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oh god please stop this whining thread. This make me want to puke.

just sell your n900 already and get the iPhone if you don't like it. Nobody forced you to still using it if you don't like it. ffs! just enough already. Every damn stupid thread of winers ranting he same thing.

Last edited by maxximuscool; 2010-03-16 at 06:26.
Dave999's Avatar
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oh god please stop this whining about the whining. This make me want to puke.

plz ignore these threads. focus on threads you like. peace

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Originally Posted by kbeeveer46 View Post
So far we only have multi-tasking and an operating system that lacks a lot of the apps people are really looking for (Facebook etc).
what ?? people are looking for facebook app. boy, youve lost your mind. iphone app store has killed your brain cells for sure, brainwashed you. Do you actually sit on macbook and look for a facebook app or just open safari ?? God help you if you look for a facebook app on your laptop. You open microb and access facebook website, oh wait you are not used to it anymore. You need an app for that, jesus. Exactly why n900 is a mobile computer.

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You cant expect your new girlfriend to behave exactly like the former one.
I think the APP craze and the Windows way of installing application has caused quite a lot of people to have issues with the N900. I read a lot about the phone before buying it and expecting the worst but was pleasantly surprised.

I got the N900 because I was tired of trying to hack (s60) or jailbreak (iTouch) the phone anytime there is a firmware (OS as it is called in iphone) upgrade.

Yes the phone interface on the N900 is annoying at times but really you get used to it. But I have found ways of doing things I could do on my previous phone the Nokia E90 and opportunities of doing more.
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I think once you've past the wow factor of 'hey, I could get my desktop app/site running on this gadget!', you'll come to the realization of 'hey, this desktop app/site wasn't designed to be run on something this small'.
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I'll just quote some guy from

Paul Lahner
Planting rumours like this are the first steps (by Nokia, most likely) to pave the road for letting everybody know that Nokia will not commit to the N900 much longer. Nokia’s support for the N900 was always way less than half-assed. So once MeeGo is out those who spent € 500.00 for an N900 are left with a phone running a half-baked operating system that is no longer supported.

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Originally Posted by stantheboss View Post
I'll just quote some guy from

Paul Lahner

I believe most of the complaints are more about the phone interface than the OS itself. I know quite a lot of people who still stuck with XP after Vista was released and I am sure some would still prefer the Maemo 5 to Meego and just port the applications they like to it.
Posts: 126 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Italy
I read all of your posts. I respect all the opinions. But I must say that sometime you really get nasty flaming people that just speaks their mind.
You think that I am dropping my n900 (not selling it yet) because I can't use it... I don't know linux, I just bought the wrong device, I don't know terminal, I am an apple fanboy and other meaningless comment. Well you are wrong my dear. I used every aspect of he phone... I have debian and mer installed... and i might not be a dev but still I don't think you are in the position of judging my knowledge. Is typical of brainless fanboy to insult people with a different level of awarness... you do not think as me... you are an ignorant. Very mature. I am sure that the community will be happy with you and you will be a shooting star in the maemo sky...
And about the user that post something about being or not being thanked... Again you just judge my profile not what I am writing...
Then someone ask me cold hard facts on why n900 is not matching anymore my expectation:
1. Impossible to understand the call log. It mixes all the incoming and outgoing calls. A mess.
2. open keyboard to search do not always work. most of the times do not.
3. Bluetooth it is a mess... very often when you hang a call the device disconnect from the hearphones...
4 Media player is orrible... you nedd a Ph.d. to make a playlist. Divx support is the only good thing...
5. Wi-Fi and bluetooth stremaing not possible together.
6. ROOTFS madness...
7. No maps
8. No navigation
9. No Ovi store
10. Cortex with open gl and NO 3d Game... and you know why? Bacause Nokia do not support the phone and NO software house is interesting in the platform... so no games... and you are happy with nintendo stolen games from 5 years ago... wow...
11. Impossible to mod anything in a user friendly way... there are just 4 themes and half of them create porblem with the OS or the OTA. Is the less mod friendly device i ever had... the orrible Iphone JB is more easy to mod.
12. BATTERY not right for the terminal power need... always low on power if you use it the way it must be used... Or you just spend 600€ for something that is not a phone but that you can't use it in other ways otherwise it drain the battery
13. No way to download music or film directly to the device... itunes and iMusic docet.
14. Bulky. Heavy and sexy as hulk hogan
15. NO SUPPORT from Nokia.
16. In 6 month 1 real update... not Nokia top priority
17. No upgrade to maemo6 or meego
18. laggy and slow camera app + video... Samer hardware from 5 years ago...
19. Resistive touchscreen... good one but still not capacitive.
20. No facebook or twitter app...

Guess what... I am tired... Maybe I gave you the idea. Maybe I'll be burn again.
The bottom line is that the N900 were a great concept and a great device six month ago... but in this time nokia wasn't able to fix all the problem in this prototype... It left it in the cold in favor of the weirldy deformed n97 and so on... and nowdays if you look to the new andoird phones.. or even the just announced Win 7 (that I bet will sucks) looks more interesting than the n900.

Ahh last but not list... if you make an announce of an OTA update (1.2) on a certain date... DO IT... delay means incapacity. Delay means inneficency and make the consumer angry and you look always less and less relible.

I am sorry for my english, I am italian and I am writing on the phone italian virtual keyboard.

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Posts: 126 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Italy
To all the people that said bye bye looser... I say thax mates... you really understood how common knowledge is made... closing the eyes on the bad thing and keep talking on the few good one. No way to get better. You will keep swimming in the same pond...
Posts: 126 | Thanked: 65 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Italy
And I see no more fanboy to comment...
And think about it... in this forum there are more 3d for complians that for new app...

Any way... bye and peace

bye-bye losers, disappointment, hello freedom, n900 != phone, relax

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