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First version of GPS City Guide has been released.

City Guide is travel guide program with gps support. It works only in chinook. To get GPS location it uses liblocation library.

It uses Mapwidget and maptile-loader to show places on map.

At this it can show two kind of pois on map: Wikipedia articles and populated places. Cityguide use geonames service to find these.

Idea of program is that when you go near enough poi point it opens browser and show wiki article of poi.

You have to have maptile-loader installed if you want to use cityguide.
Cityguide starts maptile-loader automaticly.

couple of screenshots:

wikipedia articles searched:


If you want you change maptype, you have to edit maptile-loader.conf ( /home/user/.maptile-loader/maptile-loader.conf) file and after that kill and restart maptile-loader. After that you can change maptype from settings menu.

From settings menu you can also chance language for wikiarticles.

This is first release of this program and there quite much todo.

You find GPS City Guide from garage:

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to pjr For This Useful Post:
zeez's Avatar
Posts: 341 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Wow ! This is awesome ! I think it would be cool if we would compile "city packs". So you can download all data for a city and don't need to go online. Plus i think it would be awesome to have these guides edited by people who actually live in the city because they now all the insider stuff Since this community is scattered all over the world, we might actually be able to get a nice collection together...
(Another think that would be nice for these "packs" are timetables/maps of public transportation)
Posts: 2,102 | Thanked: 1,309 times | Joined on Sep 2006
Yes, this does sound like a cool idea
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Bruxelles (brussel, Belgium)
Is it possible to go to a multimedia guide?
They are mp3 Audio guide ...

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