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Originally Posted by rm_you View Post
It could be cool to combine bluetooth management as well, but I'm really starting to worry about feature creep taking a good applet and making it into a bloated mess. Therefore, I've decided to limit my focus on this applet to only sound and display related features, at least until someone comes up with a revolutionary idea that involves something else, or else enough people complain.
Im going to complain.

Feature creep is an issue, but I want to cram as much functionality into the statusbar as possible. a bluetooth applet would be useful, but I just don't have enough space for it at this point, and id like to have all my applets visible all the time. As it is I already have my rotate screen applet on the down arrow.
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Originally Posted by drizek View Post
Im going to complain.

Feature creep is an issue, but I want to cram as much functionality into the statusbar as possible. a bluetooth applet would be useful, but I just don't have enough space for it at this point, and id like to have all my applets visible all the time. As it is I already have my rotate screen applet on the down arrow.
See what you can do to help out the advanced connectiviy applet that hasn't gotten off the ground yet. I'd rather connectivity and sound/brightness stay separate.
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It would help if I had an N810 to test with. Anyone want to help out with that? :P (mostly kidding... but only mostly)

Picklesworth: That is a VERY well known issue... Trust me, I've been pulling my hair out for about 6 months now trying to figure out how that is done, but until someone from Nokia throws me a bone (either opens the source on either the official volume or the backlight applet, or just tells me how they did it) I'm pretty much stuck.
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rm_you: The screen rotate status bar applet does this, and I believe is open source (or at least by a less top-heavy developer). Perhaps it could serve as a decent example?
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Originally Posted by Picklesworth View Post
rm_you: The screen rotate status bar applet does this, and I believe is open source (or at least by a less top-heavy developer). Perhaps it could serve as a decent example?
No it doesn't, it does a regular list of menu items, but it doesn't include any sliders.
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Just a quick message to thankauthor of this applet.
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can anyone tell me what the applet above the internet radio is in this screenshot?
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Originally Posted by munky261 View Post
can anyone tell me what the applet above the internet radio is in this screenshot?
It's the FM Radio applet.
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Has anybody noticed the 100% CPU load issue recently?
I loaded this applet last night and when I triggered it, my n810 slowed to the point I thought it had hung up. I rebooted it via ssh and accessed the applet again and the same thing happened. I let it sit for a few minutes just to see and eventually the applet window closed and things went back to normal.
Doc, 68W3P, AAS, NREMT-P
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combatdoc...i dont have that problem...what else do you have running...
no longer here...leave me a pm......meeep....

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