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darethehair's Avatar
Posts: 273 | Thanked: 104 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Manitoba, Canada
Question for N810 users that has been asked in the past but not directly answered:

Does the 'gpsbt' GPS mode on your devices use (successfully) the 'built-in' GPS devices inside your tablets?

I have a user of 'MChronos' that experiences a 'reset' whenever he tries to use this program for a GPS reading with the 'gpsbt' mode.

This question would also apply to the 'MEphemeris' program.
There is nothing more dangerous than a bored cat.
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2009
Thank you for both MChronos and mephemeris. I installed them both through the repositories without difficulty.

I'm a seaman and still consider myself a navigator, even though we just read GPSs most of the time.

I like the precise information and the different ways to show it.

I'm looking now for a way to suppress the display of the Season bar and show just the Sun and Moon bars.

I find the applet pretty slow; I'm using an N800 with Diablo. But I'm also displaying Clock, FM Radio, HomeIP, Internet Radio, and Internet search.

I edited my mchronos.ini, and noticed the entire ~/.mchronos directory is owned by the root user and group.

Rather than changing the permissions to world-read and world-write, I changed the ownership of the directory and everything in it. Perhaps you could have the files installed that way. That's a better solution than chmod 777.

When I rebooted the N800 mchronos came up with the Sun and Season bars, their text data, and the mode toggle buttons, but no Moon bar or data.

I disabled the applet and re-enabled it, and the display came up normally.

Last edited by mariner; 2009-09-03 at 00:49.
darethehair's Avatar
Posts: 273 | Thanked: 104 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by mariner View Post
Thank you for both MChronos and mephemeris. I installed them both through the repositories without difficulty.
I am glad you like them! 99% of what I want for MChronos is done now, but I am hoping to do more for MEphemeris after I get receive some assistance from the author of the great PyEphem python libraries.

I'm a seaman and still consider myself a navigator, even though we just read GPSs most of the time.

I like the precise information and the different ways to show it.
Yes, I am not a 'navigator', but I also like convenient/precise information available to me -- and a device small enough to carry it around Unfortunately, the screen on my N800 is terrible in sunny conditions

I'm looking now for a way to suppress the display of the Season bar and show just the Sun and Moon bars.
Well, I will certainly consider making that an option, but I cannot say when that might occur. Hmmm...

I find the applet pretty slow; I'm using an N800 with Diablo. But I'm also displaying Clock, FM Radio, HomeIP, Internet Radio, and Internet search.
Yep, it is slow, and that has been mentioned a few times on these threads. Sadly, there is very little that I can do about it -- the apps are *not* written in 'C', but in 'Python' -- so that I even had a chance of being able to write something as complex as this

I edited my mchronos.ini, and noticed the entire ~/.mchronos directory is owned by the root user and group.

Rather than changing the permissions to world-read and world-write, I changed the ownership of the directory and everything in it. Perhaps you could have the files installed that way. That's a better solution than chmod 777.
I have subsequently 'learned the tricks' to changing permissions during the actual package install, so if/when I make more changes to this stuff, hopefully it will no longer be a 'post-install' issue for the user.

When I rebooted the N800 mchronos came up with the Sun and Season bars, their text data, and the mode toggle buttons, but no Moon bar or data.

I disabled the applet and re-enabled it, and the display came up normally.
Well, as far as I know, this has nothing to do with the app itself, though I cannot comment on what the problem cause actually is. Some behaviors on my N800 remain a mystery!

BTW, can *you* answer the question about whether the BT GPS mode works with the N810? No one has ever commented on that!
There is nothing more dangerous than a bored cat.
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Originally Posted by darethehair View Post
I have subsequently 'learned the tricks' to changing permissions during the actual package install, so if/when I make more changes to this stuff, hopefully it will no longer be a 'post-install' issue for the user.
Please, don't. The problem is not permissions but ownership. Install the directories and files in the user's home directory so that they are owned by the user named "user" and the group named "users". Then ownership will be correct, and with correct ownership there won't be any permissions problem to solve.

Originally Posted by darethehair View Post
BTW, can *you* answer the question about whether the BT GPS mode works with the N810? No one has ever commented on that!
No, I can't -- I have an N800.

GPS mode works on the N800, although it would be easy to conlude that it doesn't.

It's necessary to pair the GPS with the N800 in Control Panel --> GPS Location. Maemo-mapper has its own GPS interface, so M-m users may not know that.

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