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Posts: 345 | Thanked: 117 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ uk
I think this is just a general annoyance of android in general. My wife has an android and it does stupid stuff all the time. This is one of them it does. It gets annoying after a while and I'm glad there is always maemo to go back to

PS anyone else got sync to work, or can confirm it doesn't work?
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ venezuela
hi people can someone explain to me how to fix market i can open it, but there is a little stupid app, how can i do to see more app
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How do i fix network error plz.
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ venezuela
you dont have problem with the marketplace?
Posts: 345 | Thanked: 117 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ uk
I think akry is probably talking about what happens before you apply the market fix. The market would open but would be blank. After this new market fix file android wont sync so I think that's why it wont open now.
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Is gingerbread the best version so far? i have installed it but its so slow and laggy, whats the easiest way to overclock it please.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2010
Hi people,
some tips after "hard way" to understanding instalation:
1. install nitdroid from repos - will be 0.0.8. check that work. do not install anything from market.
2. upgrade it to 0.0.9 - check it works. do not install anything from market.
3. upgrade to vostok n11 - check it works. do not install anything from market.
4. install market fix. NOW GO AND INSTALL ANY ANDROID APP.

I stopped at "3", I installs apps. after market "unjail" I was unable to install any thing that I find in "opened"" market. So, do step "4".
all the things on

I have worked all but the:
1. sending sms (recieve works)
2. cellular voice
3. all sip/VoIP can be heard from speaker only
4. camera...

NITdroid team - I want to make a T-SHORT with NITdroid's logo
Posts: 345 | Thanked: 117 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ uk
just thought of a possile solution for those of us with market/google/sync problems. My wife has an app on her android phone called ROM manager. I've used it to help her install cyanogen plus changed the standard google apps to the tiny version(works much faster). Unfortunately I can't try it out until at least tomorrow but it's an idea I thought I could share in case anyone else wants to try right away. ROM Manager will be available on applanet and the gapps tiny (or whichever size you want) will be on the cyanogen website somewhere.

I too think a Nitdroid t-shirt would be cool.


Link to all the gapps versions available on cyanogen. Am I right in thinking the HDPI one is right to work on n900? I'll try them all tomorrow anyway if no one else has done it by then.
good night

Last edited by kyllerbuzcut; 2011-04-24 at 23:08.
Posts: 155 | Thanked: 92 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Jordan
Originally Posted by neotalk View Post

go to Number 5 in the wiki list.(5 Custom EMMC's)
I used the custom 8 gig and installed N11 with no clitches.
That's not the problem as I'm running a 6 gig..but i wanted to do a separate partition for nitdroid to run in but kyllerbuzcut kind of cleared it up as it won't do any good to add an extra partition if I'm still going to have nitdroid files mixed in with the maemo files ..
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2011
hey people. I just installed andriod gingerbread and everything was fine. Then I thought to reinstall power-kernel. But then I made some mistake that I realized after rebooting my phone. It said press any key to panic. so I reflashed n900 installed kernel power and multi boot. but now I dont see nitroid in boot menu. I only see meamo one single option. I still have nitroid on my mmc. can there be a very little tweak or something that I can get nitroid in my bootmenu without flashing and installing again. can my story have a happy ending?

ps. I know its soloution must be written somewhere but I find myself too dumb to exactly figure out that people are talking abt this problem or anything else. HEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!! please

android, gingerbread, nitdroid

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