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Originally Posted by qwerty12 View Post
BTW, any chance for a cheat menu ?
Oh yes that would be nice. I'm spoiled now with the cheat menus ukki put into Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior. It makes it so much quicker to turn cheats on and off.
scumgrief's Avatar
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Can't you just input cheat commands into console?

give [item] #
give all
Scraping money together to get a n810 and/or n800.
Pushwall's Avatar
Posts: 373 | Thanked: 110 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Well yeah. But it's so much faster with the cheat menu, and you don't have to remember the cheats. Try it in DN3D and you'll see what I mean and how it spoils you.
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Sorry I took my time again with this, but I finally got around to making the promised new version. The package can be grabbed from or directly from my repo.

I decided on MaQii (as in short for Maemo QuakeII) as a new name for the project, but if you think that's a really terrible choice, it can be changed again. Also I probably missed changing some strings in the game, so if you come across anyplace where it still says quetoo, please let me know.

The application manager on the device doesn't seem to handle package replacement very well, so you'll need to remove the old quetoo package first, before the new version can be installed.

The launcher now has the map selection back, with a checkbox for selecting whether to continue from the saved game or load specific map.

Also I noticed there already is an ingame inventory screen, so I've set the plus key to by default show that and remap the keys, so you can choose items and weapons with the pad. I also swapped the binding for the pad up and middle keys, since I think the pad up is bit hard to press, especially if you want to press either left or right at the same time on the N810. Also added an default binding for Ctrl-key to toggle the console.

I changed the available resolution options in the launcher a bit, so if you've had the launcher installed previously, you might want to check that in the settings.

The game now also doesn't exit, if it detects an save game from an older version. It'll still print a warning, but will try to load it anyway, and if it's from one of my older releases, there shouldn't be any reason why this wouldn't work.

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What kind of performance are you seeing with this port? I'm wondering because using things like softfloat libraries on the Zaurus we were getting 320x240 16bit color with 20fps. The numbers I've been seeing here don't look anywhere near that good.
ZerionSeven's Avatar
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Originally Posted by stupkid View Post
What kind of performance are you seeing with this port? I'm wondering because using things like softfloat libraries on the Zaurus we were getting 320x240 16bit color with 20fps. The numbers I've been seeing here don't look anywhere near that good.
Running 'maqii +set basedir /media/mmc2/quetoo +set timedemo 1 +set vid_width 320 +set vid_height 240 +map demo2.dm2' gives me '618 frames, 35.5 seconds: 17.4 fps' and with '+set vid_width 400 +set vid_height 240' that matches the aspect on the n8x0 screen, and is default in my launcher gives '618 frames, 40.6 seconds: 15.2 fps'. I do think the zaurus has a bit better cpu, though I don't really know. I couldn't find any very good info on either zaurus or a q2 port for it either. Any optimzations that might have could probably benefit this too, so any info on this would be nice.
pipeline's Avatar
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Nice build zerion, thanks... time to re-visit this game... coop/dm/ctf games all possible for multi aspect.

ok so for 810 users who might want an alternate keymapping, i've applied my mad quake config skillz to create my own autoexec.cfg which you can download and place into /usr/share/maqii/quake2/baseq2

since 810 i mostly just ignore the top buttons but remapped fullscreen to forward anyways in case im just walking around i can close keyboard.

Without reaching for top buttons the dpad up is pretty accessible so i put back to :
DPAD Up/Down : forward/backward
DPAD Left/Right : Strafe left/right
DPAD Enter : fire
q : next weapon
a : look up
z : look down
w: inventory prev
e : inventory next
r : inventory use
c : crouch
g : give gun
m : give machine gun
p : look left
backspace : look right
' : jump
ctrl : console
h : help
y : play demo movie 1
u : play demo movie 2

Now if you are feeling l33t (and you played q2 back in the day) you can download this zip file, extract it to your /quake2/baseq2 dir (on mmc). Then load maqii and hit the i key Its a demo movie made in q2 heydays...

Last edited by pipeline; 2008-03-23 at 03:31.
qole's Avatar
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Originally Posted by stupkid View Post
What kind of performance are you seeing with this port? I'm wondering because using things like softfloat libraries on the Zaurus we were getting 320x240 16bit color with 20fps. The numbers I've been seeing here don't look anywhere near that good.
Originally Posted by ZerionSeven View Post
I couldn't find any very good info on either zaurus or a q2 port for it either. Any optimzations that might have could probably benefit this too, so any info on this would be nice.
I did some googling too, I could only find Quake 1 ports for the Sharp Zaurus. Could you post a link to a Quake 2 port for that device?
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So, how much support is there for mods? The in-game menu has been removed, so things have to be set up from the console, but in theory, should mods work?

I'm thinking of mods that you start by typing
maqii +set game <modname>

Last edited by qole; 2008-04-02 at 23:08. Reason: added command line example
ZerionSeven's Avatar
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
So, how much support is there for mods? The in-game menu has been removed, so things have to be set up from the console, but in theory, should mods work?
I don't really know, anything that would work with quetoo, should work with this, though, they'd need to be compiled for arm. Atleast it should be possible to make mods specifically designed for maqii.

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