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The PySide team is proud to announce the first release candidate of PySide:
Python for Qt version 1.0.0 for Maemo 5. PySide provides a complete set of LGPL-licensed
Qt bindings for Python, including full QML and QtMobility support.

The binary packages for PySide 1.0.0~rc1 are already available in
the extras-devel repository. To use them, install the
python-pyside metapackage, which depends on every individual module

The source code packages can be acquired by referring to our download
wiki page [1] or by pulling the relevant tagged versions from our git
repositories [2].

Major changes since 1.0.0~beta5

Since beta 5, no new features have been added. Instead, a total of 28 bugs
have been fixed. See the list of fixed bugs at the end of this message.

Path towards 1.0 release

We intend this to be the release candidate in the literal sense of the term:
only major regressions and critical bugs will be fixed between the release
candidate and 1.0 final. Therefore, fixes to any bugs in our Bugzilla [3] with
priority less than P1 will be applied only after the 1.0 release. However,
please file any bugs you find - the bug reports are vital in both increasing
the PySide product quality and in ensuring that your issues get resolved in a
timely manner!

Barring any major quality issues, the 1.0 release will happen in two weeks
from now. After that, maintenance work for fixing bugs and improving the code
quality will continue, as well as work towards more substantial improvements
such as Python 3 support and memory footprint optimization.

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing
access to not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also to Qt Mobility,
as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any
Qt-based libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd
expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository
[2], an open Bugzilla [3] for reporting bugs, and an open design
process [4]. We welcome any contribution without requiring a transfer of

List of bugs fixed

561 pyside-uic generates invalid code when tab name is not translatable
652 Segfault when using QTextBlock::setUserData due to missing ownership
653 Crash after calling QWizardPage.wizard()
657 Signal emission inside QtMobility isn't working properly
661 Compilation failure when QGtkStyle not found
662 QtGui.iterator not iterable
663 Crash on exit when passing QNetworkAccessManager around
667 Crash on exit
668 QFileSystemModel setRootPath stops application from quitting.
671 Limitation on the number of signals
675 QGraphicsLinearLayout segfault
677 generated code has setParent twice
679 QWebPage miss extension function
684 New-style signals does not accept signals with enums as arguments.
630 Fails to resolve overload for QCursor(QBitmap, QBitmap, int, int)
635 QToolBar.addAction not the same as in C++/PyQt4
638 Documentation for phonon doesn't show class inheritance diagrams.
643 QTabWidget.insertTab not taking ownership
649 Too-picky typechecking on numeric types: use __float__ / __int__.
660 QMimeData type deleted prematurely when overriding mime-type in
QStandardItemModel drag and drop
665 Wrong output from pyside-uic with QButtonGroup
666 QByteArray does not support slices
674 QGraphicsScene::clear() is missing
678 Documentation for QIODevice is not generated
681 Unicode support for trUtf8 method
682 Descriptions missing from online documentation
683 Warning when using Slot without provinding the arguments
687 [PATCH] QUiLoader code example crashes


The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to bruno.araujo For This Useful Post:
fpp's Avatar
Posts: 2,853 | Thanked: 968 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Good to see Python support for Qt going ahead, despite all the turmoil, thanks !
maemo blog
rm42's Avatar
Posts: 963 | Thanked: 626 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Connecticut, USA
For those new to Python and Qt, please note that there is a more mature project for using Python with Qt. It is called PyQt. However, you can only create GPL programs with PyQt. That is, unless you pay the developer of PyQt for a license to create a closed source program using it. PySide allows you to create closed source programs for free. But, it is still less mature.
-- Worse than not knowing is not wanting to know! --

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to rm42 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 661 times | Joined on Jan 2009
Glad to see PySide is going to see a 1.0 release. I have started learning Qt in C++ and am eager to pick up some python and use what I know in both.
Nyrath's Avatar
Posts: 92 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ the praeternatural tower
Well, I can tell you from professional experience that using Qt with Python is vastly easier and quicker than trying to use Qt with C++

Easier to program, you can crank out code more rapidly, and the code is far more likely to work the first time you run it.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Nyrath For This Useful Post:
fpp's Avatar
Posts: 2,853 | Thanked: 968 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Indeed. Apart from all the rest, the mere ability to add a Python attribute to a Qt object without subclassing must add at least 24 hours per day :-)

I remember the "Duh!" moment the first time I realized this...
maemo blog
pursueky's Avatar
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ NanJing China
how to use it?
Posts: 112 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Thanks, I guess if I ever develop anything for the N900 it'll most likely be in Python, and now I can leverage Qt.

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