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Posts: 32 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Uninstalled catorize - had no idea it could cause battery issues until I read the forums - and battery life significantly improved.

Here's a battery graph from yesterday, just for reference. With no use and internet connection off your phone shouldn't use more than 10-15% of battery per 24 hours. (I guess?) I bought my phone when N900 came out, 15 months ago or so, and it's been in heavy use ever since. I'm quite happy with how well the battery still performs.

(The little notch there is from actual phone use.)

Last edited by Juhgu; 2011-03-14 at 23:40.

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Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria
hi guys,

my battery lasts less and less in the last time
can someone check my powertop output?
( Offline Modus after an Restart )

btw. what the hell is the fmtx process while in offline modus?


Nokia-N900:~# powertop
Powertop 1.13.3
status: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon
Sleeping for 11 seconds before sampling
Collecting data for 30 seconds
Sample interval was 00m 30s 62134us

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |   0.6% |          |  1150 MHz |   nan% |
     C1 |   0.0% |    0.4ms | 
     C2 |   2.1% |    9.7ms | 
     C3 |   9.4% |  113.1ms | 
     C4 |  87.9% |  943.8ms | 

IRQ#    | Activity   | Type           | Name
     56 |        113 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     37 |         91 |           INTC | gp
     11 |         87 |           INTC | prcm
     86 |         31 |           INTC | mmc1
     57 |         29 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     21 |          9 |           INTC | SGX
     12 |          4 |           INTC | DMA

PID#    | Activity   | Name           | Function Entry (Expire)
   1951 |         30 |          fmtxd | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
   1822 |         17 |     osso-xterm | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
      0 |         13 |  <kernel core> | tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick (tick_sched_timer)
      0 |         13 |  <kernel core> | hrtimer_start (tick_sched_timer)
      1 |         12D|        preinit | cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
   1042 |          7 |      bme_RX-51 | sys_timer_settime (posix_timer_fn)
     45 |          6 |          mmcqd | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
     45 |          3 |          mmcqd | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
   1164 |          3 |           Xorg | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
   1042 |          3 |      bme_RX-51 | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
    823 |          3 |           dsme | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)
    823 |          3 |           dsme | __enqueue_rt_entity (sched_rt_period_timer)
   1135 |          2 |       sgx_perf | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
   1042 |          2 |      bme_RX-51 | sys_timer_settime (posix_timer_fn)
   1042 |          2 |      bme_RX-51 | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)
    857 |          2D|<kernel module> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
      0 |          1 |  <kernel core> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
      1 |          1D|  <kernel core> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
      1 |          1 |  <kernel core> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
   1406 |          1 |          iphbd | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
   1958 |          1 |       powertop | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)

Power domain activity breakdown
Domain  | % of time spent in states
usbhost |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)
    sgx |OFF:  97%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   2%| now:(OFF)
    per |OFF:  96%|RET:   2%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(ON)
    dss |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)
    cam |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)
   core |OFF:  88%|RET:   7%|INA:   0%| ON:   3%| now:(ON)
   neon |OFF:  88%|RET:   9%|INA:   2%| ON:   0%| now:(ON)
    mpu |OFF:  88%|RET:   9%|INA:   2%| ON:   0%| now:(ON)
   iva2 |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)

Clock activity breakdown at end of period
Domain  | Active clocks
   core |          SDRC | HSOTGUSB_IDLE |      OMAPCTRL 
        |     MAILBOXES |
   wkup |          GPT1 |       32KSYNC |         GPIO1 
        |          WDT1 |           SR1 |           SR2 
  ckgen |          CORE |          PERI |           96M 
        |           48M |           12M |           54M 
        |      EMU_CORE |
    per |         GPIO2 |         GPIO3 |         GPIO4 
        |         GPIO5 |         GPIO6 |

Total wakeups   490,  16.3/s | IRQ  364,  12.1/s | Timers  126,   4.2/s
HW wakeups       87,   2.9/s |     Real gp_timers expired   91,   3.0/s

Last edited by StocChr; 2011-09-29 at 14:56.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Originally Posted by StocChr View Post
hi guys,

the battery consumption of my n900 drives me crazy.

charge over-night

10 hours of Standby ( with Bluetooth and 3G Internet ) and 1 hour talk time and the battery have to be loaded

this really sucks, any ideas?

I experienced similar problem with my N900, eventually I noticed that anytime I start the internal browser, the battery consumption peaks afterwards, even after closing the browser. So anytime I start the browser I had to restart the device to prevent the high power consumption. So what I did was to download a third party browser which I now use and I stopped using the original maemo browser entirely. Now my power usage has improved and I get longer battery time.
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria
i have tested my device after a power-cycle (with battery removal).
the results are more than depressing. i can't say that kp49 is 100% responsible for this.
so if it's so, sorry for off topic, but maybe someone can help me to get a working device back.

i have charged my device till 19:00, the battery lasts till 04:00
9 hours in offline mode with obviously no cpu usage and no usage

what the hell is going on with me device?

i performed powertop befor testing, the output seems more than nice:
Nokia-N900:~# powertop
Powertop 1.13.3
status: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon
Sleeping for 11 seconds before sampling
Collecting data for 30 seconds
Sample interval was 00m 30s 6226us

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
     C0 |   0.4% |          |  1150 MHz |   nan% |
     C1 |   0.1% |    0.4ms | 
     C2 |   3.0% |    5.6ms | 
     C3 |   6.3% |   72.1ms | 
     C4 |  90.2% | 1690.7ms | 

IRQ#    | Activity   | Type           | Name
     12 |        398 |           INTC | DMA
     56 |        152 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     37 |         90 |           INTC | gp
     57 |         50 |           INTC | i2c_omap
     86 |         17 |           INTC | mmc1
    202 |         17 |           GPIO | wl1251
     11 |         10 |           INTC | prcm
     21 |          9 |           INTC | SGX

PID#    | Activity   | Name           | Function Entry (Expire)
      0 |         30 |  <kernel core> | hrtimer_start (tick_sched_timer)
      0 |         27 |  <kernel core> | tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick (tick_sched_timer)
    744 |         22 |         wl12xx | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
   2098 |         19 |     osso-xterm | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
      1 |         15D|        preinit | cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    744 |         10 |         wl12xx | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    869 |          9 |      bme_RX-51 | sys_timer_settime (posix_timer_fn)
     45 |          3 |          mmcqd | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
   1186 |          3 |           Xorg | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    744 |          3 |         wl12xx | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
   1511 |          3 |       wlancond | ieee80211_ioctl_siwpower (ieee80211_dynamic_ps_timer)
    869 |          3 |      bme_RX-51 | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
    826 |          3 |           dsme | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)
    826 |          3 |           dsme | __enqueue_rt_entity (sched_rt_period_timer)
      1 |          3D|  <kernel core> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
   1139 |          2 |       sgx_perf | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    869 |          2 |      bme_RX-51 | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)
    853 |          2D|<kernel module> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
     14 |          1 |        pdflush | journal_get_write_access (commit_timeout)
      1 |          1 |  <kernel core> | inet_initpeers (peer_check_expire)
   2113 |          1 |       powertop | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)

Power domain activity breakdown
Domain  | % of time spent in states
usbhost |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)
    sgx |OFF:  97%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   2%| now:(OFF)
    per |OFF:   0%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON: 100%| now:(ON)
    dss |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)
    cam |OFF: 100%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON:   0%| now:(OFF)
   core |OFF:   0%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON: 100%| now:(ON)
   neon |OFF:  90%|RET:   6%|INA:   2%| ON:   0%| now:(ON)
    mpu |OFF:  90%|RET:   6%|INA:   2%| ON:   0%| now:(ON)
   iva2 |OFF:   0%|RET:   0%|INA:   0%| ON: 100%| now:(ON)

Clock activity breakdown at end of period
Domain  | Active clocks
   iva2 |         IVA2
   core |          SDRC | HSOTGUSB_IDLE |      OMAPCTRL 
        |     MAILBOXES |
   wkup |          GPT1 |       32KSYNC |         GPIO1 
        |          WDT1 |           SR1 |           SR2 
  ckgen |          CORE |          PERI |           96M 
        |           48M |           12M |           54M 
        |      EMU_CORE |
    per |         GPIO2 |         GPIO3 |         GPIO4 
        |         GPIO5 |         GPIO6 |

Total wakeups   908,  30.3/s | IRQ  743,  24.8/s | Timers  165,   5.5/s
HW wakeups       10,   0.3/s |     Real gp_timers expired   90,   3.0/s
Posts: 896 | Thanked: 978 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Greece, Athens
^ kp 49 was responsible in my case.

had no problems with 48
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria
and what was your solution?
Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
First off all make sure you have 'pastebinit' installed (apt-get install pastebinit)

1. Put device in offline mode.
2. Turn off device.
3. Remove battery.
4. Insert battery.
5. Power on.
6. Stay in offline mode.
7. Wait 4 minutes (for device to settle).
8. Run this code as root:

sleep 10; powertop > ./out; powertop >> ./out; powertop >> ./out
9. Immediately lock the screen and leave it for 5 minutes.
10. Connect to the internet and type in:

pastebinit ./out
11. Paste URL here.
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
THEN, remove kernel-power-settings and do the same again.

Post results.
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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Posts: 3,074 | Thanked: 12,964 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Sofia,Bulgaria
Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
THEN, remove kernel-power-settings and do the same again.

Post results.
Will you give me some hint on how KPS correlate with the fact that:

# per |OFF: 0%|RET: 0%|INA: 0%| ON: 100%| nowON)
# core |OFF: 0%|RET: 0%|INA: 0%| ON: 100%| nowON)
# iva2 |OFF: 0%|RET: 0%|INA: 0%| ON: 100%| nowON)


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Posts: 306 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austria
#100 with kernel-power-settings without kernel-power-settings


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