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Posts: 61 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by uvatbc View Post
I'm probably being very noobish here, but how do I get individual icons from those two jpeg attachments?
That was just for the visual.
I was waiting for the size and file type answer.... anyways, here's 190x100 PNGs
Attached Files
File Type: zip (69.3 KB, 90 views)

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Originally Posted by kbyork View Post
That was just for the visual.
I was waiting for the size and file type answer.... anyways, here's 190x100 PNGs
@size: I don't think it matters much. The QML will auto-resize / stretch to match text height.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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New build!
Thanks to kbyork, qgvdial's Inbox now has icons that are sensible and self explanatory.
Also: the password encryption method is now AES 256.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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New build: scroll bars for the inbox and contacts view
Posts: 1,048 | Thanked: 979 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ SF Bay Area
I've created a notification utility for qgvdial using mosquitto as the message broker. There are packages for Diablo and Maemo5.

What this also means is that the core google voice code works for Diablo - which means I'm going to port qgvdial to Diablo.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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Posts: 61 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010
I have been hoping for the "fallback mode for making calls with-out a data connection". But as that still appears to be sometime away; I guess I'll throw out some lesser issues:
  • The links in the ABOUT button no longer work.
  • DIALPAD: (I'll skip the Dialpad for now)
  • CONTACTS: The font is large, easy to read, easy to click on, and stands-out nicely against the background and border colors.
    I can only think of two things that would be an improvement:
    1. add (or increase) bottomMargin command. (as any character with descenders runs on to the bottom border)
    2. always display the scrollbar (just as a visual cue to first-time users that this screen scrolls).
  • INBOX: It getting better, but still needs help:
    1. ICON TUNE-UP: Reduce the types of arrows to look less goofy {may be just red and green arrows}.
    2. Put some Spacing between icons and text.
    3. always display the scrollbar (just as a visual cue to first-time users that this screen scrolls).
    4. and the text layout previously suggested.
  • SETTINGS: First two problems are important, but the rest are very minor:
    1. add (or increase) bottomMargin command. (as any character with descenders runs on to the bottom border)
    2. Use a different COLOR font. One that stands-out better. The black font is difficult to see against the shaded area of the buttons.
    3. BUTTON SPACING: whether on the computer or in the real world, we are use to see some space between buttons. I not sure, but I think that would help here as well.
    4. Two columns of buttons in landscape mode. It looks weird to have these thin but very wide buttons in landscape mode.
      I think it would look better if there where two columns of more normally shaped buttons.
      {I mention this, because I do think it would help. But, if I were the programmer, I don't think the visual improvement would be worth my man-hours to accomplish it. You be the judge.}
  • TEXTBOXes:
    1. You need Spacing around the outside of the TEXTBOXes.
      The TEXTBOX butts right up against the CAPTION for the TEXTBOX; and multiple TEXTBOXes butting up against each other looks more like a MENU than a TEXTBOX.
    2. COLOR the CAPTIONS: Nokia often uses BOLD-WHITE for CAPTIONS and NORMAL-GOLD for the TEXTBOX.
      I don't think it matters what colors are used; but using different colors does make it look better.

The Following User Says Thank You to kbyork For This Useful Post:
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@kbyork: Thanks for the UI improvement suggestions.
I've put all UI changes on hold while I work on the innards of qgvdial to refactor a lot of it.
This refactoring is so that I can introduce the fallback feature you described. That's what I'm working on.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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All right, new build.
Fallback dialout method incorporated. Please make sure to enter your Google Voice pin in the settings page.

It should hit the repos in about an hour.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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Note that the fallback dialout method works ONLY for Maemo at the moment. For the next few days, I'll be working on making it work on desktop and Symbian.
qgvdial: Google Voice client. All downloads
qgvtp: Phone integration for the n900 that dials out and sends texts using qgvdial.
mosquitto: message broker that implements the MQ Telemetry Transport protocol version 3.
qgvnotify: Google voice and contacts notifier for diablo and maemo.

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Posts: 61 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010
I am missing my "Dial Out" dialing type. I now can only choose:
  • Dial back: Mobile
  • Dial back: Google Talk
  • Dial back: (P.S. nice formatting on that one)
  • Dial out: Phone
the Dial out: is missing

Your PIN entry screen has some problems:
  • If you try to enter a PIN number, it only lets you enter one digit.
    But it correctly remembers the PIN across reboots.
  • If you turn off the PIN, and then reboot; it gets reset to ON & 0000

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