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How will it look like?

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it could be something like this:
MeeGo is a Linux-based open source mobile operating system project.[2] Primarily targeted at mobile devices and information appliances in the consumer electronics market, MeeGo is designed to act as an operating system for hardware platforms such as netbooks, entry-level desktops, nettops, tablet computers, mobile computing and communications devices, in-vehicle infotainment devices, SmartTV / ConnectedTV, IPTV-boxes, smart phones, and other embedded systems.[3] MeeGo is today hosted by the Linux Foundation.[4]
TMO links: [iSpy] - [Power search] - [Most thanked] - [Cordia - Maemo5 UI on top MeeGo Core] - [CommunitySSU]

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rm42's Avatar
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The toaster oven.
-- Worse than not knowing is not wanting to know! --
benny1967's Avatar
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Probably something revolutionary... something we couldn't even dream of today. It could include concepts like true multitasking... file transfer from device to device without any special software... freedom to install any kind of application, maybe even write your own, in any language you choose... Maybe - unlikely, but maybe - it would even include a futuristic concept one could name "copy&paste"? Who knows?

I know this sounds incredible in 2011 when not even the iPhone or this brand new WP7 can do most of it, but hey! We're talking about the future! The real future future!

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debernardis's Avatar
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The present is that I have a usb flash, 16 GB, I have ubuntu on it and my data, and I can boot it in my home computer, in my work computer, on a friend computer even if it's got windows, when needed. Everywhere it boots, it's my system and my data, and I can keep it in my pocket.

The future, is I do the very same thing with phones (phones? pocket computers with voice transceiving ability, among other). Maybe into the sim card or similar, at least 64 GB with some local cryptography. Put it into the phone, boot, and ta-da! my operating system (Debian for phones?), my data, my personalizations.

This is my vision
mikec's Avatar
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Simples , it will multiboot and VM what ever I want, just like my PC.
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iPods that plugged into your ear keeping constantly updated with useless information, really a dastardly plan to convert us all into iByermen!!!!

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