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Originally Posted by exo View Post
The 'Plan B' strategy reads like a wishlist, the whole thing seems to be an idea of eliminating all cost-cutting and increasing spending on new talent to bet the entire company on MeeGo. The reason Nokia is in its current situation is the board decided they don't want to bet the company on MeeGo. A plan that outlines an absolute boatload of spending with no financial plan isn't going to get anywhere.
It reads like a few of we nerds upset that we're not getting a toy we were promised and are throwing a temper tantrum. I used to sound like this sometimes... 20 years ago, when I was 18 and just entered college.
The idealistic if misguided kids who wrote this don't understand how the financial world works and they're going to have their hearts yanked out if they actually try to go through with this. A large amount of stock is owned by hedge funds, pension plans and large institutions. Their only concern is a return on investment. In many cases, they have a fiduciary responsibility to their clients to maximize ROI and could actually be sued for seeking to do otherwise. I've watched shareholders vote down proposals to not buy goods from companies that use child or prison labor, to offer equal benefits to gay and lesbian employees, etc. The first time you see a shareholders' meeting vote against protecting exploited children a little piece of your soul dies I think.
You can be sure Nokia shareholders are not people passionately committed to Linux or Qt; they want value for their investment and are going to go the way the CEO and the board (which approved the WP7 arrangement) advise to go. As exo noted, this isn't even a plan for a return to leading the smartphone market or increasing profits.

The author Dick Mitchell once wrote that when people are asked what their financial plan is, it's to make more money. He correctly wrote that that's not a plan, it's a wish or goal. If he were alive today, I'm sure he'd say the same of this statement from the cited website:

Return the company to a strategy that seeks high growth and high profit margins through innovation and overwhelmingly superior products with unrivaled user experience.
I don't think the former, and definitely, the current employees of Nokia who purportedly created this website have any idea how to do that. This makes it sound like Nokia's explicit strategy was to decrease market share and create inferior products, and all Nokia has to do is to want to make superior products again. Maybe the author of "The Secret" is one of the anonymous stockholders.
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Originally Posted by xerxes2 View Post
What do you mean by "current situation"? Nokia's last quarter was a real good one and the company is in the blacks by a huge margin. They have lost market share in the smartphone segment but Meego/Qt was supposed to fix that. WP7 has around 3% market share in the high end segment and does not seem to go anywhere but down from there.
At one time Apple and Google had 3% market share too. WP7 is getting multitasking, hardware accelerated HTML5 (which blows away iPhone 4 in the YouTube video) and several other updates this year. When it lands on Nokia phones it automatically becomes the #2 mobile OS as numerous tech articles point out today. Microsoft is pouring billions into this, etc., etc., etc. All the factors look positive and this pessimism is starting to get ridiculous; I haven't seen this kind of thing since the people who refused to admit Hillary Clinton didn't get the 2008 Democratic nomination.

Hint: When you go from 38% to 28% of the smartphone segment in one year, you don't say you had a good quarter. You say your company is heading for a death spiral unless something is done. It's this kind of denial that caused the board to go far outside and select Mr. Elop in the first place. Nokia's been far too complacent for far too long.
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Originally Posted by NvyUs View Post
no offence but that article sounds like it was written by the love child of Texrat and Tomi Ahonen.
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Originally Posted by Bratag View Post
Yes - a bad business decision
Ok, criticizing's the easy part. Now for the hard part: please explain what a better decision would have been and why.
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Originally Posted by Frappacino View Post
dude its a press release ...
dude, companies in NASDAQ have pretty serious rules and regulations concerning press releases....
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You puckz are you here I got News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I have spoken to [Intel CEO] Paul Otellini multiple times; he knew we were going through a decision-making process [and] he expressed his disappointment," Elop said.

"I'm meeting with him and his team tomorrow to talk about next steps [and] how do we evolve [the Nokia-Intel relationship]," Elop continued. "You're going to see a bunch of highly exciting MeeGo announcements today."


This means 1 of 2 things!
He's going to meet with Intel and get Meego going cause he sees the internets is mad OR he going to meet with Intel to make them kill Meego on their end also!

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lol... never in my wildest dream would I be citing Rule 34 on a fellow forum member... (to a blogger, no less).
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Originally Posted by somedude View Post
in July 2010 it was US $8.02 and on May 2009 it was US $9.64. I still cannot see the correlation between Elop's statement and their share price.
you don't seem to have noticed global financial crisis either....
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Originally Posted by deyons View Post
You puckz are you here I got News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I have spoken to [Intel CEO] Paul Otellini multiple times; he knew we were going through a decision-making process [and] he expressed his disappointment," Elop said.

"I'm meeting with him and his team tomorrow to talk about next steps [and] how do we evolve [the Nokia-Intel relationship]," Elop continued. "You're going to see a bunch of highly exciting MeeGo announcements today."


This means 1 of 2 things!
He's going to meet with Intel and get Meego going cause he sees the internets is mad OR he going to meet with Intel to make them kill Meego on their end also!
The second, obviously. After the 'elopacalypse' Nokia stock crashed, and on top of that, Intel is pissed off that Nokia suddenly walked out of their Intel-Nokia partnership.

Elop is going to lay off some of his Linux and MeeGo hate for the sake of making Intel happy. Nokia might even release a MeeGo device or two to make Intel less angry.
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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
WP7 is getting multitasking, ...
from what i've heard: no. they'll just save the state of an application when they switch. it'll not be multitasking.

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