played out and most stupid comparison ever, please stop regurgitating this idiocy. The fact of the matter is, OS X and *nix are more secure in nature. The user/administrator can see everything that is going on "behind the scenes" of these OSes so infecting them is much harder to do than to an OS that hides all of that from the user/administrator. Users of these OSes tend to be more computer saavy as well, so they are less likely to click OK every time they see a requester pop up. There are viruses for the other platforms out there, they just don't get infected as easily.
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I only know one person who ever bought a WP7 phone and returned it after 1 day because it (the OS) was not as good as his old Blackberry... now he has a Dell Streak and loves it.
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Originally Posted by zimon View Post
It would have cost less to license Alien Dalvik to every Meego phone, than it will now cost Nokia to buy WP7 license to every phone.

With Meego, Nokia would really had been different from all the others. And yes, Android has 2 years ahead start. But with Alien Dalvik most of those Android-apps would had worked in Nokia Meego phone and the Meego phones would had immediately be ahead of Android-phones.

I just do not get it. Really bad decision. Even stock markets do not believe in WP7, because also MSFT stock is down.
Maybe Myriad could contact Nokia and make an offer (that good) they cannot refuse?
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Originally Posted by sponka View Post
After reading this it looks (to me) that current Nokia "management" rather fu** off whole world just to satisfy US market ...
Except the US market doesn't give a s**t about Windows Phone either.
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Originally Posted by sponka View Post
New logo ... probably just awaiting approval:
I think this is much more appropriate:
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the partnership as now won me over at least we'll now be guaranteed a finished product in terms of software with good services.
MeeGo is history
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Originally Posted by sponka View Post
After reading this it looks (to me) that current Nokia "management" rather fu** off whole world just to satisfy US market ...
Well is like Xbox-ps3, people thinks that US market is the king and the rest of the world don't care.

I know the "american culture" is expand a lot in the rest of the world but that doesn't mean that everything that success there is going to success in the rest of the world.

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bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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