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Had to share.

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Epic. .
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Reading this thread for the last 30 minutes really depressed me.
Although I have moved on from N900 to Galaxy S, and am very happy with my decision, I guess deep inside I was always waiting for a Nokia Meego device with N900+ Hardware to come out and prove me wrong.

Now it feels this will never happen. It is very disappointing. As a long-term Nokia owner (from 3120 to N900 via 3100 3310 n73 n95), I think I should start getting used to the Idea. Nokia as we know it is gone.
For good and for worse, we don't know what the future holds, but it doesn't seem bright.

(Flamers, before you tell me to not read if the thread depresses me, READ what I wrote, you should sympathy if you loved nokia 1 year ago.)
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Nokia should follow Kodak's lead and make Christmas lights. Everybody loves Christmas lights.
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Originally Posted by tgalati4 View Post
Nokia should follow Kodak's lead and make Christmas lights. Everybody loves Christmas lights.
Wouldn't work. Hardcore Nokia fans would insist that if Nokia wasn't actually generating the electricity to power those lights, it just wouldn't be Nokia and that the lights would be an epic fail. Also, that the only good Christmas lights are ones that you can unscrew and put in whatever color bulbs you want. And if Elop owned three shares in a utility company, forget it.
Yesterday Tunisia... today Egypt... tomorrow Vatican City... eventually Texas!
Posts: 96 | Thanked: 82 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ New Jersey, USA
Originally Posted by ysss View Post

You're not posting from a machine running Chulhubuntu, are you?

Yesterday Tunisia... today Egypt... tomorrow Vatican City... eventually Texas!

Last edited by alcalde; 2011-02-15 at 07:25.

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HA HA HA good one alcalde
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If MeeGo was late ....

.... how about the first WF 7 Nokia devices out in 2012.

As far as I know we asked when will Falsh 10.1 come to N900

My questions might be when does any flash come to WF 7, unless I am wrong and WF 7 has Flash support.

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This is the first time that I have posted here in quite a while.

What I thought was unfortunate at the time (early last year), was my work took me away from working with Maemo/Meego, and bought me straight into the WP7 world. However, open-minded as I like to be, I went with it (and was being paid to go with it, so that helped).

As a developer, I have to say, that WP7 is actually one of the better platforms out there, it has so much potenial. Yes, not everything was there from the outset, but what new OS does have everything.

The most interesting thing, is that it has been created with teh user in mind (it pains me to say this, but similar to iOS in that way). If you look at all of Nokia's OS's, and Android, they have all been made with the developer in mind, open source, allowing people to do what they want (within reason)

Yes, Android has done well recently, but how long did it take to get there, what would that mean for Meego, on how long it would have to be in the market before it gets somewhere. If Nokia ar going to move, they don't really have any options, they can't go from one open-source system to another,they may as well just carry on with their own. WP7 was the only way they can go.

In fact, currently, I have an HTC with WP7 (my first ever non-Nokia device), and provided by work, so not entirely by choice, but I don't have a bad word to say about it. Well, there are a few features that could be improved or missing, but then I said that about my N900.

I think, a good decision by Nokia and MS, well done. Both are after marketshare, and I think this deal will do them both some good in the long term.

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Posts: 83 | Thanked: 34 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Poole, UK
Originally Posted by marktold View Post
If MeeGo was late ....

.... how about the first WF 7 Nokia devices out in 2012.

As far as I know we asked when will Falsh 10.1 come to N900

My questions might be when does any flash come to WF 7, unless I am wrong and WF 7 has Flash support.

No flash support yet on WP7, but I susect that it will be doing the same as Apple, and going down the HTML 5 line of things instead.

More interestingly, no silverlight suport within the browser!!!!

bada rox, meego rip

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