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Originally Posted by Grench View Post
A note for the hyjack portion of the thread...

I loved OS/2. I don't think it failed for windows emulation though.
I had the immediatey-before-warp release, and the warp release. It was better than Windows 3.x. That's about all I can say.

Warp had one of the -best- user interfaces ever. RIP.
I didn't really like it. What it had going for it was actual integration between the OS and the TCP/IP interface (which windows 3.x didn't). That gave it some sophistication and ease of use, for using the net, that Windows just didn't have, until Win95. Other than that, OS/2 never impressed me on any level.

Nextstep had a MUCH better UI. I could even run various windows apps on it (via SoftPC), as long as they weren't speed intensive (so, everything except games). Though, as various native apps became available, I'd stop using the windows equivalent ones (ex: the lighthouse suite of apps made me not need to use Word/Excel anymore).

And, once Win95 came out, there wasn't any more reason for me to use OS/2. Win95 was good enough for basic net connectivity, and ran more games (and usually ran them better) than OS/2. And that was really all I needed from that side of my hard drive. Everything else I'd do in Nextstep. Eventually I just gave my OS/2 partition over to more space for games for Windows.
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Originally Posted by jmancine View Post
Yes, the software seems nice and runs well, but why so much energy into making old palm apps run in an emulator window on the nseries?

I'd rather see that energy go into developing/porting great apps for maemo.

I just don't get it, I guess. If I wanted or needed my old palm apps, I would be using my palm.
Well, realize that this is actually part of ACCESS's ACCESS Linux Platform. They developed it to be part of a new Linux-based Palm OS (which is different from Palm's efforts to make a Linux-based Palm OS). ALP is built on GTK (among other things) and designed to run on ARM processors, so they probably didn't expend much energy packaging it into a DEB file.
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Originally Posted by harknell View Post
Does anyone know which palm hardware this emulator most resembles? In some cases you need to get the software version for a particular palm hardware version for it to work best--just curious to know which hardware would match up to this best.
None. This is the emulator from ACCESS Linux Platform and was never deployed to a Palm device. It also lacks Palm's "improved" PIMs, etc. It's probably roughly equivalent to Palm OS 5.4.0? That's when they started calling Garnet, but before Palm started replacing the standard Date Book/Address Book/To-Do with their own Calendar/Contacts/Tasks.
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Originally Posted by unique311 View Post
You should try out the vm first before calling it bog slow.
not slow at all.
Now with some descent feedback I'm pretty sure the individuals who
brung out this great port, will do their best to resolve that screen size issue.

But you should really give it a try before calling it bog slow.
What makes you think I haven't? Because my opinion differs (I have tried it, BTW)?

Emulation will ALWAYS be slower than native, particularly on an this level ARM-based device.

Sorry, but I maintain that it is bog-slow in comparison to native apps.

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I still use a Palm, mostly for a personal finance software (licensed) which syncs with MS Money. I suck at keeping addresses up to date, so I don't care so much about that (in other words, it doesn't matter to me where I keep my out-dated addresses... ), but not having personal finance software available is a big deal for me. My wife, who hates technology BTW, now has a Blackberry for work, a Palm for personal finance software (we both sync with MS Money), and a cell phone. I can't sell her on the IT because then she would have to carry yet another thing - that's just not gonna fly.

I agree porting software from Palm is bass-ackwards. But right now, in my opinion, the IT isn't an all-replacing device. I don't want it to be a phone, because I don't want the contract which would undoubtedly accompany it, but right now it can't replace my Palm.

Unless I overlooked personal finance software for the IT which syncs with MS Money?
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Originally Posted by rickh View Post
What makes you think I haven't? Because my opinion differs (I have tried it, BTW)?

Emulation will ALWAYS be slower than native, particularly on an this level ARM-based device.

Sorry, but I maintain that it is bog-slow in comparison to native apps.

There's no emulation, it's a native ARM application - Palm has been using ARM for years so there's nothing to emulate except the 68K *REALLY* old Palm applications that haven't been updated for 6+ years. From what I've seen of the GarnetVM, on the N800 it's lightning fast and the supplied applications only use between 2% and 3% CPU in order to function (again, because there's no emulation involved - it's all native).
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how bout Slingplayer??...can we run the Palm version on our n800s now?? that would ROCKKKK!.....anyone?

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I would sure like to see people's favorite applications in this Garnet deal. I have looked fairly hard and haven't found one single program I thought was particularly cool.

Which isn't to say that I think this was a mistake. It's good propaganda to be able to say that the N-series runs more than 30,000 programs. Just don't mention that they are mostly crappy.
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Is there any good games for PalmOS?
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what type of speeds are you wanting from this.
I'm not sure what you are running on your device.
but it is fast.
are you running it on the 770?
which device?

Originally Posted by rickh View Post
What makes you think I haven't? Because my opinion differs (I have tried it, BTW)?

Emulation will ALWAYS be slower than native, particularly on an this level ARM-based device.

Sorry, but I maintain that it is bog-slow in comparison to native apps.


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