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my N900 freezes, crashesh and reboots instantly if the smart reflect is enabled. so i won't be toughing there anymore I think occational lag is normal...
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Originally Posted by SkyKnight View Post
Tried it and it works well... phone performance improved a lot and lag issues seem to be minimal...

But, sometimes (for eg. while running browser... app manager.. etc) phone lags still.... and the cpu usage is always 100 percent at that time.. is that normal behaviour?
App manager has a aut-update scheduled to run once every 24 hours. If you have just tethered your first connection in that time then the new catalogue list is downloaded, and apt- fetches the latest package date information to tell you if there are updates to any apps installed. To stop this happening in terminal;

gconftool -s --type int /apps/hildon/update-notifier/check_interval <NEW_VALUE>
Where <NEW_VALUE> is a large large number. Like, erm, say, 2,147,483,647 maybe?
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Last edited by Switch_; 2011-04-06 at 08:53.
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Originally Posted by KetkuFIN View Post
my N900 freezes, crashesh and reboots instantly if the smart reflect is enabled. so i won't be toughing there anymore I think occational lag is normal...
SmartReflex causes stability issues above 805Mhz overclock. Below 805Mhz it will remain stable.

Overclock to >805 != SmartReflex.
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I would try to avoid usage of the app manager of Maemo. It tends to trigger update check and some process named apt-worker might stay in background checking updates and degrade performance of all apps. Disable automatic checks and use only fapman.

And about swappolube. It has been probably installed by many many users, but there is no proper usage reporting on how it affects device performance in long run (~5 days uptime or more). I have seen some messages where people tell that it makes GUI little more responsive at first but over time things go worse. This could be just some leaking app or some rather rare memory usage combination. After all I have learn that we should not "advertise" to aggressively these tweaks because YMMV and after all nobody really knows what they really do. I have enabled some of them and they seem to help but then again I have noticed that in heavy memory usage when phone rings it actually might make things worse.

Also everything depends on to what you compare. If you compare to superfluid and responsive iPhone then N900s responsiveness and animation speed is inferior but how much. And how much it disturbs user is pretty subjective area.

So moderate overcloking, some swappolube tweaks, common sense in multi-tasking, tracker configuration, automatic update killing, minimize amount of constantly running daemons, see if automatically polling/updating widgets start to grow hildon-home/desktop etc. memory usage.
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Last edited by slender; 2011-04-06 at 15:20.

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Originally Posted by Switch_ View Post
SmartReflex causes stability issues above 805Mhz overclock. Below 805Mhz it will remain stable.

Overclock to >805 != SmartReflex.

+1 to that...
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Originally Posted by Switch_ View Post
App manager has a aut-update scheduled to run once every 24 hours. If you have just tethered your first connection in that time then the new catalogue list is downloaded, and apt- fetches the latest package date information to tell you if there are updates to any apps installed. To stop this happening in terminal;

gconftool -s --type int /apps/hildon/update-notifier/check_interval <NEW_VALUE>
Where <NEW_VALUE> is a large large number. Like, erm, say, 2,147,483,647 maybe?
I already did that yesterday.. Still there is a considerably huge lag... after u open app manager... even the menu button fails to register touch for a second or two...
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Originally Posted by Switch_ View Post
SmartReflex causes stability issues above 805Mhz overclock. Below 805Mhz it will remain stable.

Overclock to >805 != SmartReflex.
Nice, but what does SmartReflex add? What is it? I mean I used to run my n900 at ideal (500-850) with slightly higher voltages becuz ideal gave me random reboots after 4 hours of uptime :O Should i use 805 with SR or should I keep using 850 without SR?
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Originally Posted by mr_pingu View Post
Nice, but what does SmartReflex add? What is it? I mean I used to run my n900 at ideal (500-850) with slightly higher voltages becuz ideal gave me random reboots after 4 hours of uptime :O Should i use 805 with SR or should I keep using 850 without SR?
I don't run SR at all and run 24/7 at 250 / 1000 with ideal.

Sweet as a nut.

Depends very much what you want. I wouldn't bother with SR as I want the extra CPU cycles.
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I just thought of something.

What is the result of the following command?

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load
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Originally Posted by 9000 View Post

I just thought of something.

What is the result of the following command?

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand/ignore_nice_load
All process will have exactly the same priority

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