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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
I wouldn't so confident, 4G has gone MIA in all their official doco, despite being there before, so there's a chance they've gone with a different SoC.
what the hell is MIA?


or this:


Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Germany was actually one of the earliest/quickest uptakers of WP for the longest time.
But that may have changed in the last 9mth, haven't been following closely...
Still, pretty sure they also have a long/full history with F/OSS....
If german are smart they choose Jolla. We have to support each others company in europe. We have to compete with Asia and USA there need to be a third alternative...
Keep safe and healthy

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-09-22 at 10:40.

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MIA is Missing in Action
Still learning on geeky knowledge
N9 *stolen*N900 *died*N900 *on hiatus* OnePlus X

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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
what the hell is MIA?


or this:

Try searching harder, tis a very commonly used English colloquialism.

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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
If anybody interested my thoughts about Jolla, as much as i want them to succeed, in my opinion they make same mistakes Nokia did. Here is post on tumblr i wrote after some arguments few few people on twitter(apperanltly including Jolla co-founder)
Btw i think they have one shot and they need to release finished unit in all aspects(not half baked) or at least to explain and inform if it not finsihed then why, when, what support and what models are planned?
I really dont get your point et all.Already 2012 they said it will be a midend devicev NOT highend.

Also how the freeking hell do you think they could get access to the latest and greatest SoC as an upstart company with enduser price of 400EUR?

Please stop compare Jolla with Samsung, Micronokia or Apple. its not possible! Just look what happened with Canonicals ridicilous plans to try make an device for enduser price of 6 000EUR

* did they get the money? Answer No.
* Would they success make the phone if they got that 30 million? My answer is clearly no. Almost everyone in the bussiness said they cant's success with those ridicilous hiend specs, they had to push ALOT more money than 30 million to make that happen. Not even samsung has hiend specs like canonicals device(and samsung has cash, canonical not. Just geekdreams for an upstarter like canonical. Same for Jolla if they was that naive.

Seriously for 400EUR you can't expect that topend for an upstart.

If you want hiend for that price they had to sell x million devices. not x ten tousands. We should be glad if they success sell an 250 000 devices and still survive 2014.

If they did go your root of hiend. Well they probadly would die before chrismas 2013 in ruined because they had big loans to the investors and only 1000 device sold to some fanatic Linux geeks who has no problem pay 8000EUR for a hiend device. Because thats probadly those prices you had to pay for hiend device in small volumes.

And about Android suppport, I dont like android support and as you said it may be that devs not choose make sailfish apps. But tell me whats the alternative? Not supporting means alot more people would complain because X/Y/Z app dont exists on sailfish OS and even less people would buy the device.

But think of it again. It may instead end that devs actually start makes apps for sailfishos when more people buys Jolla phone and developers se how easy and fun it is write apps for sailfishos. Now that would bne a win win situation in the longer run.

Its reality not dreams.
Keep safe and healthy

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-09-22 at 10:52.

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Trouble is, it's not even mid-end, it'll be quite well below mid-end in many areas by the time it's out.
Most of us knew it was going to be decidedly mid-end, probably even mostly sub mid-end...
But many of us were also hoping there'd be at least 1x hw aspect in which they didn't compromise so much, just one.*
And no, "TOH" doesn't count as that 1x hw aspect....
At least not until they can show that there's some real (& truly compelling) TOH's coming from them, or partners.

*maybe we do have 1x thanks to it's radio config? I truly hope so.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-22 at 11:04. Reason: typo

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Oh come on, those spec are pretty good. It doesnt matter if its highend or lowend, it matters if its fast enough and dual krait is fast. Sure it's not the fastest but its much faster than our old a8. Resolution? Its like you will ever hardly notice the difference. In webpages, yes of course but you would have to be 10years old to read a webpage without zooming it on a 5'' screen fullhd.
The thing that worries me is 1gb of ram, but still, how many of you remeber when 1gb was hard to fill on a pc? I believe it will be alright.
If we want a 'highend' jolla of your point of view we must support them and hope their third phone will be a 'highend'.

Last edited by szymeczek34; 2013-09-22 at 11:05.

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Trouble is, it's not even mid-end, it'll be quite well below mid-end in many areas by the time it's out.
Most of us knew it was going to be decidedly mid-end, probably even mostly sub mid-end...
But many of us were also hoping there'd be at least 1x hw aspect in which they didn't compromise so much, just one.*
And no, "TOH" doesn't count as that 1x hw aspect....
At least not until they can show that there's some real (& truly compelling) TOH's coming from them, or partners.

*maybe we do have 1x thanks to it's radio config, I truly hope so
Yes it may be the case that it's not even midend. But fact stands those selling midend for lower price has a huge cashflow to sell X 000 000 devices. Jolla has around x 0 000 devices preordered. Summary they are not comparble. Lets say they instead inserted an HD display the price would probadly raise 1000 EUR more. Now would they sell x00 000 more devices cause of that? I doubt, seriously its way hard bussines out there.

They have to set not to highprice and not to lowspecs.

And whatever they decide people will get pissed. I think in the end they better marketing it as midendprice than try sell some hiend device for 8000EUR. If they succes well maybe will come with and more hiend device endof 2014.

But first they have to marketing it as crazy to make sure they sell atleast 250 000 devices in first quarter, and that will be very hard, and 500 000 half year and end of 2014 hoppefully they still alive to come with some new midhiend phone. But still not comparable with what samsung, Iphone will have...

As marketing I think, right now OTH and the smooth OS and fresh OS may get attention from endusers, not HW specs because in that case they has no chance to compete. So I dont think anyone in the community wins on starting bashing about HW atm. Its there like it or not.

Support or not support its upto everyone.

And about not support Android or supporty it, well its upto the developers. The more apps made for core Sailfish OS the less need for Android compability but right now it has to be there as the endusers want those apps like instagram etc... until someone makes replacement apps.
Keep safe and healthy

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-09-22 at 11:39.

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I have observed the discussion about upcoming Jolla device HW specs. I rarely write something down, as this discussion do not lead anywhere in recent times. Below are my 5 cents:
I am person who likes beautiful high tech devices. I am ready to pay for that(my white N9 cost me 650euro). I like to have the top performer, no doubt. For me it is the performance and materials/aesthetics that make a top-end device. But why should Jolla phone be considered "mid-range" or even "sub mid-range" device?!
- if Jolla performs better than most high-ends with its processor, then who needs more powerful one?!
- if 1GB RAM is enough for the system requirements and effortless multitasking who needs more ?
- if due to system efficiency battery lasts for 2-3 days who needs bigger?
- OK, here comes screen, but I am happy with my N9 screen, and really don't feel the need for higher res, if this one work smooth and helps for power consumption.
- top layer screen is GG2, so what? I have no complains with my N9.
- design and materials: this we have yet to see.

So if Jolla puts out(see above) a device that is smooth, and elegant and fast and user friendly - why you shall consider it "mid-range" when it performs the same level or better than the current "high end"?!
It is like you have a car, with speed of a Ferrari, cornering of a McLaren and comfort of a Bentley but you consider it "mid-range" because its engine is only 2.4 turbo, it is not made of carbon fiber an it fuel consumption and price tag are lower than other cars.

Yes, I agree that it will be great to have all the latest and greatest HW there is, and have the performance way superior than all competitors just for the indulgence of the geeks in us, but that is really not necessary for Jolla to compete with the giants.


Last edited by zlatko; 2013-09-22 at 11:24.

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Lotta big "if's" there, when you have specs you have facts, there's no flailing about afterwards.
Plus there's many things that sw nicely integrated with hw just can't do, we all know that.

Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Seriously for 400EUR you can't expect that topend for an upstart.
If you want hiend for that price they had to sell x million devices. not x ten tousands. We should be glad if they success sell an 250 000 devices and still survive 2014.
There's no doubt they could've been more aggressive than they have been, some perfect examples are start-ups like Meizu & Xiaomi.
Ofc when they were finalising provisioning, libhybris was still a open Qn in some respects, so maybe that can be their excuse, maybe.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-22 at 12:22.
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Originally Posted by szymeczek34 View Post
Oh come on, those spec are pretty good. It doesnt matter if its highend or lowend, it matters if its fast enough and dual krait is fast. Sure it's not the fastest but its much faster than our old a8. Resolution? Its like you will ever hardly notice the difference. In webpages, yes of course but you would have to be 10years old to read a webpage without zooming it on a 5'' screen fullhd.
The thing that worries me is 1gb of ram, but still, how many of you remeber when 1gb was hard to fill on a pc? I believe it will be alright.
If we want a 'highend' jolla of your point of view we must support them and hope their third phone will be a 'highend'.
LOL, its not a PC its a phone. Also one reason memory is doubled on PC is == 64bit. Now look at the Iphone6 if I remember correct it will have 64 bit question is has they doubled the memory on that new phone?

Summary is if Jolla has inserted a 64bit SoC I could understand they need > 2Gb. But right now I think 1Gb is enought if the OS is optimized and the developers free unused resources when app is sleeping. Apps that eats to much memory are ooften bad applications.

And if QML is eating to much memory the QtQuick2 need to fix those issues ASAP to not be as bloated as dalvik/android was (because I take for granted Android has been optimized since I used that crap v1.5 that was...).
Keep safe and healthy

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-09-22 at 11:34.

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"pretty soon", funniest line, jolla, pipo party, sailfish, tmo red

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