View Poll Results: Vote for the N810 Winner!
jdsvid 47 37.90%
joedavi 3 2.42%
n1njatuned 40 32.26%
PKickTalk 3 2.42%
SunWalker2007 31 25.00%
Voters: 124. You may not vote on this poll

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Hedgecore's Avatar
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jdsemma: Actually I was talking about PDF viewing and website browsing in this case. Yours was one of my top 5 picks There are a billion different websites that can do a billion different things, but it's still web browsing. You definately went beyond that and showed daily use so, *thumbs up*.

* Oh and someone mentioned people having tonnes of hardware already... my two cents (C'mon, everyone has an opinion!)... it's a contest, not a charity.

Last edited by Hedgecore; 2007-11-19 at 14:48.
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I really didn't watch many of the videos, and I know the person I'm about to mention has to be humble about it...but how in hell did Hedgecore not make it!?

Don't get me wrong, as bad as I wanted the n810 and as much as I wanted to make finals (to get that bubble wrap keychain)...I knew realistically that my entry was just a guinea pig and that it didn't have a shot in hell...but I was actually hoping Hedgecore would make finals. He did a better job at demonstrating my idea than I

Most ideas in the finals are based on just using the internet tablet for what it internet tablet.
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I recast my vote on the same person; as it was lost when the thread locked.

I'm still puzzled by the motorcycle entry - no offense to joedavi. I just can't wrap my head around the judges all voting for that entry. Maybe if I had only shown one thing - namely in long detail how I do some free pc support; do volunteer forum administration and webdesign help using the tablet in different places ... I could've edged in???

Anyway. It is a very tough choice and it is the olympic spirit that counts and the 5 judges limited to whom we could vote on. So that's it.

Hedgecore, thanks for the validation I'm stunned that your video is not in it, you were one of my top 5. (video, multiple use highlights, some fun, good flow, brief). I'm still laughing about your scene with internet banking and liking your dialog approach, where mine was limited to just myself and internet interactions. Waking up the girlfriend through VNC was cool too. I left VNC out myself because, well, my VNC use is just boring and I couldn't think of a creative angle.

JDSemma, you were one of my top 5. Good story. Creative approach with daughter's drawings.

As well as ninjatuned. Very creative. Good story, etc. I thought I was pretty artistic as a kid and could draw well but you're running circles around me. Good job.

PCkicktalk. I found the video too long. It had a good start, then faded ... into a documentary. Great footage though. Pro recording gear and editor. I do think the tablet is too restrictive for his idea. Content creators - from what I've seen - use laptops, whether they use it for video on the go or not. The multitude of activities, pictures and communications, typing ... I think the tablet would be an additional product to go with the gear. Not a replacement. Regarding the local people ... I would probably go OLPC as well.

SunWalker. Was not one of my top 5. It was edged out by some others - I guess on the creative aspect. But, I do understand the need and use for him. As I've taken to downsizing, taken the tablet on the road, have maps on it, looked into blogging from it, etc. To just have one or two cameras, a tablet and some necessities to go hiking, backpacking, ... leaving the laptop at home. Good luck in your travels. Keep us posted. Would love to check in on you as you're on the road.

I did also like the 'cold war spy device'. Very neat angle. Last part with the scroll text for future uses, I would've changed. Maybe done a couple shots where these uses are simulated. But I understand logistics and time.

Dr office. Very nice video & editing. Still curious about that early appointment hour Practically speaking the IT could and would be a great device probably, unfortunately the medical market has solutions that run windows or in its compact form win mobile + palm + blackberry. Getting it native as a do-all device for a medical practice, while I believe it can be done, would be a massive undertaking. I would look into a windows tablet.

There were some others I liked as well. Like the other cold war era and the tablet for the girlfriend in South America.

So, it stings a little not to see certain clips in the top 5. Regardless of a single highlight or showing multiple use ... everything in the final 5 revolves around the same basic uses. Which then makes one run in a circle again as to how/what/...

Anyhow. I don't want to set a negative tone. Would have loved to be #5. My vote is in again. Carry on.

Last edited by icerabbit; 2007-11-19 at 17:12.
wazd's Avatar
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The «Communist one» was one of the most creative and unique videos in contest. I'm shocked that he's not in finalists list =( Pitty, really.
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You guys aren't talking about this are you?...cause if you are, you've got to be shitting me.
wazd's Avatar
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Nah =)) That's my crap =))) It doesn't deserve any price =) I've made it for 5 or 6 hours cause I haven't got PC for any long
(Thanks for my friends that borrowed me a «machine» =) )
We're talking bout another one. He's really great.
Hedgecore's Avatar
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Eesh, thx for the kind words, but when there were 7 entries I thought I had a chance. There were more than 5 that *I* liked more than my own, so no surprises there. Like I said, I had fun doing it and that's what counted for me. (The quality on mine was pure crap as the lighting sucked, sound was sketchy throughout, and I had to learn how to use Kino as I went. Free video editing software = good cause it's free, but bad cause you can't do all that much). Some of the finalists confuse me, almost as if not having a pricey pet project or travel plans screwed people in the end. (I think the votes are showing that.) Not to dump, I think all of them were great, but only a few I'd put in the top 5 made it. (Then again, I ain't a judge, am I.)
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Originally Posted by TTgowings View Post

#1-SunWalker2007-I think this one most holds up to the reason the contest was created, and you'd def not want to carry around a full sized laptop on your journey, even an EEE PC would probably be too bulky, I think with an N810 and an extra battery pack or two and maybe a solar charger in your backpack would do you a fine job.

I believe in the instance that Sun outlined in his video, he would be able to make the most use of the N810 and be able to promote and show the most people on his journey's of it's great features and portability.
Cheers TTgowings. That's my entry. You're right about the EEE PC. I considered it but it is far too big. When you're talking about 6 months and 2000 miles of walking every gram counts. I'm not as ruthless about weight as some hikers, who would cut their would tooth brush in half, but I try to make savings where I can. If it's alright with other forum members I'll add a little more about my trip, shoot me an email if bringing this up here is out of line. I only found out about the contest right near the end so I didn't plan out my video as well as I could have.

I'm a software developer and plan to write a little onboard app to convert the GPS data my logger is recording on to it's microSD into Google Earth's KML format. I'll then transmit these home as soon as I get to a town (up to 5 days between towns) and it'll appear on my site so people can track me as I go. I'll be taking photos too (I wish I could carry a DSLR but the weigh far too much). They'll be geotagged an uploaded to places like Flickr and Panoramio so those armchair travelers will get to see the countryside of Japan.

Power is obviously going to be an issue. With cutom batteries as Nokia has (i.e. not AAs) I can't just go into some tiny little store and buy a new one. Since I'll be writing into it every night, and turning the WiFi on when I reach civilisation I doubt one full charge would get me from town to town. I used a Solio charger for my iPod this year and there is a cable to charge Nokia phones so I should be able to use that to keep the N810 going for longer. My trail name on the PCT was "SunWalker" because of the solar panels on top of my pack.

The other obvious benefits of the N810 include a pocket translator until I get fluent in Japanese, I could use it for booking accomodation in the next city (not that I plan to hit many cities). Looking up Wikipedia articles on places I am considering visiting and loading it with Japanese Topo maps so I can navigate my way around the hillside where I'll be blazing my own trail. I didn't mention those things in my video because I just sort of thought they were obvious, that's what a internet tablet is for.

Yeah so that's me, fingers crossed I'll be updating you on my progress from the trail.
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Originally Posted by TTgowings View Post

#3-PKickTalk-I think what you're doing and have done in your filmmaking ventures is really great, but to win the N810 I don't think it'd be fair to maybe some of the other candidates. If you want an N810 maybe you could sell one or both of your MacBooks, your iPhone maybe that other phone that umpteen megapixel camera and that fine looking HD video camera.. Then you could get yourself a N810 and probaly get a doz or so OLPC's to take and give to the people you spoke about on your next trip.

I just don't think from what PKickTalk had outlined in his video, that the N810 would be the ideal product in that enviroment, I really think the OLPC would be a much better fit.
Haha. Well thanks for the support. A lot of that is borrowed gear by the way. You may be right about the OLPC for some of the ethnography and that work, but I do believe that many of the people, especially foreigners helping people in Namibia who are running those projects could benefit from N810s. ~hint hint Nokia, if you're following this contest~

But thanks for the support. I'm really impressed with all the entries. It's neat to see the broad range of uses that people have found for these devices! (and I'd love to discover some more! hehe).

By the way if anyone's interested in the work I referred to, check out: and
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We're talking bout another one. He's really great.
Aw shucks - thanks! iMovie used to be my bff, but between having a kid, working for "the Man" to support the fam, and moving away from some of my best cohorts, I'm really rusty when it comes to filmmaking. 3 or 4 years back, I could have done much better (then again, iMovie has come a long way). It feels good to have nice things said about my work (however simple it may be).

I should mention that I'm not nearly as bummed about getting in the finals as my wife was "That guy already has one!" she said when we reviewed the finalistas, then, after watching them all: "You better vote for Thomas[n1jatuned] or Jennifer[jdsemma]" *

I'm perfectly fine to have entered & been bested by such fine competition, but the best part? I've got my wife to the point where she's aware of how useful NITs can be, so my arguments for me picking up an N800 have rapidly increased in their effectiveness.

* - I'll probably get her to create a new account on her to vote for the one I didn't vote for, just to be fair - I don't think that counts as sock-puppetry.

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