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I tried os2008 on my N800, and I will go back to 2007.

On the positive side, it is faster and videos play a lot better. Flash 9 works. The internet experience is better.

On the negative side:

-apparently Nokia has broken the libs again. Most 2007 or 2006 software won't install. I tracked that down to a conflict between hildon-libs0 and the new osso-af (I'll post a separate thread on that subject).

-I find the new interface both ugly and wastefull in screen space. Are Nokia's designer color blind or what? Can somebody please pack the old themes so that they can be installed on os2008?

-since the upgrade my router crashes regularly (I'll post another separate thread on that subject too).

IMHO, it is not ready for prime time. And I suppose that this is why the N810 (allegedly shipped to the distributors) is not on sale yet: Nokia is probably waiting for the applications catalogs to be updated with os2008 versions of Skype or Gizmo.

Opinions are not facts, your opinion may differ. But I go back to 2007 for the moment.
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Sorry to hear about those troubles. I've had the same problems with libs. fortunately everything I need is installed properly. I wouldn't go back myself since my N800 is almost unusably slow otherwise - in my opinion of course.

BTW if throwing a flakey client at a router is enough to crash it, I'd be pretty disappointed with the router mfg and chase it up with them. However I understand the quickest resolution to *your* problems is a downgrade. : (
Posts: 477 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Munich, Germany
I agree that the router should not crash, of course and I will see if the problem is known on the Apple forums. OTOH, the Nokia is a device which is likely to be used on various routers (not only at home), and if it crashes all series of them in Internet cafes and the like, Nokia has a problem on their hands.
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say the n800 won't be causing mass blackouts in internet cafes. Have you tried a different router? My linksys, two motorolas, and an actiontec all work fine.
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I didn't have any issues w/ crashing routers when using os2008.

I did, however, just flash back to os2007 for the time being just because of app support.

It was a great preview or demo of what is to be expected in the very near future, but I can wait
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I agree with max, it worked great for me, the speed was great, but for now I'm back on OS2007 because of apps.
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Posts: 136 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Lafayette, LA
I agree, the apps are important to me too.

What was the procedure you used to flash back to OS2007.
Did you just run the flash utility on windows and it put it back?
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Originally Posted by adammelancon View Post
I agree, the apps are important to me too.

What was the procedure you used to flash back to OS2007.
Did you just run the flash utility on windows and it put it back?
Same as any other flash.
Posts: 477 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Munich, Germany
I don't run windows. I used the osx flasher. You'll find instructions here.
Posts: 477 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Munich, Germany
Originally Posted by jmancine View Post
My linksys, two motorolas, and an actiontec all work fine.
Then it's probably the airport.

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