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debernardis's Avatar
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Don't forget that the .basilisk_ii_prefs file has to stay in your /home/user directory. Failure to put it there will cause the executable to be unable to find the rom file.
Ernesto de Bernardis

Posts: 91 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2007
I put everything in /home/user (QUAD650.ROM, BaslisikII, .basilisk_ii_prefs, Starterdisk.hfv).

My .basilisk_ii_prefs contains a row "rom /home/user/QUAD650.ROM". All files have the permission 755 and belong to "user:users"
Posts: 91 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2007
can you post your setup?
debernardis's Avatar
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Maybe you better rename your QUAD650.ROM file to quad650.rom (i.e. lowercase)? Also, see size; mine is 1048576 bytes.
Ernesto de Bernardis

Last edited by debernardis; 2008-02-24 at 16:24.
Posts: 91 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2007
it runs now. The problem was a conversion issue with CR-LF from Windows in the .basilisk_ii_prefs file.
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I am trying to install word perfect but did not have success. Anyone can tell me how to do this?
debernardis's Avatar
Posts: 2,142 | Thanked: 2,054 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ Sicily
You need a decompressor. On the system disk image I got, there was Stuffit Expander 5.5 which does the job well. Take it here.
Ernesto de Bernardis

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Originally Posted by OSEmuTech View Post
BTW: I am very thankful that t3h took the time to enhance Basilisk II for the NIT. Even after 9 years of running Basilisk II, I'm still excited with running the Mac OS on a non-Mac, in this case on a PDA that fits in my pocket. I hope people who try Basilisk II out find the emulator to be one of the coolest (and useful) things to run on their NIT.
Absolutely!!! Better than your antique Performa 6115 that you quite couldn't carry in your shirt pocket. By the way, whatever happened to that old Performa?

One issue is shaping up as critical, and that is keyboard control. N810 users are reporting that the built-in keyboard is not very supported... I am now playing with xkbd (after your helpful advice on how to install it on OS 2008) but at times it behaves erratic. And my external ThinkOutside keyboard to be fully compatible we would need a suitable mapping to get the "Option" and "Command" keys working. Without the "Option" key working we can't have access to symbol and international characters. What do you think could be done on this issue?

An observation, the control panel for StartUp disk does not appear to work. It displays the eligible startup disk but trying to select an alternate startup disk elicits a "beep"... and the setting doesn't stick.


-- Denis
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I sold the Performa 6115CD for $300 to an Apple repair and sales shop ~5 years later (with upgraded 72 MB of RAM, 4.1 GB hard drive).

Yeah. The xkbd package probably needs upgrading for OS 2008 and the N810. Hopefully that can be done. I've been meaning to look at the xkbd format to see what additional keys can be used with it, like function keys and option. I imagine this has already been discussed and looked at by others on this forum.

The Startup Disk control panel will not work under Basilisk II. Whatever the highest disk image in the .basilisk_ii_prefs file is will be the one that Basilisk II attempts to boot off of. So just move one disk above another to boot off that one. I always keep a small bootable hard drive image around in case I need to use it to do a disk repair on my main hard drive file image. On other platforms, the CD-ROM can be chosen to have preference for booting off of instead of a bootable hard drive file, so the Startup Disk control panel can be deleted.
16-Bit x86 DOS: DOSBox
Amiga 68k: UAE
Apple II: Winapple
Apple 68k Mac: Basilisk II
Commodore 64: Frodo
Palm OS: Access GarnetVM
TI-89 Calculator: TiEmu 2
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I dont suppose there would be a way to begin a repository or some sort of index of Macintosh Classic Applications that perfectly complemented Maemo would there?

Like how Office and Wordperfect is great because Maemo has yet a powerful wordprocessor and maybe an IRC client, Graphics editor... things like that?

I know kde does alot but this way we dont need to switch interfaces... i'd much rather be surfing the web w/ microb and typing up some HW at the same time rather than the whole konqueror and kword type deal. Not that it doesnt work well... just a preference.

BTW, what other applications do you all install on this fine piece of work? I find it extremely difficult to find programs for Mac OS 7.5.


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