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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
Because your not willing to admit that Nokia are not such a good company that your making them out to be..
I've only written that they overall do well working within the open source community and that they have supported the growth and strength of the Maemo community.

I pay little attention to Nokia beyond the Maemo MeeGo division. The Ovi staff may kick puppies. I doubt it, but I don't follow much non-MeeGo Nokia news.

Not everything Nokia does with Maemo/MeeGo is sunshine and happiness, but there's a lot of good to be found. And there are signs that they continue to work toward more openness and involvement in the community, which is heartening.

...and dont actually see my point that NOKIA are going to benefit extremly from this community.
From my pro-Linux, pro-GPL point of view, that's a good thing. Nokia keep contributing back improvements to the open source code they use, and not in their own fork, but by working upstream. Everybody wins.

And if I submit bugs and enhancement request for the software I use, and Nokia developers fix them, well, that's beneficial to me too.

All i am hearing is Nokia does this and Nokia does that but in reality they are in fact right now losing more customers than they are gaining.
Could be. I don't follow the arguments over which financial returns and sales numbers are correctly interpreted in which way. And as far as I can see "Contributing to the open source community?" and "Gaining or losing customers?" are questions that aren't directly tied together.

This very community will be the saviour for Nokia because its all about Nokia and there up and coming os.
Err, okay?
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
thank god i dont need a stupid so called Nokia engineer to repair MY N900
Sorry, I can't leave this one alone.

I was once a "stupid so called Nokia engineer" but you might be amazed at what those of us with that title did and could perform.

Nokia actually has incredibly high standards for its professional staff. I worked with a great many engineers of all sorts in the company and while I didn't always agree with every one's opinions or approach there's no way I'd call any of them stupid.

Now, when you seek repair or replacement you don't encounter an engineer first but rather a technical support representative. Many have not been adequately trained to provide great support and often the lines of communication within the very large Nokia as well as between it and 3rd party service providers are very poor.

I will not defend every policy or action by Nokia; if you have read much of the infamous USB problem thread you'll easily see I have taken the company to task for its poor handling of this serious issue. But at the same time, I know the problems are not due to malfeasance but rather the consequence of a growing, rapidly-changing company. Still, the executive leadership has access to the information they need to correct breakdowns so no excuse. But don't slam the engineers for it. Nokia's engineers are some of the best and brightest and they work their asses off.
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Now we are talking instead of *****ing thats the spririt and also Texrat made a few very valid points and also told us about himself a bit that i like .
What needs to happen from this community as it does have a huge impact on Nokia's future is help all round not just from the software point of view but more importantly from the customer relation point of view because right now Nokia lack in that dept big time.
Because of this community Nokia will gain a lot of end user requirements likes and dislikes for their very own future developments.
Everyone here has there own field of expertize and that a good thing, what is needed os to bring together in the true sense all the different things that this community can contribute to the future of further developments from Nokia.
They are very clever give them that because from this community they will lavish in many aspects such as the survey thats pouted near enough on every thread, ha what a insight for Nokia to read the results finally from that survey alone, then there is all the work from members benchtesting hardware overclocking etc etc phew its never ending what will come out of this community for Nokia.
For me it is sad to see such bad relations from Nokia to end user in many apsects.
The usb prob alone is a major concern for Nokia because it means most if not all N900's will at some point have to go back for repair/replacement and thats all because someone did their homework wrong on the design stage of the N900 thats sad.(someone needs a kick in the butt alone for that).
All in all it is hard for me to listen to some people on here talk highly of Nokia when in reality many problems need to be ironed out.
Its not just about one thing, its many issues coming out on this forum and yes it IS a first that the public have a direct or indirect way ot teaching a manufacturer the way to go.
I am happy very much with my N900 and excited to see what will come out of this community, i dont have any personal grievences towards anyone other than people who blatanly swear there heads off (example Johnel who called everyone ******s with some pic, that WAS well out of order).
Lets watch and see what happens for us all in the near future.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Sorry, I can't leave this one alone.

I was once a "stupid so called Nokia engineer" but you might be amazed at what those of us with that title did and could perform.

Nokia actually has incredibly high standards for its professional staff. I worked with a great many engineers of all sorts in the company and while I didn't always agree with every one's opinions or approach there's no way I'd call any of them stupid.

Now, when you seek repair or replacement you don't encounter an engineer first but rather a technical support representative. Many have not been adequately trained to provide great support and often the lines of communication within the very large Nokia as well as between it and 3rd party service providers are very poor.

I will not defend every policy or action by Nokia; if you have read much of the infamous USB problem thread you'll easily see I have taken the company to task for its poor handling of this serious issue. But at the same time, I know the problems are not due to malfeasance but rather the consequence of a growing, rapidly-changing company. Still, the executive leadership has access to the information they need to correct breakdowns so no excuse. But don't slam the engineers for it. Nokia's engineers are some of the best and brightest and they work their asses off.

I think you just taking it too personal Texrat.
I think he only blaming who ever designed the USB part in this particular case. But you are right, Nokia do have a group of talented engineer other wise they would not be the Number1 best Mobile company in the world. Nokia do deserve the title but that title is being threaten by compititions at the moment.

Yet Nokia is still the top but slowly falling, I felt really sorry for Nokia for losing it's game. Let's hope Nokia get back on its feets and going with full force with either N900 support, more reliable and future MeeGo.

Get a head of the game and stop the AppleRoid before they learn how to walk. Nokia got to bring out a better device and hardware wise better than those Apple 4G and HTC Super Sonic to claim the best title again.

Last edited by maxximuscool; 2010-04-26 at 03:54.

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Let's all stop feeding the troll..

I don't think he is contributing anything useful to to this thread and to the community in general.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Sorry, I can't leave this one alone.

I was once a "stupid so called Nokia engineer" but you might be amazed at what those of us with that title did and could perform.

Nokia actually has incredibly high standards for its professional staff. I worked with a great many engineers of all sorts in the company and while I didn't always agree with every one's opinions or approach there's no way I'd call any of them stupid.

Now, when you seek repair or replacement you don't encounter an engineer first but rather a technical support representative. Many have not been adequately trained to provide great support and often the lines of communication within the very large Nokia as well as between it and 3rd party service providers are very poor.

I will not defend every policy or action by Nokia; if you have read much of the infamous USB problem thread you'll easily see I have taken the company to task for its poor handling of this serious issue. But at the same time, I know the problems are not due to malfeasance but rather the consequence of a growing, rapidly-changing company. Still, the executive leadership has access to the information they need to correct breakdowns so no excuse. But don't slam the engineers for it. Nokia's engineers are some of the best and brightest and they work their asses off.
Ok from one engineer to another, if you walk into any Nokia care centre you might get a suprise because within are incompetent engineers who just dont have a clue (some not all) i have seen personally some of the so called repairs done from within these centres and never fails to shock me, plus the customer relations as a whole stinks as you will know very well by comments on this community.
All i am saying is there is huge room for improvement all round starting from the design stage to end user repairs, i dont complain am reading others comments on this very community.
IF Nokia take heed and listen to their very own customers then this will be achieved hopefully, a first for Nokia !.
A fast growing company MUST have within it good directives to cope with the fast growth and this is a field Nokia are failing in because i know for sure nothing like enough benchtesting is done before putting the protortype to final production.
Like i said just before , let's wait and see what happens in the future because basically we have no choice !.
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Originally Posted by pinsh View Post
Let's all stop feeding the troll..

I don't think he is contributing anything useful to to this thread and to the community in general.
WHO are you referring to here?
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Texrat i WAS referring to the bad design of the usb in my post ok and that is within the Nokia design team so please stop blowing Nokia's trumpet when it is clear they make mistakes.
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If you comprehend the depth and subtleties of this particular subject, it wouldn't take you long to realize that 'growing' an opensource ecosystem around a platform is not so simple.

Just look at maemo for crying out loud, it's been out there for 4-5+ years and where are all the free flow of software to rival the closed platforms newer than it?? The oss community are not as simple to motivate (and understand) as commercial developers community. YES, if nokia (or anyone) manages to 'harness' this resource, they can get far more in return than their traditional financial investments. BUT, this will realize itself more as a PARTNERSHIP with the community, because, see, the oss community is not that dumb as you thought them to be.

I'm happy to see that you keep finding new things as we discuss more in this thread and i encourage you to be man enough to acknowledge any mistakes if they ever come up
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
@abill_uk: ......"Edit because it's too long lol"

let just stop attacking one another like the politions in the parliament lol. This is getting rediculously too long too read and too hard to follow already. Let just move on guys! We are all grown up (men and Women) here. No need to keep throwing bone in for more arguments. This thread has became off topic already. Keep it simple and short Thank you guys!

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