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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
If original developer is still here, but don't have time/interest in releasing updated version, maybe she/he can at least explain some maemo specific fixxes/hacks, that would make it easier for new developer to start maintaining it?
This is a bit complicated. ;-)

What I have built for Maemo is something like 15.5 as it is based ond to a code dump form mercurial repo heavy in development. Just before introduction of scenarios. So, it's not that old as build15.

My build is based on an earlier hack of the UI for older Maemo devices. It required a lot of effort though, as code changed a lot.
The same case is for build16. You may find a touchscreen UI patch I extracted from my sources on Widelands launchpad and try to forwardport it for build16.

But, I have already repackaged Widelands for MeeGo and I will be updating it to build16 and packaging for Harmattan. If there will be no problems with I could build it for Fremantle also.

Just be a bit patient, as I have loads of other things to do now.
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Thanks Smoku for quick answer, and most pleasant news to hear Time is not a problem, if we know that you're working on it. If You need any help on "dirty" work (not requiring programming knowledge - some "I need monkey to do this or that" case), I'll be glad to help.
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I updated widelands to 17rc2. I could apply almost all patches. The only problem is that opengl is enabled by default. So please disable opengl in the options menu otherwise gameplay will be very very slow. Keys are working.

_"M Toggle minimap"
_"N Toggle messages ('news')"
_"C Toggle census"
_"S Toggle statistics"
_"O Toggle objectives display"
_"F Toggle Fullscreen"
_"H Center main mapview on starting location"
_", / . Go to previous / next location"
_"Fn+UP Increase gamespeed"
_"Fn+DOWN Decrease gamespeed"

You can pause the game by Fn+DOWN.

I exchanged right click by left click. I hope everyting works. I will upload to devel now.

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More ideas for you
I don't find a way to filter by both genre and source availability...

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Thanks a lot, HolgerN for picking it up, where original developer left it without notice!
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Game doesn't launch. Tried via terminal and it says " not found"

Seems there is a package missing in dependencies, libglu1-mesa. After installing it, widelands works.

There is a segmentation fault too on Battle for Wesnoth, something about basic_ios.h not found, but i need to make space to test again,

Hope it helps

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I have only libgl1 and libglew1.5 installed and widelands works. Which library have you installed?
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jun 2011
As i said, libglu1-mesa.

Error message:

./widelands:error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Only reason i see for this is that libglew1.5-dev depends on libglu1-mesa-dev that needs libglu1-mesa.

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I will check and rebuild libglew and i will check its build dependency.

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