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The Ant and the Tadpole

Ant was becoming restless and needed a friend to play with. He looked into the pond and saw Tadpole swimming around, and thought, he's no fun. So he called his mate from the old tree stump, Beetle. They had been friends a while ago and enjoyed playing in the rotting tree stump, before Ant moved to the pond.
When Beetle finally arrived, they both decided it was time to drag Tadpole out of the pond. Ant bit Tadpole and really hurt him, then both Beetle and Ant picked Tadpole up and threw him into the grass behind them.
Ant and Beetle laughed and played together, on their own.
Tadpole was not dead. But he was badly hurt, and unfortunately, would never grow up to be a frog.

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Just wondering:

In this article you can read a lot about previous strategic partnerships Microsoft established... None of them seems to have been successful.

OTOH, Nokia proudly presented it's Qt/Symbian/MeeGo strategy not long ago. Only to change it again yesterday.

So what already happened in the past is:
a) Strategic partnerships with MS fail
b) Nokia changes its "long term strategy" fast and unexpectedly

Is there anything in this NoWin-deal that would make it different from either previous MS-deals or previous "long-term-strategies"? Can we seriously hope to see both Flop and NoWin gone again by 2013? Or do we have indications that this time it's different, this time the long-term-strategy will really be long-term?

I'm not asking what you'd hope for. I'd be interested in what people with some experience would think is more likely.

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Originally Posted by longcat View Post
everyone ctrl z or gtfo
Too late for CTRL+Z. The only remaining option is CTRL+ALT+DELETE.
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wtf are ppl saying persecute Elop

The board invited him in - blame the Nokia board instead

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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
it's not a smartphone UI because it's not a smartphone.
It's almost dumb. It doesn't even has a software to support the hardware flash to get it working like a flashlight due to it's API limitation. It can't support any external video and audio codecs. It can't accept any external unsigned packages. It doesn't even have multitasking. There is only one thing that make it looks like a smartphone.And it is the very strong jailer that prevents us even from copying and pasting inside our phone.
Just my opinion.
Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
Just wondering:

In this article you can read a lot about previous strategic partnerships Microsoft established... None of them seems to have been successful.
I didn't see the Samsung and HTC there. The original MS minions developing windows mobile based phone from long ago.

Last edited by govprog; 2011-02-12 at 15:02.

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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
In this article you can read a lot about previous strategic partnerships Microsoft established... None of them seems to have been successful.
Clearly the Nokia board was both desperate and blinded by M$ dollars and paid no attention to any of that. Probably never even checked into it. Might've stayed with MeeGo if they had.

Is there anything in this NoWin-deal that would make it different from either previous MS-deals or previous "long-term-strategies"? Can we seriously hope to see both Flop and NoWin gone again by 2013? Or do we have indications that this time it's different, this time the long-term-strategy will really be long-term?
Well, you have 2 huge, powerful, cash-rich companies teaming up in a last-ditch effort to stay relevant in the mobile 21st century world. What's different now is both know that unlike prior efforts if this fails they may never get another shot. M$ in particular is nothing if not relentless, and has the cash to do whatever it takes to make WP7 a player. Like search and gaming, they can and will pour money into this until it gets traction.

There will be no more changing strategy or direction, just cash-backed dogged determination. M$ probably also put heavy fines against Nokia in the 'partnership' contract for early termination of the deal. Nokia is 'all in' with M$ now and likely not wearing protection.
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Step 5 of 5

Last edited by kureyon; 2011-02-12 at 15:03.

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This one made me LOL when I saw it at the shop. Tabloids today:
"Beginning of the End"
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Patience : [*****-----] Weapon(s): N900, N950, Metal music
Agro ... : [----------] Relic(s) : N95, NGage, Tamyia Wild One

Try Tweed Suit for your hardcore twittering needs
I like my coffee black, like my metal.

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You know, the only difference between "Flop" and "Elop" is one horizontal bar. And Ballmer took back that one yesterday. I guess that was probably an IP issue and the bar on the fronthead belongs to the company from Redmond.

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Nokia said it expects 2011 and 2012 to be “transition years.” In the long term, it targets an adjusted operating margin at the device division of at least 10%. It was just above 11% in the latest quarter. Meanwhile, gross margins will decline as a result of the royalty payments to Microsoft (MSFT 27.25, -0.25, -0.91%) .


So... nokia pays out royalty payments for ms products, and elop which we already found out as a major stakeholder gains profit LOL LOL LOL LOL

can i call this nokiagate ?

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bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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