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Thanks, I shall try that!
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In principle it should be easy. You should have a scratchbox environment with extra-testing repository enabled. Then you need to follow these steps. This package is none maemo-optify and this will save us some steps.

I recommend to check the source list from scratchbox first and maybe skip the related step and look if extra-devel is enabled and disable it.

You could also change the debian changelog to version 1.0.7-3 after downloading the source.

Originally Posted by Halftux own steps
echo "deb fremantle free non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb-src fremantle free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
tar xfvz fcam-drivers_1.0.7-2.tar.gz
fakeroot apt-get build-dep fcam-drivers
cd fcam-drivers_1.0.7
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b
cd ..
cp fcam-drivers_1.0.7-2_armel.deb to N900
When yourself compiled driver is working, I could make a version jump in maemo extras so that it will get recompiled from the autobuilder.
Then the new compiled package would be in extras-devel.

If you are not able to compile it, I could also upload it that you could test the package.

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Afair, time goes by and there is not much discusiion ongoing, the.fcam drivers just needs to be taken from maemo devel repository. That's all.
So enable devel, (re-)install fcam/drivers and you should be good to go.

oh, and disable devel repo after that. It may not eat your brain but could cause some pain...
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Last edited by peterleinchen; 2018-10-18 at 21:28.

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Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
Afair, time goes by and there is not much discusiion ongoing, the.fcam drivers just needs to be taken from maemo devel repository. That's all.
So enable devel, (re-)install fcam/drivers and you should be good to go.
Yeah could be, but extra testing and devel is the same version now. The package got promoted 2016-08-18.

And the package was build 2010-11-10 that means compiled against kernel-power-headers 2.6.28-maemo40. Could be that it also work for other kernel-power. However when it is not working recompile is worth a try.

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Hmm, I am running KP v53 AND fcam well together!
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Originally Posted by Halftux View Post
Yeah could be, but extra testing and devel is the same version now. The package got promoted 2016-08-18.
ORLY? Yeah, I remember a round of promotions inspired by freemangordon or palius back some time/years

Okay but justmemory only said he is on CSSU testing, not which repos he has enabled.
So wait for more info...
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Yeah the right question would be which fcam_driver version is installed?
[for installing power-kernel v53 extra-testing should be enabled...]

Last edited by Halftux; 2018-10-18 at 22:08.

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Soooo... thank you guys for the tips; I'm trying to recompile it now.
I do have enabled extras-devel but it is not working which is a bit odd, because BlessN900 do take pictures (it also depends on fcam-drivers) but fcamera, hdrcapture and lowlight just won't start. But BlessN900 freezes after taking the pics, soooo... I forgot that I have custom libc6 installed so that could be an issue... Sorry for not to mention it earlier...

Update1: it is succesfully compiled; I'm trying it now...

Update2: Fcamera app launches but shows grey window (after reboot of n900); I'll try to recompile fcamera itself...

Last edited by justmemory; 2018-10-19 at 09:11.

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Originally Posted by justmemory View Post
I'll try to recompile fcamera itself...
Best would be to compile with cssu packages and your custmom libc6, do you have the sources of the libc6, from where did you get it? So in principle build=host.

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Posts: 391 | Thanked: 912 times | Joined on Aug 2011 @ suncity
Originally Posted by Halftux View Post
Best would be to compile with cssu packages and your custmom libc6, do you have the sources of the libc6, from where did you get it? So in principle build=host.
Hmm... now that is a headscratcher... I have my n900 and only my n900 so compiling something is only available on this device. That is why I have chrooted maemo sdk image but it does not have cssu testing installed. maybe I should...
Or I should install everything for compilation on my main system but I would not do that...

Libc6 is available here; based on Aapo's idea I made it myself... You can read the details there.

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