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Posts: 1,522 | Thanked: 392 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ São Paulo, Brazil
I downloaded JavE ( Java Ascii Versatile Editor ) , it seems to run alright with IcedTea; except that the childwindow for tool options is treated by Hildon as a separated window and is kept always on top of the main window, and since Hildon doesn't do windows, just screens, it covers the main window completly, and 'cause the way it is programed, the child window can't be closed, so it turns out the program is unusable.

Does anyone know of a way to override the window focus on Hildon so i can manually pick whether the main window or the child window gets selected?
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 274 times | Joined on Jul 2010
try running it in easy debian .
Posts: 1,522 | Thanked: 392 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ São Paulo, Brazil
What about a standalone way? I don't wanna have to load the whole LXDE thing just to run one program...
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 661 times | Joined on Jan 2009
Does the toolbar allow for docking?

Can you email the developer? Perhaps with a small donation they could make the window a docked toolbar or something that may work better in Maemo.

ascii art, hildon

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