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zeez's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Roc Ingersol View Post
Honestly, I'd rather they concentrate on the problems that the community hasn't worked around yet.

E.g. video performance, h.264 support, 3d hardware driver, etc.
There is a workaround for email ? Anything that works well with IMAP AND isn't clumsy like claws ? AND is perfectly integrated like the original client ? That would be awesome ! Where can i get that ?
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My set of questions :
1. Are stereo Bluetooth headphones supported? (Some say yes, some say no...)
2. How many SD slots we get, after all - 1 or 2? and what size - full, mini, or micro?
3. Is FM radio still there ?
EIPI's Avatar
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What about the FM tuner? Has that made its way to the N810 also?

[EDIT] - Sorry, I was beaten by one minute on my question!

Last edited by EIPI; 2007-10-18 at 18:47. Reason: Simultaneous post from other user
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Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
They do, probably, but realize that those layouts will lose some of the other characters (how many depends on the language) because there are a limited number of keys on the hw keyboard. Most, if not all of the non-English languages have more than 26 letters, for example. The letters you lose (or which may get hidden behind some function key combo) are typically special characters that those who only write letters to friends never use, but it's like having an amputation if you want to write something as simple as 'ls -l `find . -name "*.org" -print` | grep ^\$ |more' in osso-xterm. (by 'simple' I realize it doesn't look simple to non-commandliners, but stuff like that is normal for some of us.)
That's true, localization isn't certainly a trivial issue. N810 has 7 different regional keyboard layouts. The bottom of the screen area is also used for certain input tasks. For instance, certain rarely - but occasionally - used special characters are available by pressing the Chr button from the keyboard and selecting them from the area on-screen, at the bottom of the view. It's usually two clicks, but one on the hardware button and one from the touch screen. I'd dare to say that it works quite nicely. Most commonly used special characters are available directly from the keyboard behind the Fn key.

Overall, it is still very usable usable also localized. The english one has, as can be seen from the pictures, the most commonly used punctuation even as separate keys, which is certainly nice.
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I've got a bluetooth keyboard and bluetooth GPS. The decision making questions for me:

1. Is the screen broad daylight readable? Assume it is on a charger mounted to the handlebars of my motorcycle, could it be a navigation device?

2. Does the bluetooth support A2DP out of the box? What about the other bluetooth profiles?

3. What would be my cost to "buy up" wayfinder software on my N800?

Price is stiff but if it could double as a dedicated GPS nav device and maintain common chargers with my cell, life would be good.

David Smoot
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Is IT N810 taking full advantage of OMAP2420 2D, 3D graphics, video and imaging hw accelerators?

If not yet, what's keeping them?
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Ok, still one. Is there composite video out on the device?

Why not?
Posts: 65 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2007
Originally Posted by zeez View Post
There is a workaround for email ? Anything that works well with IMAP AND isn't clumsy like claws ? AND is perfectly integrated like the original client ? That would be awesome ! Where can i get that ?
I said 'workaround', not 'solution'.

But I'll take clumsy claws and good video/flash performance over a great mail client and the n800s initial video/flash mess.
Posts: 631 | Thanked: 1,123 times | Joined on Sep 2005 @ Helsinki
Originally Posted by miemsl View Post
Ok, still one. Is there composite video out on the device?
Why not?
No. It would take space. It's not like there is empty space inside the device.

And besides, what would you use composite video out for?
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Would be kinda tempting to use large flatpanel tv at livingroom through composite, streaming video et. al.

And taken the OMAP2 seems to natively support that functionality and ie. N95 has it enabled even to the connector on the device, even more cramped...

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