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It was all down hill after the 770 anyhow.
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet = best device ever made

Deuteronomy 13:6-10; 2 Kings 2:23-24; Judges 19:22-29
Posts: 147 | Thanked: 228 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Toronto, Canada
I had very high hopes for Nokia's support of a truly open platform, but this announcement made me very bitter. So I'll keep this very short, because otherwise my post will turn into a rant.

My take on this whole situation is that Nokia is a hardware company that is incapable of writing software. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Symbian was actually acquired from Psion. Maemo was derived from Debian. Brilliant moves in their days, but once Nokia became their sole developer, it both platforms stagnated and eventually the market moved on.

I owned the N800, several N810s and the N900. Like many here I paid FULL price for my N900, a cool $650 (I'm typing this on a $300 laptop). I am bitter because I hoped the N900 would NOT be a dead end, or at the very least I could upgrade to another Nokia device running Maemo or Meego. I did not jump ship to iOS or Android, even though I saw those platforms advance by leaps and bounds while Maemo was the almost same since the day I bought the N900.

I might have even accepted if Nokia were to start making Android phones. At least then they would be running Linux, would be rootable, they would run custom roms, and they would have a LOT of apps. But instead they went with Windows, which is the absolute opposite of Linux. THAT is what makes this so disgusting!

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If you have seen some recent showcase of new android phones, Dual core units, dual core tegras in all shapes and sizes, the new ip5/pads etc on the horizon, i'll be surprised anyone else will go for another OS platform. Not even W7mobile will be able to beat combined android and iOS power.

LG also announced a 3D phone and a pad so nokia might come into this in another 3 years time if they survive this long.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Originally Posted by sak500 View Post

If you have seen some recent showcase of new android phones, Dual core units, dual core tegras in all shapes and sizes, the new ip5/pads etc on the horizon, i'll be surprised anyone else will go for another OS platform. Not even W7mobile will be able to beat combined android and iOS power.

LG also announced a 3D phone and a pad so nokia might come into this in another 3 years time if they survive this long.
Along with these lines...When those dual-core >1Ghz beasts flood the market...Say, in 2012, the question is: is IOS,Android or even Meego what i want in that device?
I'm a n770,n800 and n900 owner, usual reader of this forum, but i think the recent fuss maybe is making people lose a bit of focus.
When i first bought my n770,there was no iOS or Android.I just wanted a small computer in my pocket, as, at that time, the screens and mobile processors were starting to be powerful enough to give that experience.An i think most people who have owned one maemo device was looking for the same thing, more or less.
Nowadays, we're talking about Meego in terms of competition with Android or other ecosystems, instead in terms of what we'd like to have today.In the years of the n770, a 800 pixels wide screen with a linux inside, was great.What i want for a dual-core portable device goes way way further than a simple competitor against Android.Me, as user, and having no Nokia stock, couldnt care less for their marketing problems, and if they have to battle Android or whatever, as i (and guess most of n900 users) dont belong to that market share.My wife has an Android.What i want for a dual core portable device is,at least, to be able to run a full-blown linux on it, if i wish...More, if it's a tablet...Sorry, but OS's for dual-core, 1024x768 screens are looong invented, and i want to be able to run *that* in new devices, as i dont care about all those "ecosystems" (great for fanboys and brands making money out of them).And, really, looking where Meego is today, it'd be much better to plan things thinking in how will be the mobile market in 2/3 years instead what's it today.

As an example of what i'd ask for such powerful devices, is to be able to run a full blown OS (linux even Windows XP),possibly when connected to a screen and keyboard, or a dual OS when used as handheld (if it's a phone). I think things like this is what this community would be asking for, or,at least, supporting meego to be the OS they want, instead a simple Android competitor.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Nov 2010
Starting from another point of view, i think we're living the re-invention of technology, just this time adding with the word "mobile".
Nokia is like Commodore in the 80's.The great beast of those times when what was important was the hardware manufacturers,and you used to buy hardware,and more or less live with the OS bundled with it.And, as Commodore did, tried to keep that same philosophy when the market turned to be OS driven, instead hardware driven.As i see it, this is pretty much what we're living today, but...i dont know what the "typical" user thinks...But,at least me, i dont want this new wave to reinvent all the wheels again..Reinventing OS's just for the sake of marketing and the ability to control the ecosystems (ie, "stores")...Once the "mobile" computing hardware gets enough power to catch-up with traditional OS's and software, i want *those* in mobile devices...Or this reinvention will only leave benefits for Companies who have had another oportunity to fight what they lose in the "non-mobile" computing war (ie, Apple), and not for us, users.

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Sorry to say that I am on my way. But I wanted to say thanks for the high quality assistance and support I have received from this community.
My N900 has developed a fault reading in sim card and I am now moving to Android.
Factors in my decision:
& Nokia.
Essentially my love relationship with Nokia has turned sour.
When the N900 returns from sim repair I will be selling. If anyone interested pm me, afore I enter the world of Ebay,
All the best.
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Milano
Originally Posted by BroisPlankton View Post
Sorry to say that I am on my way. But I wanted to say thanks for the high quality assistance and support I have received from this community.
My N900 has developed a fault reading in sim card and I am now moving to Android.
Factors in my decision:
& Nokia.
Essentially my love relationship with Nokia has turned sour.
When the N900 returns from sim repair I will be selling. If anyone interested pm me, afore I enter the world of Ebay,
All the best.

Good Luck then... and Bye Bye
Posts: 490 | Thanked: 191 times | Joined on May 2010
lol I thought this was another thread about someone leaving to android or apple.
Posts: 113 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Originally Posted by aligatro View Post
lol I thought this was another thread about someone leaving to android or apple.
In part it is: Im leaving for Android.

The N9 was going to kill everything out there but.....Nokia slipped on that opportunity. WP7 Ill DOUBT will help out as MeeGo is a MUCH better OS.
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 120 times | Joined on Dec 2009
My assessment on the WP7 is a mixed bag as of late. I had to opportunity to scoop a Dell Venue Pro for a very good price ... and so I thought rather than buy an MP3 player might as well pick up a showcase of Nokia's future OS. I have been playing around with the phone for about 3 weeks and it definitely is no Maemo something I already knew going into it but wanted to see for myself first hand. Now don't get me wrong the WP7 experience has plenty of ups, but it's the simple things that really kills it. Like a lack of contacts export/ import feature (basically just pulls numbers from either a google account or a liveid account or a sim card but no other alternatives). Also missing is that seamless OS integration with IM and VoIP services such as google talk which allowed you to see your friends who are online just by opening the address book. Also the Camera just plain sucks, I think this is mostly the OS side of things because a lot of people are saying the same thing when it comes to camera quality which doesn't focus right, colors are saturated, white balance is horrible, etc...

Also being in the Microsoft sandbox is a scary notion. When you think about it, Microsoft the king of antitrust cases has a thing of not acknowledging services far superior to their own. Like for example the Google Calendar sync is non-existant or gimped ... but they are more than happy to suck contacts from your Google account. They have a messenger like service but they will probably never even fathom having google talk baked in. They don't openly support alternative search engines, and so on. MS likes you to use their services even when their are better options, and that s the typical MS bully pulpit. The stance on SD cards for phones, MS is trying to control more then they should.

The WP7 OS in my opinion is more buggy then PR1.0 and I am serious. The OS auto mutes, no multitasking (seriously a hampering situation), every WP7 has some sort of firmware issue (for the DVP there is a WiFi bug, and a RAM issue). Control of settings is really not on par with what a smartphone should be like. Their seems to be only to modes ring and vibrate. But you can't even edit these profiles, the ring volume changes because it is tied to the system volume. If you were listening to music loud, the ring is loud and if it was low the ringer is low. The motor you can't control, the email notification tone isn't even set as a default you would have to set it from the get go. The marketplace app crashed often pre NoDo and since the update that has gone. Zune can't seek by pressing a seek bar but by rather holding the forward button which is quite onerous for those 1hour MP3's like lecture recordings. Having to use Zune to sync files I hate just because I am of the drag and drop computer generation.

With all that said, their is potential but under MS's hands I don't think it is a step forward but rather a copy and paste move because after all MS is not an innovator but rather the last guy invited to the party. Nokia would be better off going its own way because the Microsoft way is about doing what others do after it's done and old. Speaking of which Maemo today can blow MS's WP7 OS on a technical basis ... in the end it wasn't the product that failed but rather Nokia as it did have a winning product but not the cojones to back it up with real money. The key phrase for this entire transition is the word Ecosystem. Mr. Elop said the battle for future companies is not the brands but the ecosystem they ride their platform on. He is correct, and the reports coming out seem to indicate that MS can capture the number 2 spot, but he should not forget that MS can only capture the number 2 spot because of Nokia. The point is MS needed Nokia and not the other way around. Nokia had an ecosystem when they convinced themselves they needed another companies. Sort of like how Nokia had an OS in Maemo before teaming with Intel for MeeGo.

What I do now is carry two phones, my WP7 for Netflix and the N900 for everything else. As much as I like Nokia, I now want to see capitalistic forces of nature to take effect. These series of bad choices from management is inexcusable and a company with a sense of purpose needs to take hold. We are already starting to see the vultures swarming ... two rating agencies downgraded Nokia already, I don't think the WP7 adoption rate is accurate and Nokia will lose with an MS gamble because their will be competing phones from the likes of HTC, LG, and Samsung. Comparitively when it comes to hardware Nokia has a slight edge, but build quality of phones for these companies is actually improving and Nokia will lose that edge. Nokia will revert to a hardware design house, most of the engineering will be outsourced but in house engineering will shrink. Patent trolling also is a likely cash cow in the foreseeable future. I think the Feb decision Elop made set these motions in play and are now out of anybodies control ... the remaining brand power of Nokia has been diluted to mean cheap plastic phones, old Symbian, and Winmo which are all bad connotations in a field where brand matters. Blackberry still sells a bunch of crappy spec'd phones because they have a brand ... and in this field brand is as important as air to living creatures. As always disappointed and my honest opinion of all things Nokia ... feels good to get that off my mind.

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elop ur a pain, meego sucks

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