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, 12:10
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@ UK
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, 12:10
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@ Southerrn Finland
So for this you get a blank slate hardware, with working linux kernel, and the rest is up to you.
, 12:52
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@ Germany
So there is a difference between "success" (or failure) and "perceived success" (or failure).
I have been a tinkerer all my life. The goals of all my hobby projects have always been the joy of doing it and the learning experience. From my point of view, very few of them failed to achieve those goals. But for first my parents and now my spouse none of them achieved anything as I never made any money on them.
, 13:15
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@ From my Gabriola Island hermitage, near the Edge of the World
, 13:32
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@ Germany
And next.
I really suggest you step back from anything involving statements about another persons family and what you are projecting as to what they may or may not think.
That is dangerous waters you are swimming in.
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, 14:16
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@ From my Gabriola Island hermitage, near the Edge of the World
, 14:24
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@ UK
This was meant as a joke on how monetized people's success criteria are these days.
Sorry if I didn't make that clear enough!
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, 14:35
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@ Lower Rhine
But for first my parents and now my spouse none of them achieved anything as I never made any money on them.
The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to mosen For This Useful Post: | ||
, 10:19
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Maybe they have set a goal that is not unachievable?
At that price point it may not be about selling thousands but hundreds or even less?
Someone in this thread identified the device as already existing, maybe it costs them 200 to 400 bucks and what they sell is actually the software wetwork they already invested or plan to do.
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