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Originally Posted by godofwar424 View Post
But the camera-ui2 isnt a feature..

Its an open source replacement of a closed component meaning that the CSSU can bug fix and also improve on the original problems with the closed camera component.

Also the whole point of the CSSU being in testing phase is that things won't always be stabled.


Mentalist was talking about options for features.

For example, being able to choose whether you want the default sized task switched or the larger 2 columns or even the single columns mode.
The functionality camera-ui2 provides is a feature, and so are the regressions it introduces. The CSSU has a hard dependency on it, so camera-ui2's features become CSSU features.
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So... joerg_rw was talking about tweakr today, and how it just replaces values in the general profile.

I looked into profiled, and apparently, the N900 can support more profiles, it pretty much had support for it from the start!
Unfortunately, the UI team decided general and silent were enough, so you can't add profiles easily.
I'll look more into this (it seems to be fully working, different ringtones for different profiles etc), but it needs a UI rewrite of both the status bar applet, AND the control panel applet.

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Originally Posted by ancow View Post
The functionality camera-ui2 provides is a feature, and so are the regressions it introduces. The CSSU has a hard dependency on it, so camera-ui2's features become CSSU features.
I beg to differ with you on that point.

camera-ui2 is an open source replacement. Much like MAG Media Player clone.
Well Nokia do at least know how to build a decent phone, just apparently don't know how to support it..

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Originally Posted by MohammadAG View Post
So... joerg_rw was talking about tweakr today, and how it just replaces values in the general profile.

I looked into profiled, and apparently, the N900 can support more profiles, it pretty much had support for it from the start!
Unfortunately, the UI team decided general and silent were enough, so you can't add profiles easily.
I'll look more into this (it seems to be fully working, different ringtones for different profiles etc), but it needs a UI rewrite of both the status bar applet, AND the control panel applet.
im happy using profilesX.........

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gee i will be happy with hildon desktop potrait... and a fast potrait keyboard. fastsms is getting there slowly.
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is this project still in testing stage.??

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Yes. When it stops being in the testing phase the wiki page for it will have an actually clickable link for the download button on the normal version - right now the only live download link is for testing. Though it's more or less safe to install, it's not recommended if you want everything working and perfect right off the bat.

@the camera-ui2 thing. First off, not sure what my statement going out the window has to do with camera-ui2 dependency - it's not like I have any say in the CSSU... unless someone higher up actually is swayed by what I say, which may be the case, but I'm not arrogant enough to assume that. So it never went out the window for me. The reason why I said nothing bad about the camera-ui2 dependency was because while I inderstand the inconvenience for those who got regressions, I don't think that's the plan. Even though nicolai did assume for others that no one would miss camera shutter sounds or whatever, he still did a damn good job of replicating the original camera UI and adding extra features on top of it. I would also be more vocal if I thought this was going to be the final state, but it isn't - at least doesn't seem so yet. The camera-ui replacement is going to be completely feature complete with the original as far as I understand the intent of the CSSU.

In the meantime, because this IS a testing package still, I don't think it's a big deal to include this a bit early. There's a difference between temporary until-updated inconvenience and permanent pre-planned inconvenience. The camera-ui replacement is going to have to be in the CSSU eventually anyway - as far as I know at least - because like the other "core" packages, it cannot be replaced without the CSSU mechanism. On the other hand, if the package can properly replace the camera-ui from within the normal repositories... *Shrug* Of course it depends how you mean replace. The Advanced Clock Plugin "replaces" the clock, but in essense it just takes away the clock's status-area slot and gives it to itself - the original clock is still there in the background. The same happens with Advanced Power, and indirectly with Advanced Interface Switcher. Afaik at least. Camera-ui2 can be installed with/over the camera-ui as well, but an update to camera-ui would override that update. Advanced Interface Switcher, for example, just avoids this by hiding the bluetooth applet (hiding in that it removes its status menu entry and places its own in) so the N900's bluetooth status menu applet could be updated, but it still wouldn't show up.

I suppose that's the issue with the battery applet recode - you can't update the battery truly without going the CSSU route. But then again, we do the same with kernels - new firmware updates that bring in new kernels wipe the power kernels out too - but then you just reinstall and you're good.

Anyway, idk - it's just a matter of how literally to the original idea the CSSU project wants to stay, and how much it's necessary for the battery and camera-ui overrides. On the other hand so long as you don't lose all the original functionality, or at least can choose to keep it, and aren't forced to deal with intrusive/functionality-altering new features, I don't think it's too harmful to include the recodes. Which returns us to the original point of if-camera-ui2-was-going-to-create-regressions-in-a-final-release-I'd-object-more. Though I do still think that an ideal model - if it's possible, would offer camera-ui2 to everyone, and only the stuff that needs to be a dependency of the cssu actually was.

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Hey guys, how can I reinstall the stock camera ui?

apt-get install camera-ui?

Thanks in advance

EDIT: It's nice, but for me it's a lot slower to focus and be ready to take picture than the stock camera UI..

Last edited by bandora; 2011-05-01 at 06:39.
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I am sorry if its been mentioned before I can see problem with text boxes, if I try to select texts or click somewhere in the middle of texts then the whole text goes invisible and if I click somewhere in the middle of text again then it appears back. Something similar also happens in about like dialogue box.

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yes has been mentioned 100 times, will be fixed in next update

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