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Posts: 724 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Cambridge, UK
Thank you All your appreciation makes this itch worth the scratch
Posts: 724 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Cambridge, UK
I was planning on releasing 0.9.4 at the end of last week, but I've been working on quite a lot of new bits and also some priliminary MeeGo UX support which I hope to finish for the first Cambridge MeeGo Network meeting this week. So expect the new version by the end of this week.

If there is anything you feel you want in this "small" point release then please let me know.

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@tswindell - I for one hope this past week's ructions have not killed your enthusiasm for Columbus?
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Perth, WA, Australia
This program is great! It seems to be alot like the old GPS Data program on my N82, but with many more features! Like feeding the gps data to another device via bluetooth! Since there's not going to be an N900 version of RaceChrono, i can use my N900 as a bt gps, while running racechrono on my n82! win!

It's a bit buggy, though. It seems to randomly crash to desktop without warning. But that may be my phone, so i'm not sure.

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Great app. I am using columbus for using my n900 as a gps device for various navigation applications on Ubuntu. Using it over ip tcp works fine. Though I would really like to use it over usb.

I have tried to stream to port /dev/ttyGS2 but are usually not receiving data on my netbook at /dev/ttyACM0. Sometimes when I unplug the usb cable I receive GPS messages on my netbook, usually about 8 lines of data. I have noticed that this is most probably a usb serial problem since echoing on /dev/ttyGS2 results in the same behaviour.

Does anyone have the same problem, or does anyone know how to test where the problem lies? Is the data actually send by the n900 or do I have a problem on my netbook?
Posts: 1,397 | Thanked: 2,126 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Dublin, Ireland
Strangely, Columbus has stopped working for me. It won't even start.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled it again with no luck.

Can anybody tell me if there is any config file that I should remove or how can I make a more efficient test?
Posts: 1,378 | Thanked: 1,604 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Göteborg, Sweden
If you open an x-terminal and type
you will get output that may help decipher what's gone missing.

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Originally Posted by handaxe View Post
If you open an x-terminal and type
you will get output that may help decipher what's gone missing.
Thanks, I don't know why I didn't found the binary. This is the output:

ApplicationController: Initializing configuration manager. 
ApplicationController: Initializing database. 
ApplicationController: Using database path: "/home/user/.cache/rx/columbus/waypoints.db.sqlite" 
ApplicationController: Opening database. 
ColumbusWaypointModel: Checking and updating database schema if required... 
ColumbusWaypointModel: done. 
ColumbusWaypointModel: Found 0 records 
ApplicationController: Creating telemetry source objects. 
ApplicationController: Attempting to start up location services. 
ApplicationController: Location services started. 
ApplicationController: Initializing logging manager. 
ApplicationController: Initializing plugin management system. 
PluginManager: ctor() 
PluginManager: Loading plugins from: "/opt/usr/lib/columbus/plugins" 
PluginManager: Found plugin candidate: "" 
PluginManager: Loading plugin candidate: "" 
BluetoothServerPlugin: ctor() 
BluetoothServerPlugin: Initializing plugin. 
BluetoothOptionsDialog: Restoring configuration. 
BluetoothOptionsDialog: Performing UI update. 
BluetoothOptionsDialog: Performing UI update. 
PluginManager: Registered plugin: "bluetooth-server" 
PluginManager: Found plugin candidate: "" 
PluginManager: Loading plugin candidate: "" 
NetworkServerPlugin: ctor() 
NetworkServerPlugin: Initializing plugin. 
NetworkServerPlugin: Loading configuration settings. 
NetworkOptionsDialog: Restoring configuration. 
NetworkOptionsDialog: Performing UI update. 
NetworkOptionsDialog: Performing UI update. 
NetworkOptionsDialog: Performing UI update. 
NetworkOptionsDialog: Performing UI update. 
PluginManager: Registered plugin: "network-server-plugin" 
PluginManager: Found plugin candidate: "" 
PluginManager: Loading plugin candidate: "" 
USBSerialPlugin: ctor() 
USBSerialPlugin: Initializing plugin. 
USBSerialOptionsDialog: Loading settings. 
USBSerialOptionsDialog: Performing UI update. 
PluginManager: Registered plugin: "usb-serial" 
ApplicationController: Loading application configuration. 
ApplicationController: Connecting telemetry source signals. 
ApplicationController: Initializing UI configuration structure. 
/opt/usr/bin/columbus: symbol lookup error: /opt/usr/bin/columbus: undefined symbol: _ZN13ConfigManager13prependOptionERK7QStringS2_RK11QStringListi
So it's a missing dependency. Do you know where that symbol is located?
Posts: 724 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Cambridge, UK
Originally Posted by ivgalvez View Post
Thanks, I don't know why I didn't found the binary. This is the output:

/opt/usr/bin/columbus: symbol lookup error: /opt/usr/bin/columbus: undefined symbol: _ZN13ConfigManager13prependOptionERK7QStringS2_RK11QStringListi
So it's a missing dependency. Do you know where that symbol is located?
That symbol is defined in librxsupport

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to tswindell For This Useful Post:
Posts: 1,397 | Thanked: 2,126 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Dublin, Ireland
Originally Posted by tswindell View Post
That symbol is defined in librxsupport
OK, the problem is that I have installed 0.1.0-4 while Columbus should depend on a newer version to force the upgrade of the library.

I have upgraded it manually and now it works.

Thank you.

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navigation, nokia n900

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