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Originally Posted by dkwatts View Post
Just being politely creative...

When I 1)manually delete /.gcdialerhist, and 2)restart Grandcentral Dialer, the history is cleared, so...
would I simply code the <CLEAR> button to automatically delete .gcdialerhist?
Originally Posted by dkwatts View Post

Thanks for your hard work...
You're welcome.

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Originally Posted by racky View Post
Yes, I did. What I can think of is if you don't close the program, the second number will be appended to the first number and will cause the program to dial a number that doesn't exist.
Just like if the first number is 619-331-4554. The second time if I dial the same number again it will become 619-331-4554-619-331-4554. I
Do you have any evidence of that behavior? Earlier in this thread, I asked someone to check the contents of the file
That file keeps the history of numbers that were dialed.

I am very interested if the application is really concatenating numbers together, but I don't think that's possible, knowing how the code works.
Originally Posted by racky View Post
have tried to dial the long time as a first call and it became busy. Any time if you dial a number that doesn't exist, you get a busy signal. What do you think?
I think that behavior is coming from

Please remember that the Grandcentral Dailer program actually does very gives you a friendly way to enter a phone number, then submits it to to place the call. It's up to and your VOIP provider (such as gizmo) and your VOIP software on the tablet to handle all the other details, such as dialling, volume, etc.

If you are hearing a busy signal, then has placed a call to a number that is busy.

I am very interested in diagnosing any errors in the number that Grandcentral Dialer is submitting to, but anything beyond that point is out of my control.
Originally Posted by racky View Post
p.s. 619-331-4554 is not my phone number, I just use it as an example. So try your own number
Actually, if you're having a consistent, reproducible problem, having the real phone number will help me with the diagnosis. Feel free to send me the details and a copy of history file (/home/user/.gcdialerhist) via e-mail if you don't want to post them publically. I will honor your privacy.

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Originally Posted by slip View Post
just want to send my appreciation for your effort on this. the new UI is much better.
You're welcome.
Originally Posted by slip View Post
i also had some peculiar behavior w/ the new release, but didn't figure out any rhyme or reason to them.
Details, please.

Originally Posted by slip View Post
by the way, i'm kind of curious to peak at thhe code for this project. i have zero experience with python, but i'm just curious to see what the code would look like for a project like this. is there a way to read the source?
Um, the program is distributed as source code...there is no compiled program. Look at:
for the program and the GUI interface definition.

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If people are thinking that this is a concatenation problem they should also check their call log on GC to see if there is any evidence of that.

It could just be a matter of GC bugs or possibly clamping down ( ha, that would require some effort on their part ).
Posts: 398 | Thanked: 77 times | Joined on Jul 2007
the app works like a champ on my n810- thanks for one of my most used apps
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Yes, it's a bug and I can prove it. Looking at the /tmp/gc_dialer.output it's clearly concatenating the two numbers. In this case 5184421111 was the first number I dialed and 5184422222 was the second.

~ $ more /tmp/gc_dialer.output 

<font color="#FF0000">
  Calling +51 844211115184422222
This may take a few seconds.

<a href="">Back</a>
The bug is not immediatly obvious, took me a minute to see what was going on. You append the phone number to the wget command, but then you KEEP appending to that command ( line 195 /usr/local/bin/ ).

                else :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                        Dialpad.wgetcmd = Dialpad.wgetcmd + Dialpad.phonenumber                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                        returnval = 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
                        # Remove any existing output file...                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                        if os.path.isfile(wgetoutput) :                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
                        child_stdout, child_stdin, child_stderr = os.popen3(Dialpad.wgetcmd)                                                                                                                                                                                       
Here is the fix

                else :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                        returnval = 0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
                        # Remove any existing output file...                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                        if os.path.isfile(wgetoutput) :                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
                        child_stdout, child_stdin, child_stderr = os.popen3(Dialpad.wgetcmd + Dialpad.phonenumber)                                                                                                                                                                 
You see I removed the one line and modified the popen3 command. This should keep the wgetcmd string clean. I have tested this chage and it works.

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Ah, this is why I love open source! Thanks for investigating, Brontide, and thanks again to z2n for the app.
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Neat, it's possible to change the callback number on the fly. I have to integrate this into the code. This way if you are at a random phone and don't want to use gizmo you can just punch in the phone number and use the dialer to initiate callback.

It shouldn't be too hard to implement the login without invoking the browser either.

Maybe "visual voicemail" can be next ;-)
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Originally Posted by slip View Post
Ah, this is why I love open source! Thanks for investigating, Brontide, and thanks again to z2n for the app.
Yep, me too! Thanks for debugging this.

I've applied that fix, and made some other changes (including removing repeated numbers from the drop-down history list). The new version is only on the garage SVN (scm) site as the "" file--I haven't tested this on my tablet or built a new deb package yet. Give it a couple of days...

I'm glad to see so much interested in the package, and welcome suggestions...even more, I welcome patches and people who want to work on the code itself.
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Originally Posted by z2n View Post
Yep, me too! Thanks for debugging this.

I've applied that fix, and made some other changes (including removing repeated numbers from the drop-down history list). The new version is only on the garage SVN (scm) site as the "" file--I haven't tested this on my tablet or built a new deb package yet. Give it a couple of days...

I'm glad to see so much interested in the package, and welcome suggestions...even more, I welcome patches and people who want to work on the code itself.
Please hurry up with that deb package, I love this stuff. Not a code person (not yet) but willing to give it a thorough test run. Thanks to all.

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