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Posts: 334 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Ok slender you make some very good points, I can see where you are coming from.
I have done a complete flash on it before as I was having more problems with it before the PR update. So before I updated it, i flashed the emmc and then the device itself, but over in time some issues developed an occurr at completely random moments.
I hope these problems get fixed along the way or completely in the next firmware update.
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Do you guys have SmartReflex enabled? My desktop froze just once and I did have SmartReflex on.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Today for instance I had only the music player loaded (and paused) yet when I received a phone call the phone screen stayed blank until i missed the call. It also took a few presses of the power button to get a live screen to swipe my finger accross (and my phone does not have a lock code). The only other thing besides the music player was that there was a waiting message notification for me. In the thread I linked to above message notifications seem to be linked to this sort of slowdown a lot.[/QUOTE]

I have the problem you describe with the screen not activating to allow me to answer calls. It is a reported bug (I forget the number), however it seems that it is caused by light confusing the proximity sensor. Try this out for yourself. Have someone call your phone whilst you are in daylight and see if your screen lights up. Do the same inside (away from the window). I sent my device back and received a new one, however, the new one has the same problem (foolishly, I never tested it before installing my backup). I am uninstalling everything at the moment and will let you know how I get on. Oh, my previous device was also sluggish before being sent back to nokia.
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Michigan, USA
What happened with the hildon-home thread linked here? Giving me a 404. Did they reach a conclusion there? Cause I kinda have the same issue, and this thread had some hildon-home mentions too.

So yeah, random phone slowdowns, and on the times that I am fast enough to run top to see what's causing it, it's hildon-home. Sometimes it's when I'm not doing anything else but playing music, and the song skips a little, sometimes it's when I unlock it.

Kicker is: I only have 1 of the 4 desktops enabled, and no widgets at all installed or placed on the desktop. I was purposely monitoring what was going on using top via ssh and I saw that hildon-home was using 20~30% CPU at times. It does not take 20% of the CPU to display a wallpaper. :P

Anyway, yes, I could reflash, since I don't recall it happening before. But isn't there a way to somehow reset hildon-home? Deleting preferences or whatnot?

(Killing the process/restarting usually fixes it, but not for long. Uptime doesn't seem to affect it much, as I got essentially the same behavior even after 8 days up.)

Last edited by fwrnando; 2010-06-23 at 03:56.
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Slovakia
I have nioticed every single bug described here, especially when i am in hurry and need some number from phonebook, or i have to put down some note quickly. I am really, really disapointed and I will not recomend N900 to anyone anymore.
Such a good device and such a creepy software. Shame on you, nokia. After the last FW upgrade it seems to be even worse.

Sorry for unconstructive post, but I am really angry at the moment.
It costs me more than my laptop and its so unresponsive and power hungry most of the time.
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2010
i also have these problems

i wonder if it is because this is the first maemo device with a phone. It seems all these problems arrise when your dealing with something phone related like a call / sms / skype

its quite annoying.

also leaving unchecked messages lags it a shitload

either way though, maemo is dead. meego is now starting and were kinda like windows mobile now.
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Dec 2009

i have the same problems.
After having owned almost all Nokia communicators, my trusted Nokia E90 was getting a little bit old, so in December I was one of the first in the Netherlands to get the N900, which I considered an upgrade from the old Symbian S60v3.
And I have tried to use the N900 as a phone, but it sucks. As an internet tablet or mobile computers its wonderful. Browsing with microB is fast (still better than Fennec). The RSS reader works very well. `Much better than on any of my previous owned smartphones/PDA. The camera is also great, much better and sharper and clearer picture than any of my previous devices. Messaging is great (although MMS is not officially supported). And there are great developers out there who produce or port great applications.

The problem is that I have to able to use my phone. As a doctor I am often on call, and have to be able to answer my phone, but there's the problem (as previously described in this thread). Usually when the phone rings:
1. the screen stays blank, so I can't pick up the phone
2. the phone application shows up, but the pick up button is not responding.
3. see number 2, but after a while it does, but sometimes too late.
4. sometimes it just works, but only in a minority of cases!

Nokia What about a hardware call button! Would that fix my problem???

So this is quite annoying. So I tried several things, like overclocking my device, which didn't help for the phone part, and occasionally filming stuttered, everything else was lightning fast.

I just can't trust my N900 for being on call, so at this moment when I am on call, I use the N900 as an internet tablet (like the old days) and my E90 as my SmartPHONE...
And I am waiting what Nokia, Intel or perhaps Android will bring with communicator style devices.

Last edited by mtjioe; 2010-08-05 at 05:44.
Posts: 100 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ San Diego, CA
I am experiencing a lot of these problems too. I notice that if I lock the device with a microb window open and leave the device idle for some time, unlocking it usually takes a lot longer. Answering incoming calls is very slow while a browser window is open also. All of these happen even though the device is overclocked to 850mhz
Posts: 100 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ San Diego, CA
I recently reflashed the FW using NSU. So far I have not experienced any of the freezes I had before. Microb seems to be working smoother too.
Posts: 156 | Thanked: 239 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Finland
I have this problem from time to time. Usually it seems to be caused by the browser background daemons large memory usage, even when browsers not open (at the moment "browserd -s 5380 -n browserui" takes 15.6% of memory and "browserd -s 5387 -n RTComMessagingServer" another 9.4%).
It seems like the addblock extensions is loaded with the background processes, because the size of the adblock blocklist (patterns.ini, 209kB) seems to directly affect browserd memory usage. If I delete the blocklist files, the "browseui" process only takes 6.3% of memory but "RTComMessagingServer" stays the same.
So I guess I need to look at alternatives to adblock...

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