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Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
This is a reasonably well known issue with OS 2007 (bug #1760) - it causes the metalayer-crawler service to loop and consume large amounts of CPU. metalayer-crawler is the service that indexes your media files for use with Media Player - it trawls the MMC card and also the directories under MyDocs - your symbolic link causes it recursively walk the filesystem and become stuck in /dev.

Until the bug is fixed in a future update to metalayer-crawler don't create that sym link.
Mmmm.. I don't recall now if I did this or not when I flashed '07 (I don't think I did). I'll try a reflash again in the next day or so and see what happens.
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Ummm....I haven't been following the OS2007HE much lately. I still have the previous Hackers Edition on internal flash, and OS2006 on MMC (with Fanoush's mods), and I almost always boot to OS2006, so that's where all my apps are installed. Just wondering what the consensus (ha!) is:

Should I upgrade my old HE to the new one?
Should I bother to dual-boot still?
Are there apps that work on OS2006 but not on OS2007HE?
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Originally Posted by buggsy2 View Post
Ummm....I haven't been following the OS2007HE much lately. I still have the previous Hackers Edition on internal flash, and OS2006 on MMC (with Fanoush's mods), and I almost always boot to OS2006, so that's where all my apps are installed. Just wondering what the consensus (ha!) is:

Should I upgrade my old HE to the new one?
Should I bother to dual-boot still?
Are there apps that work on OS2006 but not on OS2007HE?
1) Yes, the new 2007He2007 runs much better than the old 2007He2006, fixed the file manager problem, able to run videocenter which opens to podcast, mp4, 3gp. m4v still not supported (yes, yes, I know not all mp4 are created equal, bla bla bla) and video is more 'tame' on the new 2007He, in a sense that the video is 'workable' now, rather than a true dead.

2) I have not booted up 2006 for a long long time. I guess, dual boot of 2006OS and 2007He is for, software development testing OS versions I guess.
You mean dual boot, right? If you ask MMC boot, I would say it is a must. MMC boot allows one to have almost unlimited space for app installations plus other minor 'fringer benefits'.

3) I have not encountered one myself, there is sporadic posts about Kismet. The working ones are listed here,
__________________________________________________ _______________

2007He2007.36-2 flash/MMC 2G w MMCplus patch
2006OS flash/MMC 1G

AisleRiot solitaire ?
Becomeroot 0.1-2
Bootmenu 2
canoe 0.2.0-1
dates .4.4.1
diskusage 0.1.20070902-1
flite 1.3
geoclue-status 0.2.2-1
gnumeric 1.7.0-1indt3
gpe-calendar 2.8+maemo-1
gpe-filemanager 2.8+maemo-1
idea 1.0-n800
kismet 2007.01.R1b-1.0
leafpad 0.810-1indt1
libsqlite0 2.8.17-2
libsqlite3-0 3.3.8-1
links 2.1pre30-1
load-applet 0.6.4-2mg2
maemo-mapper 1.4.7-2
maemo-periodic 1.0-1
mc 1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre3-3sarge1
mediacenter 1.61
mediastreamer 1.2-14
minimo 0.20.2
mplayer 1.0rc1-maemo.18.n770
osso-xterm 0.13mh24bora1
pid 0.1.20070902-1
proj 4.4.9-3
python2.5-runtime 0.4-12
rdesktop 0.4
simple-launcher 0.95
sqlite3 3.3.8-1
unzip 5.52-11
videocenter 2.0.32
Vncviewer 0.6
wget 1.10.2-2ubuntu1mg2
wifiinfo 0.3.20070902-1

So far these have ALL been installed, tested, and running smoothly. Post if yours have been left out.........
__________________________________________________ ____________

Posts: 70 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
geoclue-status 0.2.2-1
gnumeric 1.7.0-1indt3
So far these have ALL been installed, tested, and running smoothly. Post if yours have been left out.........
Gizmo?? Quite important to me.
<EDIT> And: Bun, thanks, do you dual-boot anymore? If so which two OSs?

Last edited by buggsy2; 2007-09-27 at 20:35.
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Originally Posted by buggsy2 View Post
Gizmo?? Quite important to me.
<EDIT> And: Bun, thanks, do you dual-boot anymore? If so which two OSs?
i have 2007He flash/mmc 2006OS MMC. Again, my interest in MMC boot is the increase in space of app installation. I am trying Gizmo proj now.....I saw MythTV is now 'working' on N800, I wonder whether it can be ported to the 770?

Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Originally Posted by buggsy2 View Post
Gizmo?? Quite important to me.
Gizmo worked, I am not clear, which version is actually installed.

Posts: 70 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Another question. I installed OS2007HE on internal flash, a fresh install, and I'll install my favorite apps over the next few days. Which catalogs should I use now? I never really understood the catalog business under OS2006 but I know I had a dozen or so listed.
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Originally Posted by buggsy2 View Post
Another question. I installed OS2007HE on internal flash, a fresh install, and I'll install my favorite apps over the next few days. Which catalogs should I use now? I never really understood the catalog business under OS2006 but I know I had a dozen or so listed.
Choose 2006OS for the 2007He is 99.99% worked. If you brave enough, really really want a particular feature under the 2007OS for the N800, and no report about its status, then you probably will have to 'sweat' it out, install the N800 and keep your jaws hanging....., post your resutls, so that only one person has to sweat, the rest of us just sail thru..... Anyway, the list above is pretty into the main stream of what everybody installed.

Good luck.

gogol's Avatar
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I flashed this morning and have been working all day to get it back to my old setup.

Recursively copying a backup of the 'email' folder in /home/user/Apps prevented me from having to reconfigure my POP gmail account, which was nice.

Gizmo installed and was up and running right away.
I've found some armel compiled .debs of perl which are also working great.

I put this upgrade off because I assumed it would lead to an unstable and mostly unusable system. (The name Hacker Edition seems to imply that) Not True! It's working as good or better than 2006.
~Nokia n810 OS Diablo 5.2008.43-7~ my (old 770) hax:
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
AisleRiot solitaire ?
wifiinfo 0.3.20070902-1

So far these have ALL been installed, tested, and running smoothly. Post if yours have been left out.........

devicescape 1.1-37

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