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Banned | Posts: 25 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2010
I switched to iPhone 3GS for a simple reason. It's the best enterprise/media device. It supports provisioning and soon will support multiple exchange accounts. N900 failed me. I couldn't get my work email on N900, because Nokia geniuses forgot to provid provisioning! Every other smartphone device provides it. N900 was made for children
Posts: 282 | Thanked: 337 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austin, TX, USA
Originally Posted by N900schizo View Post
I switched to iPhone 3GS for a simple reason. It's the best enterprise/media device. It supports provisioning and soon will support multiple exchange accounts. N900 failed me. I couldn't get my work email on N900, because Nokia geniuses forgot to provid provisioning! Every other smartphone device provides it. N900 was made for children
Yes...I feel very childlike when I VPN in to the corporate network, ssh to a server and execute commands, access internal and external web sites without needing a dumbed-down web app, or RDP to a windows box. And all with free, open source software that is known to be stable and secure. And with the ability to switch among programs, websites, rdp session, etc., at will.

Iphone is NOT the best enterprise device. It has typically been a security nightmare for IT departments, though they are supposedly improving some of that in the new firmware. Despite the popularity of the iPhone, the Blackberry has been (and remains) the best enterprise device (though anyone who does anything even a little bit IT-ish should be carrying an N900 instead).

The only people who think that the iPhone is a good business tool are the people who think that texting and firing off the occasional email constitutes doing business. (Seriously...the iPhone doesn't even have a blinking light to tell you an email is waiting...if you rely on timely communications to any degree, you would disqualify the thing for that reason alone.)
Banned | Posts: 25 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2010
iPhone is the best media/enterprise device. Inhad several blackberry devices. iPhone is so much better in richness and display. Plus upcoming multiple exchange account will be a blackberry killer....
Posts: 282 | Thanked: 337 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austin, TX, USA
Originally Posted by N900schizo View Post
iPhone is the best media/enterprise device. Inhad several blackberry devices. iPhone is so much better in richness and display. Plus upcoming multiple exchange account will be a blackberry killer....
I bow to your superior debating skills. I am logging onto AT&T now to order my iPhone.
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Nah....I am on T mobile....AT&T too pricey
Posts: 282 | Thanked: 337 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austin, TX, USA
Originally Posted by N900schizo View Post
Nah....I am on T mobile....AT&T too pricey
Just out of curiousity: did you ever actually buy an N900?
Banned | Posts: 25 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2010
Did you read post? I ordered it in November last year and to my great disappointment....couldn't get my work email....later learned from Vitaly that N900 is not an enterprise device and does not support provisioning.....the only good thing N900 is the web...
Posts: 282 | Thanked: 337 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austin, TX, USA
I think you might be happier with a windows device (though you complain about multiple exchange accounts, which my last two winmo phones didn't do either). If you are really switching to an iPhone, you better check with your it department whether they are going to support it. As you are in the medical field (I looked at your posts like you suggested) you might be screwed. Privacy regulations are huge in medical, and the iPhone may not be up to snuff (and therefore disallowed) even if it does do provisioning (by which you might mean remote wipe and other security policies such as enforced phone locking). And aside from whether it is allowed, you should make sure it will be technically supported in your environment. If your exchange is set up in a nonstandard way (and if it was standard, you would have a couple of pieces of information about your exchange server to feed into the N900 and it would work fine), or if it is an Exchange 2003 server, it may not actually work with the iPhone either.

I have my complaints about the email on the N900 as well. I really want the ability to respond to meeting requests that I have heard is in the 1.2 upgrade. But "epic fail" on N900 email and calling the iPhone an enterprise "blackberry killer" are huge stretches of reality.

If email provisioning restrictions were so vitally important to you, then ordering the N900 before you had any information as to whether it would meet those requirements (and whether your it department would allow it) was your own epic fail. And you seem to have made the same mistake all over again in buying an iPhone and counting on potential future technology. I just hope you post those complaints on an iPhone message board.
Banned | Posts: 25 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2010
iPhone works with my Work email now. Absolutely no problems. I ordered the device on nov 28th. Got my n900 on dec 1. It was advertised as device that supports mail for exchange, and coming from E71, I assumed it meant it will work with my medical center....unfortunately it didn't as I only learned in later posts here that provisioning was an issue. I researched this device well before buying. I did not find any mention that it will not fully support enterprise email. Remember one thing: customer is always right and it was Nokias epic failure to treat this only as media device with half *** email function. Vitaly here knows and acknowledges it.
Posts: 282 | Thanked: 337 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Austin, TX, USA
Well...who am I to argue with Vitaly.

And I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience. Clearly it was traumatic for you as it has driven you to use over-the-top descriptions such as "epic fail" and to continue complaining about it well after you seem to have given up the device. Perhaps it is time to move on.

The rest of us will try to soldier on without this one missing feature that caused you so much grief.

Now...having vented my frustration at the silly, over the top rhetoric in this post (and having had my silly, over the top arguments as to why the iPhone is not a blackberry killer and why the N900 is a serious business device completely ignored), I am done with the troll feeding.

goodbye dookie, goodbye sam, guber99 lives!, hello samantha, i say hello

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