Is it possible to get the make VNC or Remote Desktop display in real dimensions while using video out.
You can use Presence VNC and zoom out, however, it makes everything unreadable, though you can navigate.
When zooming a PC out, the resolution of the PC has to fit inside the screen, or it's not zoomed out. As a reult, for 800x480 Nokia N900 screen, the best you can hope for is 640x480.
Now remember, N900 has to fill wide screen 800x480 (1.666(6), that's 5:3 or 15:9), aka widescreen.
Video Out standard is SD, that is either 576i PAL or 480i SECAM, with 702 columns. For that to work, the video is kind of trimmed and a little distorted.
Finally, remember that since most TVs are widescreen, they take the original image and stretch/process it to fit the TV resolution.
If you want a comparison, get a TV hooked up to a TV out-able card and see the results (it ain't pretty). First, because the resolution is wholly insufficient. Second, it's scaled down to fit through the cable. Third, it's blown up to fit the screen. Fuzzy.
Additionally, depending on TV, it does image trickery to make it look better if it's a TV program. That kills the fine details in favor of smooth. This is why a TV is not a monitor. That and multiple resolutions and a tuner.
Attached: Screenshot of terminal and screenshot of terminal in best case scenario: 800x480 >> 702x480 >> interpolated. It's worse when going PAL.
And the below images are digitally simulated. Add cable noise, shortcuts in hardware, TV "enhancements" and any limitations of the N900 and you have yourself an image that only displays pictures and large text. Even the wifi emblem is unrecognizable.
The images you see in presentations are either large fonts and images or photoshopped (gimped?) or via a HDMI.
Don't think HDMI is MUCH better. Anything other than native resolution is fuzzy. Why do you think monitors complain?
The only way to get pixel-per-pixel is to put your PC in 702x576 (which is unlikely to go well) and then use a standard resolution TV with no processing and hope interlacing doesn't kill TOO much (it will). N900 has no such resolution AFAIK (and even if it does, why?).
Don't believe the hype. TVs are for games and images. Those "use TV for work processing" commercials have 5 lines of text in a dedicated UI. It's a 40 year old standard designed to be resistant to transmitting over the air 1000 km+.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.
Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.
When zooming a PC out, the resolution of the PC has to fit inside the screen, or it's not zoomed out. As a reult, for 800x480 Nokia N900 screen, the best you can hope for is 640x480.
Now remember, N900 has to fill wide screen 800x480 (1.666(6), that's 5:3 or 15:9), aka widescreen.
Video Out standard is SD, that is either 576i PAL or 480i SECAM, with 702 columns. For that to work, the video is kind of trimmed and a little distorted.
Finally, remember that since most TVs are widescreen, they take the original image and stretch/process it to fit the TV resolution.
For an image, this is cool, just a little blurry but it KILLS text dead.
If you want a comparison, get a TV hooked up to a TV out-able card and see the results (it ain't pretty). First, because the resolution is wholly insufficient. Second, it's scaled down to fit through the cable. Third, it's blown up to fit the screen. Fuzzy.
Additionally, depending on TV, it does image trickery to make it look better if it's a TV program. That kills the fine details in favor of smooth. This is why a TV is not a monitor. That and multiple resolutions and a tuner.
Attached: Screenshot of terminal and screenshot of terminal in best case scenario: 800x480 >> 702x480 >> interpolated. It's worse when going PAL.
And the below images are digitally simulated. Add cable noise, shortcuts in hardware, TV "enhancements" and any limitations of the N900 and you have yourself an image that only displays pictures and large text. Even the wifi emblem is unrecognizable.
The images you see in presentations are either large fonts and images or photoshopped (gimped?) or via a HDMI.
Don't think HDMI is MUCH better. Anything other than native resolution is fuzzy. Why do you think monitors complain?
The only way to get pixel-per-pixel is to put your PC in 702x576 (which is unlikely to go well) and then use a standard resolution TV with no processing and hope interlacing doesn't kill TOO much (it will). N900 has no such resolution AFAIK (and even if it does, why?).
Don't believe the hype. TVs are for games and images. Those "use TV for work processing" commercials have 5 lines of text in a dedicated UI. It's a 40 year old standard designed to be resistant to transmitting over the air 1000 km+.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.
Keep the forums clean: use "Thanks" button instead of the thank you post.