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Where can I find a version of flite that works with maemo-mapper? I tried the one pointed to by the maemo applications catalogue in the wiki but that one doesn't contain a command "flite" (It contains flite_test which is a gui application).

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Originally Posted by insert_nick
urgh, it was that! shame on me, thank you very much... wow great app. Btw, can I repeat the same "stupid" question someone has done on the beginning of this thread, about how to set that "classpath" to work with flite? (flite installed and working, but not set in classpath. I'm too bad in linux stuff sorry)
This is what Gnuite told me and it worked for me:

"If you don't have vim to edit the /etc/profile file, copy/paste this sed command into your XTerm:

sed 's@PATH *=[^/]*@&/var/lib/install/usr/bin:@' /etc/profile > /tmp/
Move /tmp/ to /etc/profile. (it would be wise to make a backup first).

Once you move it, test it by typing "source /etc/profile" into XTerm. If an error occurs, restore your backup and try again. If nothing happens, thats a good sign. Now, retry the flite command to see if it works now: (make sure you have sound on)
flite "This is a test."

Last edited by kutibah; 2006-05-15 at 22:39.
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I'm sorry if I've seemed to have fallen off the face of the planet, but I've been on vacation since Friday (May 12) morning and have not had internet access until today. I will continue to have limited internet access until I get back from vacation on Sunday, May 21. Yes, I know, I have a Nokia 770 and I should have internet access everywhere.

I've read through all the comments posted in this thread so far, and there is a lot of good feedback so far. Some of the issues will be easy to fix (the locale thing with atof() was an oversight on my part). Some of the suggestions are great and should be relatively easy to add to Maemo Mapper. When I get back from vacation I will begin integrating a subset of the fixes and suggestions, after which I will test the changes and release Maemo Mapper v0.2. Until then, continue to post your bug reports and suggestions into this thread. When I get back from vacation and have a free evening, I will address each post with a reply.

Thanks to everyone who has donated money, time, and/or effort for the gain of Maemo Mapper. You are all contributing to and subsequently responsible for the growth of Maemo Mapper. I can't test all of the possible GPS receivers without a large supply of money and time, but with your help we can test a decent selection of them, and with your feedback we can make sure Maemo Mapper works on the largest possible subset.

[em]This[/em] is the true power of open source.
Posts: 182 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2006
Originally Posted by gnuite

I'm sorry if I've seemed to have fallen off the face of the planet, but I've been on vacation since Friday (May 12) morning and have not had internet access until today. I will continue to have limited internet access until I get back from vacation on Sunday, May 21. Yes, I know, I have a Nokia 770 and I should have internet access everywhere.

I've read through all the comments posted in this thread so far, and there is a lot of good feedback so far. Some of the issues will be easy to fix (the locale thing with atof() was an oversight on my part). Some of the suggestions are great and should be relatively easy to add to Maemo Mapper. When I get back from vacation I will begin integrating a subset of the fixes and suggestions, after which I will test the changes and release Maemo Mapper v0.2. Until then, continue to post your bug reports and suggestions into this thread. When I get back from vacation and have a free evening, I will address each post with a reply.

Thanks to everyone who has donated money, time, and/or effort for the gain of Maemo Mapper. You are all contributing to and subsequently responsible for the growth of Maemo Mapper. I can't test all of the possible GPS receivers without a large supply of money and time, but with your help we can test a decent selection of them, and with your feedback we can make sure Maemo Mapper works on the largest possible subset.

[em]This[/em] is the true power of open source.
Awesome! Thanks for the update. And I agree, Nokia made a wise decision by not going with the trend and allowing Open Source programming for the 770.
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2005
Hi gnuite,

Once again, thank you for your work...
Here's a sugestion relating to map downloading.

After a quick search on the internet, it was easy to find a list that associates city/country , and their coordinates...
(for example:
and also:
(this site has very dettailed info...)

So, my sugestion is this:
integrate a similar list (in xml) on MaemoMapper, and then, have a menu option to select the city, the radius (in Km) and the zoom level...
this would make it very easy to download the full map for a certain city...
(the ability to delete maps, based on location, radius and zoom level, would also be nice...)

thanks for your work and attention.

Last edited by lmf; 2006-05-16 at 14:07.
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006
Hello guys,

I would like to download the google maps to store it on my Nokia 770 that I can use the maemo mapper off line.

I use the following URL
but I am using longitude and latitude instead of this x and y
and I need to convert the 2 values

I have the "x"
int tilesNumberOnASide=2^(17-zoom);
double x = Math.floor(tilesNumberOnASide*(longitude+180)/360);

but I am not able to get the value for the "y"
I have a closer look to the maemo-mapper source code, but it is quite a bit complex to me and I was not able reproduce the right formula. Moreover the 0.5f is suspicious to me.

#define MERCATOR_SPAN (-6.28318377773622f)
#define MERCATOR_TOP (3.14159188886811f)
#define latlon2unit(lat, lon, unitx, unity) { \
gfloat tmp; \
unitx = (lon + 180.f) * (WORLD_SIZE_UNITS / 360.f) + 0.5f; \
tmp = sinf(lat * (PI / 180.f)); \
* (logf((1.f + tmp) / (1.f - tmp)) * 0.5f - MERCATOR_TOP); \

Is any body able to give me the right formula?
Posts: 59 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005
Originally Posted by insert_nick
urgh, it was that! shame on me, thank you very much... wow great app. Btw, can I repeat the same "stupid" question someone has done on the beginning of this thread, about how to set that "classpath" to work with flite? (flite installed and working, but not set in classpath. I'm too bad in linux stuff sorry)
Sadly this still doesn't work for me. Still just a black screen, l've also tried the alternative URL. Hope someone can help!
Posts: 481 | Thanked: 190 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Salem, OR
Originally Posted by jfheintz
Is any body able to give me the right formula?
download winmapper from this site:

you have the source code and and the exe in the zip. you will have to look at those functions:

in GetMapsForZoom first 2 lines of code:
start_tilex := unit2ztile(start_unitx, zoom + 1);
start_tiley := unit2ztile(start_unity, zoom + 1);

shows you how to calculate the x, y for one tile
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2006
I really like this application so I cannot stop thinking about new features which, in my opinion, will be useful.

In the first place, used as a car gps, I really think it should change zooming depending on speed as I don't need detailed maps when I'm driving fast on a motorway, while I do really need all the detail in the middle of the town. Of course, this feature should be turned on and off on demmand on the preferences dialog, as I'm sure not all the people will like it :-)

I would like also having some trip info on the map screen as current speed, heading (don't ask me why I like it so much), trip distance, altitude (maybe you can get all the other data from the car itself, but that isn't true for altitude) and the like.

The last feature (for the moment) I think could be quite useful is a waypoint database with "relevant" places with their GPS coordinates, and an on screen display of straight direction you should follow to get there. Sometimes, when you don't have any other better indication, this proves to be of much use.

What do you think?

I hope I will have some time for coding so I would like to be contributing code in the future.

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