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Another vote for hsdpa/ 3g capability in the future tablets. Cell data technology is constantly improving and becoming more and more widespread. Leaving it out of a device where mobile internet connectivity is the selling point makes no sense. True you can connect to a phone but some telcos dont allow integration of voice and data into a single plan. then you will need to swap sim cards in and out? or carry yet another phone? not practical.

other wishes are:

*much more capable video performance

*better cpu tecnology that allows for near desktop quality applications and browser experience.

*3d gaming support

*ball type mouse support

*better battery life
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Originally Posted by ArnimS View Post
Hey, does anybody with some php skillz want to put together a webpage with a table of all the features mentioned here, and a voting mechanism? If it's highly visible/promoted, i'm sure it'd be possible to collect a few hundred votes. This would provide a quantifiable resource to measure interest in different features. (understanding of course that some of these are mutually exclusive.)
I've thought about this. I was thinking of going through all the posts, creating a spreadsheet and tabulating votes for the different feature requests. Putting them in graphical form would also be very nice. Hmm.. I could potentially hack together some PHP/Perl, but I'll check if there's an online resource that does this before I entertain the notion.

Originally Posted by ArnimS View Post
As for my pet feature (gaming controls on both sides of display) i have to concede that they would probably be a kiss of death given consumer design-expectations we're seeing on these devices nowadays. The N810 and new Apple designs really convinced me of this. Would there be enough interest for three n9x0 form factors? 1) N800-like 2) N810-like 3) Gp2x-like?
I agree that with simple modifications, the N900 can be a gaming rig. The idea of carrying around a library of Snes/Gen ROMS is truly exciting; the thought of playing shining force/final fantasy tactics on my N900 is drool-worthy.

I think that the gaming controls can be relegated to the slide-out keypad. It's already got a game-like setup. All it needs is durable raised keys that can *act* as gaming buttons in addition to their keypad roles. The d-pad can also be improved to take on the potential use as a game machine.

In this case, there's no need to kill the tablet's brand, but opens it up as a gaming unit.

Does anybody know how the N810 fares using the keypad as a gamepad?

Originally Posted by ArnimS View Post
If Nokia chooses not to embrace that market segment with the ITOS/linux platform, some users may prefer the the Gp2x-based Craigulator which could dominate the portable linux homebrew/emulation scene in 2008, while also providing debian-arm apps, wifi and 800x480 display.
Thanks for the link. I'm quite interested in learning about the software.

Originally Posted by ArnimS View Post
To whomever posted the blender sketch for the touchpad/analog circular dpad, nice design - might be expensive or impossible to produce though. Whatever nokia delivers as the successor to the tiny press-to-click 4-way dpad, let's hope it's superior. The sliding spring-centered analog thumbpad (see youtube link i posted earlier) could really be perfect.
Haha. That was me. It's true, it may be an expensive setup (I'm not gifted in the dark art of engineering), but a novel idea in the least. I also like your "slide pad".

Whatever the case is, I hope for at least *one* solution.

Originally Posted by ArnimS View Post
Re. SD gripes: ... for some people nothing will be enough will it? An N810 and 10 miniSd cards allows 80 GB of swappable media while your persistent data goes on internal 2GB. With battery-powered USB drives, there's practically no limit, is there? We know you have hundreds of gigs of media on your pc, and I am very proud of you. But please read this slowly: it won't all fit on any pocketable device.
Well said. This is the primary reason that I'm choosing the N810 over the N800. I doubt I will ever need more than 8GB of storage at a time. How many videos/songs can you listen to simultaneously?

Having to carry around an extra *tiny* easily wallet-able card is not so bad. How many videos can you watch at once? How many songs do you need at any one time? An 8G card should be enough to hold quite a few full length videos and another 8G a LARGE library of audio.

It would be nice to have more internal slots, but it's not a deal breaker IMO. In any case, the capacities of the removable media is only going to increase in the near future.

Originally Posted by ArnimS View Post
Re. HD Video: ... given TI's OMAP 3430 capabilities, HD video will be hardware accelerated, as long as it's encoded to proper format.
Agreed. It seems as if this will be the natural choice for the N900. Let's hope that there is adequate driver support for the Omaps DSPs. It would be a shame for software developers to have to fall back on the processors clock rate to 'accelerate' software.

Originally Posted by ArnimS View Post
Re. OpenGL: ... My feeling is: competition will be too tough in 2008 for Nokia to not include this on the N9x0. Anybody feel like placing a small bet against this?
Agreed. I'm really hoping to see support, and it seems obvious; but so did GL on the current platform.
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My vote is for GSM capabilities and a SIM slot.

Also, it would be really neat to develop a wireless BT headset that actually is part of the device. Something that stows away in a slot (like the stylus) and can be removed for voip/cell calls. It would also charge while docked in the n900.
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If they add GSM capability, I'd want it to be on the following terms:

a) completely unlocked -- no carrier deals, no carrier limitations; all or nothing

b) not at the expense of WiMAX. If you can't fit Wifi + BluetoothDUN + WiMAX + GSM into the device, then drop GSM.

c) I'd also put BluetoothPAN as a higher priority than GSM. Get Wifi + BluetoothDUN + BluetoothPAN + WiMAX working before even looking at adding GSM ... and only add GSM if you can do it without sacrificing any of those capabilities.

d) GSM service MUST be optional. Nothing on the device must _depend_opon_ nor _assume_ the presence of a GSM service. The only exception would be if they include an actual "phone" application (independent of Skype, SIP, and GoogleTalk) -- obviously that can be dependent upon the presence of GSM.

e) I don't know if this goes without saying or not, but I don't want it to only be HSDPA/HSUPA. There are some carriers and areas for GSM that are still EDGE only (might be some that are still GPRS only for all I know). It should be capable of "down-shifting" to those speeds/protocols if the faster ones aren't available.
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GSM would just open up a whole world of nasties that would kill the platform's appeal. FCC certifications for the cellular radio, carrier contracts, hardware compromises, expense. . . . It's a bad idea and I don't like it. :P
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the only thing id like to see on a n900 is a much stronger cpu. id like to be able to start/run applications faster than the 3 yr old palm tx and use firefox just as quick or quicker than safari on the iphone, this includes ajax based sites and flash video.
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Originally Posted by bakerbaker View Post
the only thing id like to see on a n900 is a much stronger cpu. id like to be able to start/run applications faster than the 3 yr old palm tx and use firefox just as quick or quicker than safari on the iphone, this includes ajax based sites and flash video.
I think that you actually want faster applications and not necessarily a faster processor. I feel that the tablets are currently more than capable of efficient, responsive applications. Bloated code prevents this in the majority of situations.

I agree fully that faster cpu speeds would be better, but I think that Nokia should optimize core applications (especially the browser). Adobe did it with the flash for the tablets, why can't Nokia for their own platform?


Capt'n Corrupt
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Originally Posted by bakerbaker View Post
the only thing id like to see on a n900 is a much stronger cpu. id like to be able to start/run applications faster than the 3 yr old palm tx [..]
They start faster on PDAs because on PDAs the applications are in memory already. On the TX it's non-volatile memory, but still. PDAs use memory as storage, and PalmOS has execute-in-place. That's why such PDAs can start applications instantly. The N800 must first copy the application code from storage (even from flash it takes some time) to memory before it can be run.

If you want to compare the speed properly then you must leave the application running on the N800 and then measure how long it takes to de-iconize it. Because, this is very close to what a PDA actually does when you 'launch' it.
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An example of a formfactor I've talked about before:
Posts: 49 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2006
I see a lot of unrealistic requests so I thought I would add my very realistic requests for the next version.

More color depth. Increase from 64k to 128k or 256k color screen.
No change to design required just put in a better screen, everyone says the iphone screen looks better than the N800 and it is because the colors are better.

Include an accellerometer to determine how it is held and rotate screen accordingly. If the iphone and touch can do it why not us?

I have to agree with those that say we need the D-pad out where we can use it- just put it on the right side though.

Get a full working Java implemeted! Jeesh that's a no brainer.

Write a graphics library to use the hardware 3d functions. why not?

dpads are fun, ideas, n900, n900 wishlist, revenge of the styli, stuff for nokia to read, the wrath of sty, wishlist

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