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Looks like we won one battle for N770 furure :-)

Still not supported officially (as in Hello customer support, this software crashes can you help me) but better than nothing.

Thanks to people on this forum who tried to download it. It was important in the decision, see also end of
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Yup, just saw these on the Planet too.
Real good news, for a change. Now they need to come up with some actual results... An updated version of OS2007 for 770 would be a good start !
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Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
Looks like we won one battle for N770 furure :-)
I'm really happy to read this; everything else in this blog-post is very interesting, too. It seems they're really moving in the right direction.
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Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
Still not supported officially (as in Hello customer support, this software crashes can you help me) but better than nothing.
Let's be honest, has anyone contacted Nokia officially and gotten support for N800 software? I've seen N800 posts in the official Nokia discussion forum go unanswered - I dread to think what would happen if you actually called their help center! They probably only have two answers a) pull out the battery, followed by b) reflash it.

IMHO, the unsupported Hacker Edition IT2007 will receive the same level of support as the official supported IT2006! If you want help with either, try the forums/newsgroups and don't bother contacting Nokia except for hardware repairs (and even then you may need to think twice...)
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Originally Posted by fpp View Post
... Real good news, for a change. Now they need to come up with some actual results... An updated version of OS2007 for 770 would be a good start !
Until Nokia actually issues an update, I'll stick with my mantra, "Fool me twice, shame on me." Let's hope the words out of Nokia are backed up with code. If they do, I'll consider reverting to my original plan of eventually updating to the N800 and passing the 770 on to a relative, but Nokia has a hill t o climb.
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i agree. talk is cheap. i will also wait before i consider an n800 or future tablets from nokia
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Still waiting........ Any news?
Posts: 74 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007
nokia_it_gainings=(new_n800_users+(n770_owners-n770_users_ unsatisfied))*n800_price - epsilon

nokia_it_gainings is maximized by keeping n770 users waiting

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further 770 support = keep hosting the 770 software and docs , and that's all?
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"qgil comentó:

We promise to keep developing the hacker edition. We allocated a budget for that. We contact the developer that has been working on the previous releases of the hacker edition. We agree that he will start working as soon as he is available. And this is the plan. Note that maintaining the hacker edition is not a task that anybody can do in their free time: it requires advanced skills, dedication and some business bureaucracy.
Freeing the sources would be a process between even slower and impossible now.
I think we are doing the best that we in realistic terms can we do. If you have feasible suggestions for improvement go ahead."


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