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zerojay's Avatar
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I think either a) not supported in Linux kernel, or b) supported in Linux kernel, but not tested/supported by Nokia.
anidel's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Rebski View Post
I remember this from the last firmware upgrade. Once you install MicroB it all goes and you can't get it back.

"up to 8 GB memory card support.."
We had assumed that this kernel provided support for the full sdhc standard i.e. up to 32gb, does this mean that the new 16gb cards are not supported or is it a mistake on the part of the author?
That note "up to 8GB" was related, on that announcement, to the previous firmware.

Anyway, I got it back. After all this is a deterministic product
Mara's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Rebski View Post
"up to 8 GB memory card support.."
We had assumed that this kernel provided support for the full sdhc standard i.e. up to 32gb, does this mean that the new 16gb cards are not supported or is it a mistake on the part of the author?
I'd say that they say this since they have only tested up to 8GB memory cards. (It is not that easy to find even 16GB cards to test yet...) The kernel should support up to 32GB SDHC and MMC4 cards.
anidel's Avatar
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Should we move the discussion here as we are a little bit OT in this thread ?
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Originally Posted by Mara View Post
Talking about QA... one way to improve it is to "outsource" this to "free beta testers".
Nice option. I'm for example found couple bugs in MicroB as well. Did I mentioned that Maemo registration is hard? It's failed for me several times - after activation message arrives I'm unable to login anyway. Then I occasionally lost my password. Oh no! Now I can't file bug report again. Do I have to fight with registration system again? Definitely not a best bug tracking system ever, sorry. Actually this one was first bug tracking system where it was so hard to register and get account working.

And you have to take into account the following: as a free tester I'm for example (unfortunately) unable to dedicate lot of time to filing bug reports, and actually even fewer time to track bugs fate and slightly less options to ensure bugs were really fixed properly. If it is full-day job I can spend some decent 8 hours to ensure all works fine. As a free tester I'll rather stick to my day-to-day device usage and will only bother myself filing bugs which are meking my life significantly harder and I will have no access to internal test builds of components, etc so this is quite SLOW.There is still need in powerful QA team.But it does not replaces external testers.

Originally Posted by Texrat
Zero pointed out the in 6 months of use he's never had the card problem.
Testers in internal QA team have to do a way more than ordinary day to day device use to ensure users are happy. Are you announcing SDHC feature which is dealing with valuable user's data? Cool, then let's test it! Grab some 20 devices and offer internal QA team to perform extensive tests for several days. Try to move 10 000 files from card to card, then back, re-check their MD5. Try to download 4Gb file over wi-fi and check it's MD5 again. And try all this for different card vendors. And of course you have to try what happens if device goes standby, if battery getting low, if user performs other tasks in parralel (btw, you will learn here that CPU usage is quite high when working with cards), etc. If you will take into account high number of unhappy users then you'll come to idea that it was not so hard for QA team to catch this. Of course, I can not claim it is solely QA team fault. Tester is always loosing there is always missed bugs and it is testers who will be blamed for it. No win. But still QA team should do the best so users will not get bothered by critical bugs.

testing for every possible combination can be problematic
For free testers yes, they can't buy 20 different cards from different vendors and spend some decent hours to play with these estensively. Internal QA team can do this easily if managed properly. Of course still not a complete testing but well, users were able to reproduce this quite easily with popular Transcend cards which were one of the first at market (probably that's why they're flawed a bit, he-he).

Originally Posted by zerojay
I didn't have that problem.
But I do and I seen some users complained about this as well.

Agreed, but the tablet doesn't run a real-time OS anyways...
Try to explain this to end users, they like cracking sound so much... as QA I have to admit this issue WILL bother users. I'm agree there can be issue. but that's what QA for. They should detect and report major issues which can make users unhappy. Developers should try to fix these. That's how all this works.

I've never had this problem, thankfully. It's what I use to wake me up in the morning!
I'm used somewhat complex mix of events to get different alarm sounds .Let's admit my 6681 Nokia phone can rarely crash under similar conditions as well (and even latest 6681 firmware has some sort of mess with reminders, it's quite buggish even if we'll discard crashes, but this is offtopic here).

I'd be happy with the built-in player if it could play a few more formats (WMV) and if some of the relatively simple bugs piling up on Bugzilla would be fixed.
Actually, Nokia users (both phones and n800) are forced to use 3rd party players. Built in one is almost unusable IMHO. It's awfully SLOW, it's picky in which MP4 or DIVX file it's willing to play. Mplayer is much more powerful for example. It supports more formats and can handle higher bitrates without getting slow as jerk.

It sure can. Library -> Video. Your clips are all right there.
Phew. Nokia has quite specific view on use scenario. This makes their player unusable. What the hell I have to mess with libraries stuff if this thing simply fails to play my files most of time? Are you kidding? Now my simpler scenario, let's card to be E: (assuming it is attached in Windows) and user saved his video to E:\CoolVids\MySuperCoolVideo.avi - now your turn, tell me how do I open this video from video player in simple and logical way? It not seems to appear in library. Or I missed something? And anyway, lack of File -> Open is frustrating. I'm personally never seen worse player. Maybe this is my private opinition. This can be discovered by opening voting for example.

It's not too bad for me, but sure, I would like to see it faster.
Painfully slow even on 2Gb card filled with photos in some 10-20 dirs.I did not tested what will happen if 8Gb SDHC card will be here with same content. And if this happens over bluetooth you probably will fail to browse phone's 2Gb card with lots of files over bluetooth.Link can die on it's own a way before you have chances start real browsing in file manager. "Updating..." can appear for minute or so. Pretty annoying.

I don't think it's fair to say that Nokia's QA should have caught the bug.[...]how can you expect QA to easily find it? Answer: you don't.
If an external guy like I am manages to find such amount of issues, that's a bit too much, isn't it? I'm personally feeling like overall quality of last firmware is not too high. If Nokia thinks it is OK, that's up to 'em of course. But as QA I'm not agree with this opinition :P. I do like this device. And I'm really want users to enjoy it's use so I can recommend it to friends, etc and not get blamed once for recommendin this funny and featired device.

Last edited by PowerUser; 2007-10-02 at 16:10.
ysss's Avatar
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Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
Okay. I see what's going on now. Opera appears to have another menu underneath Close called Advance... here's the menu structure.
- Engine 
 - Set Default
  - MicroB
  - Opera
  - Webcore (disabled)
 - Change now
  - MicroB
  - Opera
  - Webcore (disabled)
 - View
  - Tab View
  - Box View
  - Win View
 - Policy
  - Global
   - Limited Java Script
   - Full Java Script (default selected)
  - Google
   - Limited Java Script
   - Full Java Script (default selected)
 - Log Messages (default unchecked)
I think spaces can be preserved by encapsulating with the CODE tag.
ysss's Avatar
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Btw, is there a way to disable Flash from the browser itself rather than using the more tedious (and buggy) Privoxy?
zerojay's Avatar
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Originally Posted by PowerUser View Post
Testers in internal QA team have to do a way more than ordinary day to day device use to ensure users are happy. Are you announcing SDHC feature which is dealing with valuable user's data? Cool, then let's test it! Grab some 20 devices and offer internal QA team to perform extensive tests for several days. Try to move 10 000 files from card to card, then back, re-check their MD5. Try to download 4Gb file over wi-fi and check it's MD5 again. And try all this for different card vendors. And of course you have to try what happens if device goes standby, if battery getting low, if user performs other tasks in parralel (btw, you will learn here that CPU usage is quite high when working with cards), etc.
Pretty sure they do that.

Originally Posted by PowerUser View Post
Actually, Nokia users (both phones and n800) are forced to use 3rd party players. Built in one is almost unusable IMHO. It's awfully SLOW, it's picky in which MP4 or DIVX file it's willing to play. Mplayer is much more powerful for example. It supports more formats and can handle higher bitrates without getting slow as jerk.
I find the built-in one works well enough if you use Video Converter. Mplayer is obviously great, but I find it unstable sometimes. If they'd add more formats to the built-in player (which I've heard they will), I'd be happy.

Originally Posted by PowerUser View Post
Phew. Nokia has quite specific view on use scenario. This makes their player unusable. What the hell I have to mess with libraries stuff if this thing simply fails to play my files most of time? Are you kidding? Now my simpler scenario, let's card to be E: (assuming it is attached in Windows) and user saved his video to E:\CoolVids\MySuperCoolVideo.avi - now your turn, tell me how do I open this video from video player in simple and logical way? It not seems to appear in library. Or I missed something? And anyway, lack of File -> Open is frustrating. I'm personally never seen worse player. Maybe this is my private opinition. This can be discovered by opening voting for example.
Once the file has been copied to your card and you open Media Player, it will update the library and boom, your video is there under Library -> Video. I don't see how this is even remotely unusable or hard to understand.

I do this all the time. Run video converter on the latest Simpsons episode and 5 minutes later, it's perfectly converted and automatically copied over to my N800, which then shows the file in my library and lets me play it perfectly fine.

Originally Posted by PowerUser View Post
If an external guy like I am manages to find such amount of issues, that's a bit too much, isn't it? I'm personally feeling like overall quality of last firmware is not too high. If Nokia thinks it is OK, that's up to 'em of course. But as QA I'm not agree with this opinition :P. I do like this device. And I'm really want users to enjoy it's use so I can recommend it to friends, etc and not get blamed once for recommendin this funny and featired device.
Finding bugs isn't the hard part about QA. It's reproducing them and finding the cause of them that is. Finding a rule to reproduce the bug. Anyone that's done QA should know that. And that's why this bug has been so hard to fix because the rule wasn't immediately easy to figure out.
luca's Avatar
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since the other updates seem to be available in the application manager (at least in red pill mode), it should be possible to just flash the kernel then update via app manager, right?
zerojay's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
Btw, is there a way to disable Flash from the browser itself rather than using the more tedious (and buggy) Privoxy?
Click the zoom button on the bottom right. Uncheck the Show Flash Files option.

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